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Releases: DaWoody/free-video-player

Version 0.9.8 - Free Video Player (ALPHA)

12 Nov 15:46
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  • Version 0.9.8 - ALPHA
    • Now the player supports multiple periods for dashed content. This can be used for playing ads for instance. Only tested with non-muxxed assets. Also the current implementation
      loads the subtitles files (if there are any in the asset) for the whole aggregated period time ( all periods stitched together to for a continous stream). This might be subject to change.
  • Version 0.9.7 - ALPHA
    • Added API call unload which unloads an asset and aborts buffering of streams and such, also updated and fixed splash image and background of player when unloading or when try calling the load method with a non valid url value.
  • Version 0.9.6 - ALPHA
    • Fixes with documentation a bit and README.
  • Version 0.9.5 - ALPHA
    • Minor bug fixes with Subtitle/labels still, now loading internal subtitle/label object per default, added a configuration object property called fetchExternalSubtitleLabels set to false that can be overwritten. Updated path in package.json in production folder for making npm work.
  • Version 0.9.4 - ALPHA
    • Solved minor bugs with ISO fallback path
  • Version 0.9.3 - ALPHA
    • Some minor restructuring of folders and build jobs, now bundling README , LICENSEand a package.json file in the production folder, this so Free Video Player can be deployed to npm. This is my first try lets see how it goes. :)
  • Version 0.9.2 - ALPHA
    • Fixed ISO fallback, if we cannot find the subs/label path, the fvp player will load a fallback object instead
  • Version 0.9.1 - ALPHA
    • Fixed responseType to json.
    • Included xml2json within the player, not as an external dependency anymore.
    • Fixed a bug with subtitles, the label / subtitles file was not being parsed correctly on load, making the choices become undefined in FVP when an asset with subs was loaded.
    • Started to add some mocha tests to test player when npm test is run. Basically the gulp build command is run and then the tests are run.
  • Version 0.9.0 - ALPHA
    • Ability to play adaptive VOD content in the form of DASH
    • Aswell as regular VOD content with containers such as MP4 and WEBM
    • Modularized player code into modules - for better code separation and enabling for a future module based system
    • Optional configuration object when instantiating Free Video Player, being able to show/hide specific video controls
    • Ability to alter CSS classes and HTML of video controls being generated
    • The video controls being generated includes support for spacebar working as play/pause button, and enter button acting as toggling between fullscreen mode. The user can exit the fullscreen mode by pressing esc
    • Support in Chrome, Safari, Opera and FireFox
    • For adaptive DASH content, support for multiple bitrates exists
    • For adaptive DASH content, built in adaptive bitrate algorithm for multiple bitrates exists. This is currently based on the download times for each segment
    • For adaptive DASH content, support for subtitles exists, for non-segmented subtitle VTT files, added as a separate adaptionSet within the mpd
    • For adaptive DASH content, support for both separated video and audio tracks, aswell as muxxed (video and audio combined) exists
    • The release comes with a fully documented version ( and a minified version (, a css file for player styles (, aswell as base files for SCSS (for web-designers/developers wanting to just style the player a bit), a documentation folder including JSDOC based documentation more explicitly describing the Free Video Player API and more, a subtitles folder with a parsed JSON file including information for subtitle labels which Free Video Player per default utilizes if subtitles are found within a DASH stream, and finally the release also contains both a README and a LICENSE file

Version 0.9.7 - Free Video Player (ALPHA)

23 Oct 16:49
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##Version information

  • Version 0.9.7 - ALPHA
    • Added API call unload which unloads an asset and aborts buffering of streams and such, also updated and fixed splash image and background of player when unloading or when try calling the load method with a non valid url value.
  • Version 0.9.6 - ALPHA
    • Fixes with documentation a bit and README.
  • Version 0.9.5 - ALPHA
    • Minor bug fixes with Subtitle/labels still, now loading internal subtitle/label object per default, added a configuration object property called fetchExternalSubtitleLabels set to false that can be overwritten. Updated path in package.json in production folder for making npm work.
  • Version 0.9.4 - ALPHA
    • Solved minor bugs with ISO fallback path
  • Version 0.9.3 - ALPHA
    • Some minor restructuring of folders and build jobs, now bundling README , LICENSEand a package.json file in the production folder, this so Free Video Player can be deployed to npm. This is my first try lets see how it goes. :)
  • Version 0.9.2 - ALPHA
    • Fixed ISO fallback, if we cannot find the subs/label path, the fvp player will load a fallback object instead
  • Version 0.9.1 - ALPHA
    • Fixed responseType to json.
    • Included xml2json within the player, not as an external dependency anymore.
    • Fixed a bug with subtitles, the label / subtitles file was not being parsed correctly on load, making the choices become undefined in FVP when an asset with subs was loaded.
    • Started to add some mocha tests to test player when npm test is run. Basically the gulp build command is run and then the tests are run.
  • Version 0.9.0 - ALPHA
    • Ability to play adaptive VOD content in the form of DASH
    • Aswell as regular VOD content with containers such as MP4 and WEBM
    • Modularized player code into modules - for better code separation and enabling for a future module based system
    • Optional configuration object when instantiating Free Video Player, being able to show/hide specific video controls
    • Ability to alter CSS classes and HTML of video controls being generated
    • The video controls being generated includes support for spacebar working as play/pause button, and enter button acting as toggling between fullscreen mode. The user can exit the fullscreen mode by pressing esc
    • Support in Chrome, Safari, Opera and FireFox
    • For adaptive DASH content, support for multiple bitrates exists
    • For adaptive DASH content, built in adaptive bitrate algorithm for multiple bitrates exists. This is currently based on the download times for each segment
    • For adaptive DASH content, support for subtitles exists, for non-segmented subtitle VTT files, added as a separate adaptionSet within the mpd
    • For adaptive DASH content, support for both separated video and audio tracks, aswell as muxxed (video and audio combined) exists
    • The release comes with a fully documented version ( and a minified version (, a css file for player styles (, aswell as base files for SCSS (for web-designers/developers wanting to just style the player a bit), a documentation folder including JSDOC based documentation more explicitly describing the Free Video Player API and more, a subtitles folder with a parsed JSON file including information for subtitle labels which Free Video Player per default utilizes if subtitles are found within a DASH stream, and finally the release also contains both a README and a LICENSE file

Version 0.9.6 - Free Video Player (ALPHA)

22 Oct 08:14
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  • Version 0.9.6 - ALPHA
    • Fixes with documentation a bit and README.
  • Version 0.9.5 - ALPHA
    • Minor bug fixes with Subtitle/labels still, now loading internal subtitle/label object per default, added a configuration object property called fetchExternalSubtitleLabels set to false that can be overwritten. Updated path in package.json in production folder for making npm work.
  • Version 0.9.4 - ALPHA
    • Solved minor bugs with ISO fallback path
  • Version 0.9.3 - ALPHA
    • Some minor restructuring of folders and build jobs, now bundling README , LICENSEand a package.json file in the production folder, this so Free Video Player can be deployed to npm. This is my first try lets see how it goes. :)
  • Version 0.9.2 - ALPHA
    • Fixed ISO fallback, if we cannot find the subs/label path, the fvp player will load a fallback object instead
  • Version 0.9.1 - ALPHA
    • Fixed responseType to json.
    • Included xml2json within the player, not as an external dependency anymore.
    • Fixed a bug with subtitles, the label / subtitles file was not being parsed correctly on load, making the choices become undefined in FVP when an asset with subs was loaded.
    • Started to add some mocha tests to test player when npm test is run. Basically the gulp build command is run and then the tests are run.
  • Version 0.9.0 - ALPHA
    • Ability to play adaptive VOD content in the form of DASH
    • Aswell as regular VOD content with containers such as MP4 and WEBM
    • Modularized player code into modules - for better code separation and enabling for a future module based system
    • Optional configuration object when instantiating Free Video Player, being able to show/hide specific video controls
    • Ability to alter CSS classes and HTML of video controls being generated
    • The video controls being generated includes support for spacebar working as play/pause button, and enter button acting as toggling between fullscreen mode. The user can exit the fullscreen mode by pressing esc
    • Support in Chrome, Safari, Opera and FireFox
    • For adaptive DASH content, support for multiple bitrates exists
    • For adaptive DASH content, built in adaptive bitrate algorithm for multiple bitrates exists. This is currently based on the download times for each segment
    • For adaptive DASH content, support for subtitles exists, for non-segmented subtitle VTT files, added as a separate adaptionSet within the mpd
    • For adaptive DASH content, support for both separated video and audio tracks, aswell as muxxed (video and audio combined) exists
    • The release comes with a fully documented version ( and a minified version (, a css file for player styles (, aswell as base files for SCSS (for web-designers/developers wanting to just style the player a bit), a documentation folder including JSDOC based documentation more explicitly describing the Free Video Player API and more, a subtitles folder with a parsed JSON file including information for subtitle labels which Free Video Player per default utilizes if subtitles are found within a DASH stream, and finally the release also contains both a README and a LICENSE file

Version 0.9.0 - Free Video Player (ALPHA)

12 Mar 17:40
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  • Version 0.9.0 - ALPHA
    • Ability to play adaptive VOD content in the form of DASH
    • Aswell as regular VOD content with containers such as MP4 and WEBM
    • Modularized player code into modules - for better code separation and enabling for a future module based system
    • Optional configuration object when instantiating Free Video Player, being able to show/hide specific video controls
    • Ability to alter CSS classes and HTML of video controls being generated
    • The video controls being generated includes support for spacebar working as play/pause button, and enter button acting as toggling between fullscreen mode. The user can exit the fullscreen mode by pressing esc
    • Support in Chrome, Safari, Opera and FireFox
    • For adaptive DASH content, support for multiple bitrates exists
    • For adaptive DASH content, built in adaptive bitrate algorithm for multiple bitrates exists. This is currently based on the download times for each segment
    • For adaptive DASH content, support for subtitles exists, for non-segmented subtitle VTT files, added as a separate adaptionSet within the mpd
    • For adaptive DASH content, support for both separated video and audio tracks, aswell as muxxed (video and audio combined) exists
    • The release comes with a fully documented version ( and a minified version (, a css file for player styles (, aswell as base files for SCSS (for web-designers/developers wanting to just style the player a bit), a documentation folder including JSDOC based documentation more explicitly describing the Free Video Player API and more, a subtitles folder with a parsed JSON file including information for subtitle labels which Free Video Player per default utilizes if subtitles are found within a DASH stream, and finally the release also contains both a README and a LICENSE file