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TiGL Python Examples

The easiest way to install TiGL is via Anaconda/Miniconda. We suggest installing into a clean environment called tigl:

conda create -n tigl tigl3 -c dlr-sc
conda activate tigl

To run the jupyter examples, some further dependencies must be met, which can be installed via

conda install pip numpy jupyter rise pythreejs -c conda-forge
pip install jupyter-contrib-nbextensions
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
jupyter nbextension enable splitcell/splitcell

Note that the jupyter examples can all be run interactively online using binder.


CPACSCreator Animation


Using the CPACSCreator to generate an airplane from scratch and create an animation from a sequence of cpacs configurations.

Geometry Modeling Binder


Using TiGL's internal geometry modeling algorithms for surface skinning and Gordon surface creation. This is a presentation. For an indepth tutorial with the same contents, checkout Internal API 3 - Geometry Modeling.

Internal API 1 - Basics Binder


Using TiGL's internal API to

  • traverse the CPACS tree,
  • get information about the geometric components
  • creating named shapes and
  • using the CAD exporter.

Internal API 2 - Customization and Visualization Binder


  • using TiGL's internal API to create a wing cutout,
  • using the SimpleGUI (does not work online)
  • using the jupyter renderer

Internal API 3 - Geometry Modeling Binder


Create a wing geometry from scratch

  • interpolating points to surfaces
  • skinning surfaces from curves
  • interpolating curve networks to Gordon surfaces