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55 lines (46 loc) · 1.28 KB

File metadata and controls

55 lines (46 loc) · 1.28 KB


The Path class is a utility class that helps to deal with relative and absolute paths on the Yothalot cluster (see Files and paths for some background).

Its member functions are:

  • __construct() (constructor)
  • absolute() (absolute path)
  • relative() (relative path)


The constructor takes a string that holds the relative or absolute path to a file.

 * Create a path class to manipulate absolute and relative paths.
 * @var Yothalot\Path
$path = new Yothalot\Path("/absolute/path/to/glusterfs/file");

In this case the string passed to the constructor is an absolute path. You can also use:

 * Create a path class to manipulate absolute and relative paths.
 * @var Yothalot\Path
path = new Yothalot\Path("relative/path/to/glusterfs/file");

Here the string holds a relative path.

##Member absolute() In order to retrieve the absolute path from the path given to the constructor you can use absolute()

 * Obtain the absolute class
echo("Absolute: ".$path->absolute()."\n");

##Member relative() To obtain a relative path based on the path provided to the constructor you can use relative()

 * Obtain the relative paht
echo("Relative: ".$path->relative()."\n");