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122 lines (63 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (63 loc) · 11.4 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


Did mostly troubleshooting various Grafana issues (inability to use symlink for plugin path on Fedora 32, SELinux issues with Docker, inability to use @emotion/styled-components). Wrote some starting boilerplate that will be improved upon.


After spending some time trying to get react-router-dom to work, I wasn't able to convince it to give me correct props upon <Link> navigation, after small discussion with Andreas we decided that for now, the best course of action would be to give up on permalinks and do some simple component toggling instead of implementing some kind of router. So I did just that, even though passing around state without some sort of state-management was a little painful, additionally each page is also responsible for rendering full layout without any partials. I do expect this to change in upcoming days. Right now, we are at the point where the app-plugin is as clickable/walkable as images/wireframes I made up for project proposal. See:,, .


Today was spent separating UI into more elemental partials that each manage its own state. This reduced code complexity for each page. Also I feel much better about the code, even though it doesn't use any state management lib, there is some structure and is much more easily modifiable than it was yesterday.


Since the state was all over the place I incorporated Redux into the app - while there is additional boilerplate, not all state not-local to component state is in Redux, it does feel like at least some mutations are better understandable at least. Will continue on improving this aspect.


Moved all shared state into Redux, culling many actions which were needless. Next will do some thinking/tinkering about how async data (all request related logic) will be managed.


Created some sample mocks for query search and fetch detail endpoints which return sample of something thats closer to real life data than React placehodler were. These mocks are implemented into relevant methods, therefore its now possible to 'search' and 'fetch' these samples. Added loading indicators for simulated delays. Will do more output formatting with more end-result-like data soon.


Updated mocks with sample responses from /pmapi/metric, integrated some of Grafana code convention, integrated with app veyor. Started splitting details page into entity type specific subpages, improved rendering. There are some issues with Grafana's Prettier setup, since vscode's prettier doesn't seem to respect all the rules in .prettierrc.js .


Improved typing and structure on Redux store, added mock for /pmapi/indom response, added some boilerplate for other detail pages. Less productive day.


Loading mock instance domain for metric, updated root store structure even further for easier state management and fetch status tracking, this structure will be used by other detail pages as well. Will need to come up with better file structure though as some files are getting quite big and repetitive.


Refactored reducer structure - introduced separated reducers for each slice of Redux state. Made appropriate edits to actions.


Put all store slice specific code separately - no giant action/(types|search).ts anymore :)


Done detail page for Instance Domain, persistance of bookmarks and search history in localStorage and abstracted loading related graphics to separate component. redux-persist seems to have some typescript typing issues so it proved somewhat troublesome / frustrating to get it working.


Did some RediSearch analysis for backend handling logic doc, possible response and request models for new /pmapi/search endpoint. Made bookmarks removable one by one, updated some 'fetching' logic to handle newly drafted response model and limited maximum number of records in search history.


Added support for entity (currently metric only) preview - graph for numeric types, table for string type. For now using pcp-vector-datasource (so works only when grafana-pcp is installed), I didn't figure how to allow selection of datasource from select UI.


Moved some type defs around, little boilerplate in preparation for backend calls. Today did some tinkering with other PCP related stuff/issues and was figuring out stuff for upcoming days.


Some boilerplate in preparation for querying real endpoints provided by pmwebapi. Needed to figure out how to share initializable services in whole application, in the end made do with services being accessible in Redux action creators scope. Feels like service related structure is not ideal but will work for now.


Fetching metrics series directly from Redis datasource, new series-related UI and updated code of services. This commit broke details of some metrics, since now, I attempt to load data for metric details directly from Redis (by using configuration provided to 'PCP Redis' datasource in Grafana datasource settings) and not all mock metrics have series records. Help text is missing from series pmwebapi endpoints so I monkey patched it. Also now I am unable to decide which dashboard I should use to display metric preview since single metric can have series of variable types.


Added timeouthandling for all service related request making methods, abstracted away some typedefs into separate files and abstracted possible app configuration settings into separate file.


Cleaned up some service code to return better results when a) params are wrong, b) response payloads are not what expected. I wanted to create autocomplete integration at least on frontend but situation is a bit unfortunate: Grafana distributed Input components dont support autocomplete, only Query component does. But query component is not fitting for single line inputs and doesnt handle validation state very well. So I can either a) somehow add autocomplete support to Input, b) modify behavior of Query and add better validation integration, c) use 3rd party library, which misses all Grafana styling and validation integration. Thinking about autocomplete got me to a point when I needed to have services inside a component (as opposed to just Redux action creators as is now) - so I got into research for possible solution to that problem, unsuccesfully so far. There is React context - but that is used to share state not functions (I could live with that tho), futher such context is accessible in consumers only in render or lifecycle methods while I would like it to be accessible in event handlers, without need of explicit passing from render, as well. There are Higher-Order Components - but I have yet to find an example of asynchronously creating such component and it having reference to shared piece of data in each instance. There are some 3rd party libs for dependency injection - which seems like an overkill. Real issue is that the services I have need to be asynchronously initialized.

In the end I get the service via use of Context.


After taking some time of for a little personal holiday of mine, got around to work on project again, spend the entirety of today to debug/troubleshoot PCP build/my Fedora instance issues. Finalized by getting entirely new Fedora instance, not the decision I am most proud of, but, with help from Andreas, was finally able to get stuff working as I needed.


Back to autocomplete... prepared UI and logic for autocomplete feature. Implemented moroshko/react-autosuggest with basic look and feel based on Grafana Input component - contains some mock data for now. Can be turned off in config file. Also, now instead of validating user input, I just redirect him to Index page, should he enter empty string.


Was mostly tinkering with RediSearch today trying to get to the bottom of pmwebapi /search/text responses returning score 0 to no avail. Did some simple boilerplate for man pages related to fulltext and code that will query /series/metrics endpoint which will provide list of links to siblings of currently opened metric detail.


Now showing metrics with same prefix in pmns namespace (excluding final node indentifier, something like siblings with their children) in metric detail page. Handling case when metric series have no labels (not sure if that isnt error in pmwebapi). Added/Replaces some icons for nicer UI, removed child tab navigation - has no purpose in current design, was an artifact from wireframes. Handling cases when metric has no series (same as metric series have no labels). Turned on /search/text querying.


Various UI improvements. Now fetching help text in Metric details via /search/text.


Made a bunch of unit tests for components that are used across entire app. Partials next. Also setup Webpack so that it removes all data-test object properties - these are used as tag attributes by which I select various elements in components when running tests on them. As all object properties with such name removed, would a external library use any, bad luck.


Made tests for most partials - not sure if SearchForm component should be tested at this point. Edited a lot of exports from all components so they are easier to test - having most props related interfaces proved handy. I made small tweak to displaying 'Similar metrics' - now even the metric that is currently opened will be shown. Tweaked passing Grafana theme in test files - I am just fetching the theme from Grafana itself, this saves me multiple Enzyme .dive() calls, no test is actually testing if components are themed according to current Grafana theme right now - there are other priorities.


More tests for mostly page specific components. Not sure if I should test autocomplete features in <SearchForm>, since they are provided by 3rd party library. Also figured out what caused the weird Grafana related console warning produced when running tests - seems that importing an exported const of module A, which imported a const of module B and vice versa was what caused it. Since the logic of code was weird in these places as well, refactor that followed fixed the warnings. Fixed case when updating search query, by navigating to a different query, saved in query history, did not update query input to latest search.


Finished all unit tests for React components (with an exception of GrafanaAppPluginWrapper). The weird Grafana warning has reappeared (see below), but this time I have tracked it to be caused by indeed importing some stuff from Grafana packages. Ideally would create minimum reproducible case and add issue to Grafana repo. The test suites that are hit by this issue are easily traceble - they take MUCH longer than any other. For now I am going to leave them in, as fixing them would be be a workaround of what I think is caused by Grafana source and would need time consuming debugging and needless refactor of non-trivial scope.

  console.warn node_modules/@grafana/ui/index.development.js:192163
    There are multiple versions of G2. Version 3.5.12's reference is 'window.G2_3'