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Object Agent

A javascript library for working with objects

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forOwnReduce(object, callback, initialValue) ⇒ unknown

Iterates over own properties of an object and returns a reduced value.

Returns: unknown - The accumulated result.

Param Type Description
object object The object to iterate over.
callback function Provides three args: result, value, and key. If the result is only mutated then you may not need to return it.
initialValue unknown The initial value passed into the callback as result.


import { forOwnReduce } from 'object-agent';

const thing = {
    a: 'b',
    c: 'd'

const output = forOwnReduce(thing, (result, value, key) => {
    result.push([value, key]);
    return result;
}, []);

// => [['b', 'a'], ['d', 'c']]