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Releases: EasyCorp/EasyAdminBundle


12 Apr 20:32
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This new version focused on adding new design customization options. Read the updated Chapter 10 to learn everything about the new options.


[1c06a4e] Introduced a new "design" global option
[58b2959] Added the new 'theme' design option
[d69115e] Added the new 'form_theme' design option and simplified forms
[761ddc0] Added the new 'brand_color' design option
[ea8369b] Added the new 'color_scheme' design option


29 Mar 17:35
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The main new feature of this version is the support of custom actions (read the new Chapter 8 for more details) and the addition of tens of new unit tests.


[8cca619] Added support for custom actions and full action customization
[286c0f4] Deprecated list_max_results and list_actions global options. They have been replaced by the same options under the global list option. Your backend should keep working as previously because the bundle updates these options automatically for you.
[8cca619] Added tens of unit tests for Dependency Injection extension
[11689c0][701ad06] Added Travis CI and SensioLabsInsight badges


[ffe6d07] Fixed a typo by referring to CSS assets in layout.html.twig (bmanolov)
[75a1a91] Don't allow to sort columns of one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many associations
[5270932] Don't use getBoolean() because it was introduced in Symfony 2.6
[71c15c4] Fixed a bug when using boolean flip switches from list view (Pierstoval)
[51f5871] Don't use deprecated Yaml component features (xabbuh)
[bf0516e] Fixed the label issue for checkbox in edit and new pages (Damien DECONINCK)
[06950b2] Fixed the translation for virtual fields label (Damien DECONINCK)


[8cca619] Added a new chapter about customizing the actions of all views and adding your own custom actions


11 Mar 09:14
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The main new feature of this version is the introduction of flip switches for boolean values. Now you can change the value of any boolean variable directly from the "list" page: see flip switches in action.

The other relevant feature is the introduction of the first unit tests. For now these tests focus on the configuration part of the bundle, which will allow us to move faster and with more confidence.


[e2c10a1][fa47a37] Added click-to-toggle for boolean columns
[db84cc3] Allowed to configure the titles and labels of the pages and UI elements
[e631214] Added support for translating entity and property names (ogizanagi)
[b6ecf22] Defined new Twig blocks in the layout to override its contents more easily (Pierstoval)
[1ecc83f] Added the first unit tests of the bundle
[3b44030] Improved Travis configuration: allow to report results as fast as possible, use the container-based infrastructure and test agains several Symfony versions (xabbuh)
[2132b05] Improved the way we inspect the getters/setters of properties
[5b0f8b1] Added a convenient way to acces backend and entity config from the templates (ogizanagi)


[368fc0b] Fix search title and other titles with html tags (ogizanagi)
[1af7ed8] Fix how images with absolute URLs are displayed in list/show actions (ogizanagi)
[57e3642] Fixed the way we handle the form field types in different actions


[f72ded3] Add bulgarian translation (bmanolov)
[d1f0ff1] Add Brazilian translation (ej-kun)


02 Mar 08:55
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[5904466] Added a new 'image' field type to display images in show/list actions
[498b363] [f26b05d] Improved the main menu to better display it on smaller devices and where there are lots of menu items (ogizanagi, Pierstoval)


[bec8c72] Better control of white spaces for the action links
[7a7b5fb] Minor change to make the bundle compatible again with PHP 5.3
[a1a6afc] Use "delete_empty" option only if we're using Symfony 2.5.0 or higher
[9d5f5e8] Fixed association view issue (Pierstoval)


[c9dd378] Add Slovenian translation (peterkokot)
[a9cd169] Improved Russian language translation (KonstantinKuklin)
[71cef5d] Add German translation (sr972)


[a75ebcf] Split documentation into smaller chapters


11 Feb 21:23
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The main feature added in this version is the format option, which allows to customize the format of the date/time/datetime and numeric (bigint/integer/smallint/float/decimal) fields. The format can be customized for each field and globally for all the backend.


[8c60b24] Improved date/number field formatting
[d88a634] Improved the titles for all pages (nicolasdewez)
[040d0f3] Refactored all the code related to configuration
[23633f4] Improved the way associated entities are linked


[8c60b24] Documented how to customize the format of date/time/datetime/numeric fields
[53dd512] Explained why you need a __toString() method in your entities
[5911c56] Improved explanation of the alternative YAML sequence syntax
[de49519] Added documentation about how to use custom DBAL types


[c767e49] Polish translation (kedrap)
[ee17b2f] Swedish translation (magnusnordlander)
[dd6cd3f] Italian translation (garak)
[15e71e6] Czech translation (jansabat)


31 Jan 10:17
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[c81fa63] Allow to manage entities belonging to different entity managers
[4a2d207] Allow entities with primary keys not named 'id'
[2a8596b] Improved the way errors are displayed in forms
[f6f27a8] Allow to configure the fields displayed in the 'show' action
[be85d5a] Delete action now displays a modal window to confirm entity removal

Fixes and tweaks

[72a56c1] Fixed virtual column displaying in listings (nlemahieu)
[5aecf43] Reduced line-height for very long items in the main menu (ogizanagi)
[61b7b76] Fixed the message for when there are no results for the query
[cda5b52] Field contents now are only truncated for listings, not for 'show' action


[c7891e8] Added a new section about 'Advanced Techniques for Complex Backends'


25 Jan 21:41
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The main changes of this version are a new way to customize the labels of the listing columns and a new way to customize the fields displayed in editnew forms (form type, CSS class, help message, label, etc.)


[deb32bf] feature #64 Allow to configure properties for each listing and form field (javiereguiluz)
[e837b6d] minor - Fix the Twig extension by using Twig_Markup class and marking it not HTML safe
[939fb46] bug #32 quote characters used directly in a query (xabbuh)
[269c1d2] minor #47 Added some PhpDoc for IDE-using developers (Pierstoval)
[d55d1cd] Fixed the "Delete" button in the "Edit" form
[6f7004c] minor #53 Use the UrlGeneratorInterface instead of the Router implementation (javiereguiluz)
[a654291] minor #61 Added project dependencies in composer (mmoreram)
[6ea511f] minor #57 Loading bundle's js before configured js assets (nicolaskern)
[280d697] minor #68 [doc] fixes overriden methods visibility (hhamon)
[0d0753f] minor #66 Dutch translations (jverdeyen)
[ce8af97] minor #67 russian translation (helios-ag)
[b9de1c4] minor #44 Basque translations and typo error fix for spanish translation file (ikerib)


18 Jan 18:57
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This version greatly improves the way entity properties are inspected. You should never see again a Twig error related to null/inaccessible/unavailable properties. Changelog:

[26a6216] feature #15 Translation of main backend messages EN+FR (Pierstoval)
[b9dffb9] minor #40 Tweaked the original i18n translation files (javiereguiluz)
[47c3d64] feature #39 Improved the way entity fields are displayed in listings and forms (javiereguiluz)
[65a6ded] minor #41 Minor tweaks for listings (javiereguiluz)
[b52bd48] feature #42 Allow to have different entities with the same exact name (javiereguiluz)


17 Jan 15:47
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This is a maintenance version that fixes some minor bugs. Changelog:

[12046fb] use only valid sort directions
[1dd0ae9] minor #14 use only valid sort directions (xabbuh)
[54f7db7] Removed rendundant initializations performed by action methods
[b4183a7] update class properties
[816a93f] explicitly use query parameters, fixes #20
[041f6ff] update configuration definition, fixes #27
[3cb14d2] bug #30 update configuration definition, fixes #27 (xabbuh)
[5883415] minor #29 explicitly use query parameters, fixes #20 (xabbuh)
[55e3c46] don't fetch associated collections in pagination
[d171056] minor #31 don't fetch associated collections in pagination (xabbuh)
[4eaffe3] Tweaked the field types showed on listings and used for search queries
[fe6dd6a] minor #28 update class properties (xabbuh)
[69bfc59] Reorganized the way the Request object is handled.
[98eb5ea] Disable collection fetch for the findBy() paginator
[597226c] Fixed the buttons used for the DELETE action in 'edit' and 'show'
[d1194f9] Simplified asset linking in the layout template
[3d24f03] Fixed they way we detect the direction in which we must sort the results
[5eb7791] Display a custom error page when the requested entity doesn't exist.
[44942fd] bug #37 Display a custom error page when the requested entity doesn't exist. (javiereguiluz)
[947300d] Fixed a minor error in the documentation about customizing entity fields
[58081d8] minor #38 Fixed a minor error in the documentation about customizing entity fields (javiereguiluz)


16 Jan 19:52
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This release contains a fix for an important bug related to a Twig template not available for developers using Symfony 2.3.