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File metadata and controls

194 lines (144 loc) · 6.4 KB



p2r [OPTION]... [INPUT]...


Fetch an academic paper, local pdf file, or any web article and send it to the reMarkable tablet. The input to the script can be a URL to a PDF file or article on a website, or a local file. For supported scientific outlets, the program will collect the metadata for the paper and create a nice filename (unless --filename is specified). See SUPPORTED SOURCES for an overview of supported scientific paper sources.

By default, paper2remarkable crops the unnecessary whitespace from a PDF file to make the paper fit better on the reMarkable. The default setting yields a left-aligned document on the reMarkable which can be useful for taking margin notes. Alternatively, the program supports the --center, --right, and --no-crop options to change this crop setting.


Basic options:

-b, --blank Add a blank page after every page of the PDF document. This can be useful for taking notes on papers.

-C, --config=FILENAME Read options from a configuration file. A YAML file is supported, see CONFIGURATION FILE for further details. By default the file at ~/.paper2remarkable.yml is used if it exists.

-e, --experimental Enable the experimental features of paper2remarkable. See below under EXPERIMENTAL FEATURES for an overview.

-f, --filename=FILENAME Filename to use for the file on reMarkable. If you specify multiple INPUT files and want to use a specific filename for each, you can specify --filename for each INPUT source by repeating it.

-h, --help Show help message and exit.

-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode of paper2remarkable. By default the program prints no output.

-V, --version Show the version and exit.

Crop options:

-c, --center Center the PDF on the page.

-k, --no-crop Don't crop the document at all.

-r, --right Right-align the document on the reMarkable so the menu doesn't cover it.

reMarkable options:

-n, --no-upload Don't upload the document to the reMarkable, save the output in the current working directory.

-p, --remarkable-path=DIR The directory on the reMarkable where the document will be uploaded to. If the target directory does not exist it will be created. If not specified, the root directory will be used.

Output customization:

--css=FILENAME Path to a CSS file with custom styling for the HTML output. This option is ignored for any of the other providers. The code for the HTML provider contains the default CSS style, which can be used as a starting point.

--font-urls=FILENAME Path to a file with font urls (one per line) for the HTML output. This will generally be used in combination with the --css option.

System settings:

You'll only need to specify these options if the programs are not available on the PATH variable.

--gs=GS Path to the GhostScript executable.

--pdftoppm=PDFTOPPM Path to pdftoppm executable (default: pdftoppm). Note that pdftoppm is optional.

--pdftk=PDFTK Path to PDFtk executable (default: pdftk). Either pdftk or qpdf is needed.

--qpdf=QPDF Path to qpdf executable (default: qpdf). Either pdftk or qpdf is needed.

--rmapi=RMAPI Path to rmapi executable (default: rmapi).

Developer options:

-d, --debug Debug mode, when used the program doesn't upload the document to the reMarkable by default and leaves the temporary directory with intermediate files.


The following scientific sources are currently supported and paper2remarkable will create a filename based on the authors, title, and publication year of the work. For the sources below the program is generally flexible with regards to whether a URL to the PDF or to the abstract page is provided.

  • arXiv
  • ACL Web
  • ACM Digital Library
  • CVF
  • ECCC
  • IACR
  • JMLR
  • Nature
  • NBER
  • NeurIPS
  • OpenReview
  • PMLR
  • PubMed Central
  • SemanticScholar
  • SpringerLink

paper2remarkable also supports a generic URL to a PDF file or a local file, in which case no "nice" filename will be generated.

  • A generic URL to a PDF file. This can be considered a fallback option for when a PDF source is not supported (yet).
  • A local PDF file.

Finally, paper2remarkable supports extracting articles from websites. In this case an effort is done to detect the main content of the article and clean up the HTML before sending the file to the reMarkable.


To avoid having to provide frequently-used command line flags, a configuration file can be created for paper2remarkable. By default it is a YAML file located at ~/.paper2remarkable.yml, but an alternative location can be provided with the --config option to the script.

The configuration file consists of three sections: core, system, and html. In the core section options for cropping, verbosity, and blank pages can be added, among others. The system section allows setting paths to executables such as rmapi, pdftk, etc. Finally, the html section allows you to provide custom CSS and font urls for formatting the output of web articles.

Options provided on the command line overwrite those in the configuration file. So, for instance, if the configuration file has the setting crop: 'left' in the core section and the command line flag -c is provided, the PDF will be centered.

An example file is provided in the repository on GitHub, which also contains more information on the available options and their values.


Occassionally, experimental (beta) features will be included in paper2remarkable and they will be listed here. You can enable the experimental features by using the -e flag to paper2remarkable.

  • The HTML provider currently has an experimental feature to handle lazy loading of images. Certain websites use a small placeholder image and load the main image using Javascript, with the actual image source stored in a data-src attribute in the img tag. The experimental feature uses the data-src attribute as the image source instead of that in the src attribute.


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