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File metadata and controls

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Webhooks: (sub)profile deletions

If you set up a profile deletion Webhook, you are notified in real-time whenever a profile or subprofile is deleted from your account's databases. For each event we send an HTTP(S) POST call to your server with the relevant information about the profile that was removed.


With each POST call the variables in the table below are sent over. The POST data is sent with the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type.

Associative arrays such as "parameters" and "fields" are sent per key-value pair, e.g. parameters[key]=value. Arrays such as "interests" are sent per item, e.g. interests[]=xyz.

For profiles the response consists of the following variables:

Variable Description
type Type of action that triggered the Webhook ('delete')
timestamp Timestamp for when the profile was deleted (in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format)
time Unix time for when the profile was deleted
profile Unique identifier of the profile that was deleted
database Unique identifier of the database to which the profile belongs
fields The fields that belong to the deleted profile

For subprofiles, it consists of the following variables:

Variable Description
type Type of action that triggered the Webhook ('delete')
timestamp Time for when the subprofile was deleted (in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format)
time Unix time for when the subprofile was deleted
profile Unique identifier of the profile to which this subprofile belongs
subprofile Unique identifier of the subprofile that was deleted
database Unique identifier of the database to which this subprofile belongs
collection Unique identifier of the collection to which this subprofile belongs
fields The fields that belong to the deleted subprofile


A decoded POST request for a profile might look similar to this:

        "type":         "delete",
        "profile":      123,
        "timestamp":    "1979-02-12 12:49:23",
        "database":     1,

An example for a subprofile looks like this:

        "type":         "delete",
        "subprofile":   456,
        "timestamp":    "1979-02-12 12:49:23",
        "profile":      123
        "collection":   2,

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