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90 lines (72 loc) · 3.46 KB

File metadata and controls

90 lines (72 loc) · 3.46 KB


Thank you for having me!

I am pleased to have, at last, the opportunity to stick my fingers into Laravel, MySQL and Vue ... and SCSS.

Once you have done your code challenge send us your github repository link to with Full-Stack Challenge as subject.


In this project you only have to configure the environment variables to connect to your own MySQL server.

Git good practices:

The repository was "mirrored", as opposed to a regular "clone": Importing a Git repository using the command line

Install all the dependencies

I had to install Composer, as I am new to PHP Install Composer and PHP on Windows 10

composer install // You can't run .bat files in Git Bash, had to run it from Command Prompt
npm install

Once all the dependencies are ready, modify the .env and configure your database credentials. In order to migrate and seed the database with some random data run this command.

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

First time using Laravel, so had to update php.ini with:


Connect to the localhost server and create a new DB, from MySQL Bash

\connect root@localhost

Run the development server and compile front-end assets with the following commands.

php artisan serve
npm run hot

The app is now running on http://localhost:8000.


For this exercise, I used a cool stylesheet, to make my life easier.


Here is a little demo


I was an absolute noob at Laravel and VueJs, until... 48 hours ago, so I am sure a few things are not very idiomatic. I have tried to keep everything as simple as possible:

  • app.scss: just a simple grid to arrange the front page, Bootstrap will take care of the rest
  • index.blade.php: no props, just three separate components that can be developed further
  • app.js: I am a big axios fan, so...
Vue.prototype.$http = axios;
  • api.php: no misteries here, this is a simple project, so I didn't use any controllers, I fixed the Post and Patch methods as:
Route::post('tasks/store', function(Request $request) {
        return App\Task::create([
            'title' => $request->title,
            'description' => $request->description,
            'status_id' => $request->status_id,
Route::patch('tasks/{id}', function(Request $request, $id) {
        'title' => $request->title,
        'description' => $request->description,
        'status_id' => $request->status_id,
  • Task.php: little changes to control the data flow
  • ExampleComponent.vue: I hope the methods are self-explanatory
  • drag and drop: I used this amazing tool to make the three lists more dynamic and fun to play with.

Thank you for your time, I have greatly enjoyed developing my first Laravell/Vue application, and I sincerely hope I'll be given the change to do more :)