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To (re)create the Azure resources that piipan uses:

NOTE: If you are using docker you can skip step 1 to 5 running the following command:

    docker-compose up --build
  1. Run install-extensions to install Azure CLI extensions required by the az commands used by our IaC:
  1. Connect to a trusted network. Currently, only the GSA network block is trusted. [//]: # (Does this need to be changed in the code?)
  2. Configure the desired Azure cloud:
    az cloud set --name AzureCloud
  1. Sign in with the Azure CLI login command. An account with at least the Contributor role on the subscription is required.
    az login
  1. If deploying to TEST environment, update states.csv to enable all tenants. It is required to have a states.csv file configured for your enviroment under iac/env for example iac/env/sub/dev/states.csv. Edit the states.csv file so that each tenant has the correct ENABLED/DISABLED field based on desired match responses [//]: # (Should we change the states.csv file name?)

  2. Run create-resources, which deploys Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates and runs associated scripts, specifying the name of the deployment environment. Once this step is completed, all the infrastructure components will be provisioned.

    cd iac
    ./create-resources.bash sub/dev
  1. Configuring user account authentication for piipan's Query Tool and Dashboard web apps requires additional actions. These actions can be deferred, but until completed, users will not be able to access these web apps.

    • Securely obtain the OpenID Connect (OIDC) client secrets for the identity provider (IdP) configured in the iac/env file for your environment.
    • Run store-oidc-secrets and follow the prompts to store the client secrets in the system's core key vault.
    • Run configure-oidc-apps, to configure the Query Tool and Dashboard App Service instances with the client secrets.
    ./store-oidc-secrets.bash sub/dev
    ./configure-oidc-apps.bash sub/dev
  1. Create a subscription in the API Management service. For now, the API Management subscriptions are created manually and not by the IaC. For example, you’ll need to create EB-DupPart and EA-BulkUpload before you can use the test-apim-upload-api.bash and test-apim-match-api.bash test scripts.
    ./match/tools/create-apim-match-subscription.bash sub/dev eb
    ./etl/tools/create-apim-bulk-subscription.bash sub/dev ea
  1. Now you have to assign the necessary “application role” for the API. Detailed documentation is found here, but if you just want to test your environment you can run the following steps.

    Use assign-app-role to assign your user account the necessary application role:

    ./tools/assign-app-role.bash <azure-env> <function-app-name> <app-role-name>
    ./tools/assign-app-role.bash tts/dev tts-func-metricsapi-dev Metrics.Read
    ./tools/assign-app-role.bash tts/dev tts-func-orchestrator-dev OrchestratorApi.Query
    ./tools/assign-app-role.bash tts/dev tts-func-matchres-dev MatchResolution.Query
    ./tools/assign-app-role.bash tts/dev tts-func-states-dev States.Query
    ./tools/assign-app-role.bash tts/dev tts-func-eaetl-dev Etl.Query     (repeat for all enabled tenants.)
    ./tools/assign-app-role.bash tts/dev tts-func-notify-dev Notify.Read 
    ./tools/assign-app-role.bash tts/dev tts-func-metricscol-dev MetricsCol.Read

    Use authorize-cli to add the Azure CLI and Visual Studio as authorized client applications for the Function's application registration:

    ./tools/authorize-cli.bash <azure-env> <function-app-name>
    ./tools/authorize-cli.bash tts/dev tts-func-metricsapi-dev
    ./tools/authorize-cli.bash tts/dev tts-func-orchestrator-dev
    ./tools/authorize-cli.bash tts/dev tts-func-matchres-dev
    ./tools/authorize-cli.bash tts/dev tts-func-states-dev
    ./tools/authorize-cli.bash tts/dev tts-func-eaetl-dev   (repeat for all enabled tenants.)
    ./tools/authorize-cli.bash tts/dev tts-func-notify-dev 
    ./tools/authorize-cli.bash tts/dev tts-func-metricscol-dev 
  2. Time to test your infrastructure

    #Test ETL
    ./etl/tools/test-apim-upload-api.bash tts/dev ea
    ./etl/tools/test-apim-upload-api.bash tts/dev eb
    ./etl/tools/test-apim-get-upload-by-id.bash tts/dev ea e.g. 0x8DA972FB2DA60E9
    #Test Match
    ./match/tools/test-apim-match-api.bash tts/dev
    ./match/tools/test-match-res.bash tts/dev e.g. 7CTD2FG
    #Test Metrics
    ./metrics/tools/test-metricsapi.bash tts/dev

Deployment environments

Configuration for each environment is in iac/env in a corresponding, source-able bash script.

Name Description
sub/dev Azure commercial cloud subscription, updated continuously within a sprint
sub/test Azure commercial cloud subscription, updated at the end of each sprint

Environment variables

Automatically configured

The following environment variables are pre-configured by the Infrastructure-as-Code for Functions or Apps that require them. Most often they are used to bind backing services to application code via connection strings.

Name Value Used by
ParticipantsDatabaseConnectionString ADO.NET-formatted database connection string. If Password has the value {password}; i.e., password in curly quotes, then it is a partial connection string indicating the use of managed identities. An access token must be retrieved at run-time (e.g., via AzureServiceTokenProvider) to build the full connection string. Piipan.Etl, Piipan.Match.Orchestrator
CollaborationDatabaseConnectionString ADO.NET-formatted database connection string. If Password has the value {password}; i.e., password in curly quotes, then it is a partial connection string indicating the use of managed identities. An access token must be retrieved at run-time (e.g., via AzureServiceTokenProvider) to build the full connection string. Piipan.Match.Orchestrator, Piipan.Match.Func.ResolutionApi, Piipan.States.Func.Api
MetricsDatabaseConnectionString ADO.NET-formatted database connection string. If Password has the value {password}; i.e., password in curly quotes, then it is a partial connection string indicating the use of managed identities. An access token must be retrieved at run-time (e.g., via AzureServiceTokenProvider) to build the full connection string. Piipan.Metrics.Func.Collect, Piipan.Metrics.Func.Api
BlobStorageConnectionString Azure Storage Account connection string for accessing blobs. Piipan.Etl
OrchApiUri URI for the Orchestrator API endpoint. Piipan.QueryTool
OrchApiAppId Application ID for Orchestrator API's Azure Active Directory application object Piipan.QueryTool
MatchResApiUri URI for the Match Resolution API endpoint. Piipan.QueryTool
MatchResAppId Application ID for Match Resolution API's Azure Active Directory application object Piipan.QueryTool
States Comma-separated list of the lower-case two letter abbreviations for each participating tenant. Piipan.Match.Orchestrator
EnabledStates Comma-separated list of the lower-case two letter abbreviations for each participating tenant that should return matches from the Match API. Piipan.Match.Orchestrator,Piipan.Match.Func.ResolutionApi
MetricsApiUri URI for the Metrics API endpoint. Piipan.Dashboard
MetricsApiAppId Application ID for Metrics API's Azure Active Directory application object Piipan.Dashboard
KeyVaultName Name of key vault resource needed to acquire a secret Piipan.Metrics.Func.Api, Piipan.Metrics.Func.Collect
CloudName Name of the active Azure cloud environment Piipan.Etl, Piipan.Match.Orchestrator, Piipan.Metrics.Func.Api, Piipan.Metrics.Func.Collect
QueryToolUrl URL for the associated Query Tool. Piipan.Match.Orchestrator, Piipan.Match.Func.ResolutionApi
ColumnEncryptionKey Encryption Key for encrypting/decrypting column values. Piipan.Etl, Piipan.Match.Orchestrator, Piipan.States.Func.Api, Piipan.Match.Func.ResolutionApi
EventGridEndpoint Connection string for Metrics EventGrid endpoint. Piipan.Etl, Piipan.Metrics.Func.Collect
EventGridKeyString Key for Metrics EventGrid endpoint. Piipan.Etl, Piipan.Metrics.Func.Collect
UploadPayloadKey Payload Encryption Key. Piipan.Etl
UploadPayloadKeySHA Payload Encryption Key SHA. Piipan.Etl
StatesApiUri URI for the States API endpoint. Piipan.QueryTool, Piipan.Dashboard
StatesApiAppId Application ID for State API's Azure Active Directory application object Piipan.QueryTool, Piipan.Dashboard
APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING Connection string to the associated App Insights resource. Piipan.Dashboard, Piipan.QueryTool, Piipan.Etl, Piipan.Match.Orchestrator, Piipan.Metrics.Func.Collect, Piipan.Metrics.Func.Api, Piipan.Match.Func.ResolutionApi, Piipan.States, Piipan.Notifications
EventGridNotifyEndPoint Connection string for Notify EventGrid endpoint. Piipan.Match.Orchestrator, Piipan.Match.Func.ResolutionApi
EventGridNotifyKeyString Key for the Notify EventGrid endpoint. Piipan.Match.Orchestrator, Piipan.Match.Func.ResolutionApi
SmtpServer The SMTP Server address to use when sending Notifications. Piipan.Notifications.Func.Api
SmtpReplyToEmail Email to reply to if you have any questions on Piipan Email Notifications Piipan.Match.Orchestrator, Piipan.Match.Func.ResolutionApi

SysType resource tag

The below resource tagging scheme is used for key Piipan components, using the SysType ("System Type") tag. This tag is used to ease enumeration of resource instances in IaC and to make a resource's system-level purpose more obvious in the Azure Portal. While a resource's name can make obvious its system type, often Azure naming restrictions and cloud-level uniqueness requirements can make those names inscrutable.

Value Description
PerStateEtl one of N function apps for per-state bulk ETL process
PerStateStorage one of N storage accounts for per-state bulk PII uploads
OrchestratorApi the single Function App for the Orchestrator API
DashboardApp the single Dashboard App Service
QueryApp the single Query tool App Service
DupPartApi the single API Management instance for the external-facing matching API
MatchResApi API for Match Resolution

In the Azure Portal, tags can be added to resource lists using the "Manage view" and/or "Edit columns" menu item that appears at the top left of the view. Specific tag values can also be filtered via "Add filter".

In the Azure CLI, az resource list can be used. Be sure to query for only the resources in the environment-specific resource group (e.g., -dev, -test, etc.):

az resource list  --tag SysType=PerStateMatchApi --query "[? resourceGroup == 'rg-match-dev' ].name"


  • iac/env/{enviroment}/states.csv (for example, iac/env/sub/dev/states.csv) contains the comma-delimited records of participating tenants. The first field is the two-letter postal abbreviation; the second field is the name of the tenant. The third field notes whether the tenant is Enabled or Disabled for the Match API. If they are disabled, a match will still be created, but will not be returned to the user.
  • For development, dummy tenants are used (e.g., the tenant of Echo Alpha, with an abbreviation of EA).
  • If you forget to connect to a trusted network and create-resources fails, connect to the network, then re-run the script.
  • If you have recently deleted all the Piipan resource groups and are re-creating the infrastructure from scratch, you will need to explicitly purge resource types that are initially soft-deleted. Be sure to perform these commands against the correct subscription/resource groups as they will cause irreversible data loss.
    • Key Vaults
      1. az keyvault list-deleted for the names of soft-deleted vaults and identify the ones corresponding to your environment's resource groups.
      2. az keyvault recover --name <vault-name> for each relevant vault. Vaults can only be hard deleted after 90 days, due to purge protection. Vaults must be recovered and then altered as needed.
      3. If the vault was provisioned with enablePurgeProtection=false it can be purged by performing az keyvault purge --name <vault-name> for each relevant vault.
      4. Now when you re-run create-resources, you should not get the Exist soft deleted vault with the same name error.
    • API Management (APIM) instances
      1. az rest --method GET --uri<subscription-id>/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/deletedservices?api-version=2020-06-01-preview for the names of soft-deleted APIM instances and identity the ones corresponding to your environment's resource groups. You'll need to use in AzureUSGovernment. [//]: # (How should we updae this?)
      2. az rest --method DELETE --uri<subscription-id>/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/locations/<region>/deletedservices/<apim-service-id>?api-version=2020-06-01-preview for each relevant APIM instance.
      3. Now when you re-run create-resources, you should not get an DeploymentFailed error in create-apim.
  • Some Azure CLI provisioning commands will return before all of their behind-the-scenes operations complete in the Azure environment. Very occasionally, subsequent provisioning commands in create-resources will fail as it won't be able to locate services it expects to be present; e.g., Can't find app with name when publishing a Function to a Function App. As a workaround, re-run the script.
  • If you have deleted any Function App and need to re-create, then re-run the script or run the scripts related to Alter Role which binds the Function App to database.
  • .NET 5 with Azure Functions v3 is not (yet) supported by Microsoft.
  • iac/.azure contains local Azure CLI configuration that is used by create-resources
  • In order for IaC to automatically configure the OIDC client secrets for the Dashboard and Query Tool applications, the secrets need to be present in a key vault with a particular naming format. See configure-oidc.bash for details.
  • The iac docker container in the iac folder has all pre-requisite for running the IAC code, with tested software versions. If you only need to deploy the infrastructure, you can run the docker container to skip installing pre-requisite software.