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Type Manager Support for Serialization Configuration


As the EDC should integrate into several deployments and (possibly domain-specific) use cases, the EDC needs to support the configuration of multiple serialization contexts. This targets the serialization formats of Java objects that are converted to/from, e.g., JSON or JSON-LD. The enhanced capabilities should be provided by the TypeManager:

  • A default context will define base configuration and be inherited by all other contexts. The existing TypeManager.getObjectMapper() will return the default context.

  • Serialization contexts will be created by invoking TypeManager.getObjectMapper(String). If a context is not already present, one will be created; otherwise the existing one will be returned. The returned ObjectMapper can have configuration applied to it during runtime initialization.

  • The TypeManager will track created contexts and ObjectMapper instances. This will allow type registrations with the default context to be propagated to other ObjectMappers after they have been created.


The EDC runtime requires the ability to support the configuration of multiple serialization contexts. For example, provided interfaces may require different serialization characteristics. Naming, some connected systems require JSON as input to further processing, whereas communication within an IDS ecosystem expect a JSON-LD string with a specific date-time-format.

Being able to adjust or replace (de-)serialization of objects and vice versa for specific extensions or added properties (e.g. required by a domain-specific extension of an Asset), the TypeManager allows to register customized processors that extend or overwrite default functionalities.

This feature targets the adaptability to existing interfaces and systems and the interoperability requirements within different data spaces. The goal is not to enable customization on the API level, such that e.g. each http endpoint provides a different output format.


Registering a serializer

Serializers can be registered as follows:

    typeManager.registerSerializer("foo", Bar.class, new JsonSerializer<>() {
        public void serialize(Bar value, JsonGenerator generator, SerializerProvider serializers) throws IOException {
            // handle serialization

    // ...

    var fooMapper = manager.getMapper("foo");
    var serialized = fooMapper.writeValueAsString(new Bar());

In the above example, a custom serializer is registered for the Bar type in the foo context.

Writing a Decorating Serializer

A common use case for serialization contexts will be to decorate a serialized type with metadata. The following is an example of a serializer that can be registered with the TypeManager to add @context information for specific types. Please note that this example is user code and would not be provided by the EDC:

    public class DecoratingSerializer<T> extends JsonSerializer<T> {
        private Class<T> type;

        public DecoratingSerializer(Class<T> type) {

            this.type = type;

        public void serialize(Object value, JsonGenerator generator, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException {
            var javaType = provider.constructType(type);
            var beanDescription = provider.getConfig().introspect(javaType);
            var staticTyping = provider.isEnabled(MapperFeature.USE_STATIC_TYPING);
            var serializer = BeanSerializerFactory.instance.findBeanOrAddOnSerializer(provider, javaType, beanDescription, staticTyping);
            serializer.unwrappingSerializer(null).serialize(value, generator, provider);
            generator.writeObjectField("@context", "some data");

The serializer can be registered for types as follows:

    manager.registerSerializer("foo", Bar.class, new DecoratingSerializer<>(Bar.class));
    manager.registerSerializer("foo", Baz.class, new DecoratingSerializer<>(Baz.class));