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Object Agent

A javascript library for working with objects

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set(object, path, value) ⇒ object

Sets a nested value in an object. Keys in the path that don't exist at any point in the object will be created and added to the object once.

Returns: object - The mutated object.

Param Type Description
object object The object to mutate.
path string Dot delimited string.
value unknown The value to set at the end of the path.


import { set } from 'object-agent';

const thing = {
    a: [{
        b: 'c'
    }, {
        b: 'd'

set(thing, 'a.1.b', 'e');
// => {
//    a: [{
//        b: 'c'
//    }, {
//        b: 'e'
//    }]