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1. Snowflake To Cloud Storage

General Execution:

export GCP_PROJECT=<gcp-project-id>
export REGION=<gcp-project-region>
export GCS_STAGING_LOCATION=<gcs-bucket-staging-folder-path>
export SUBNET=<gcp-project-dataproc-clusters-subnet>

bin/ \
-- \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.sfurl <snowflake-account-url> \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.sfuser <snowflake-user> \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.sfpassword <snowflake-user-password> \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.sfdatabase <snowflake-database> \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.sfschema <snowflake-schema> \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.sfwarehouse <snowflake-warehouse> \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.table <snowflake-table> \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.output.location <gcs-output-location> \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.output.format <csv|avro|orc|json|parquet> \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.output.mode <Overwrite|ErrorIfExists|Append|Ignore> \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.output.partitionColumn <gcs-output-partitionby-columnname> \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.autopushdown <on|off>

Configurable Parameters

Following properties are avaialble in commandline or file:

# Snowflake account URL. Format: <account-identifier>

# Snowflake username

# Snowflake user password

# Optional property: Snowflake database name

# Optional property: Snowflake schema name

# Optional property: Snowflake warehouse

# Optional property: Snowflake query pushdown feature
Note: If not specified explicitly through execution command, the default value is on.

# Optional property: Snowflake input table

# Optional property: Snowflake select query

# Cloud Storage output location. Format: gs://<bucket-name>/<dir>

# Cloud Storage ouput file format. Accepted values: csv, avro, orc, json or parquet

# Optional property: Cloud Storage ouput write mode. Accepted values: Overwrite, ErrorIfExists, Append or Ignore
Note: If not specified explicitly through execution command, the default value is Overwrite.

# Optional property: Cloud Storage output data partiton by column name

If enabled, this feature leverages the performance efficiencies by enabling large and complex Spark logical plans (in their entirety or in parts) to be processed in Snowflake, thus using Snowflake to do most of the actual work. Accepted values: on, off Note: If not specified explicitly through execution command, the default behaviour of pushdown is enabled with Spark-Snowflake connector.

Note: Make sure that either snowflake.gcs.query OR snowflake.gcs.sfdatabase, snowflake.gcs.sfschema and snowflake.gcs.table are provided.

Important properties

  • Usage of snowflake.gcs.autopushdown

    • If enabled, this feature leverages the performance efficiencies by enabling large and complex Spark logical plans (in their entirety or in parts) to be processed in Snowflake, thus using Snowflake to do most of the actual work.
      --templateProperty snowflake.gcs.autopushdown off

    Note: If not specified explicitly through execution command, the default behaviour of pushdown is enabled with Spark-Snowflake connector.

    To read more this property refer Snowflake Docs: Overview of the Spark Connector

  • Usage of snowflake.gcs.sfwarehouse

    • The Snowflake warehouse to use.
      --templateProperty  snowflake.gcs.sfwarehouse mywh

    Note: If not specified explicitly, it will take the default virtual warehouse configured at Snowflake.

  • Usage of snowflake.gcs.sfdatabase, snowflake.gcs.sfschema, snowflake.gcs.table and snowflake.gcs.query

    • Provide the database, schema, table name OR an equivalent select query with the fully-qualified table name.
      --templateProperty  snowflake.gcs.sfdatabase SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA
      --templateProperty  snowflake.gcs.sfschema TPCDS_SF100TCL
      --templateProperty  snowflake.gcs.table CALL_CENTER
      --templateProperty  snowflake.gcs.query 'SELECT * FROM SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA.TPCDS_SF100TCL.CALL_CENTER'
      Note: In case of snowflake.gcs.query, if the query contains joins on multiple tables from different schemas, ensure all the schemas are mentioned within the query.

Example submission

export GCP_PROJECT=my-gcp-project
export REGION=us-west1
export SUBNET=test-subnet
export GCS_STAGING_LOCATION=gs://templates-demo-sftogcs
bin/ \
-- \
-- --template SNOWFLAKETOGCS \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.sfurl \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.sfuser demo_user \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.sfpassword password_comes_here \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.sfdatabase SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.sfschema TPCH_SF1 \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.table CUSTOMER \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.autopushdown off \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.output.location gs://templates-demo-sftogcs/out \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.output.format parquet \
--templateProperty snowflake.gcs.output.partitionColumn C_NATIONKEY