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File metadata and controls

65 lines (51 loc) · 3.17 KB

Spool directory

MailerQ can monitor a directory on the file system for new files: the spool directory. You can simply inject email into MailerQ by copying files to this directory.

The files that you drop in the spool directory must be correctly formatted MIME messages. Invalid files will not be picked up. MailerQ opens the file, and filters out all the recipients from the "to", "cc" and "bcc" header fields. For each recipient a JSON formatted message is copied to the "inbox" queue (set with the "rabbitmq-inbox" variable).

The envelope address is also extracted from the message: the "x-mq-envelope" header is preferred. If this header is missing, the "return-path", "from" and "sender" headers are checked; the first valid email address that is recognized in these headers will be used as the envelope address.

The mail is published to the "inbox" queue. If you've assigned the outbox queue to the "rabbitmq-inbox" setting, the email is immediately delivered to the recipient(s).

Although using the spool directory is very convenient for sending out mails it is also very slow. This is caused by the fact that every mail needs to be written to and read from disk. We therefore encourage you to use the other methods to send mails to MailerQ.

Config file options

In the config file the following options are relevant for the spool directory:

spool-directory:        /path/to/directory
spool-fail-directory    /path/to/directory
spool-delay:            0       (default: 0)
spool-remove:           true    (default: true)
spool-extract:          true    (default: true)
spool-open-files:       10      (default: 10)
spool-threads:          1       (default: 1)

The "spool-directory" is the most important one. It contains the path to the directory that should be monitored. All files that you copy to this directory are immediately picked up, processed and removed. This happens in a blink of an eye. If you need a small delay before messages are picked up, you can use the "spool-delay" variable. Set this to a numeric value holding the number of seconds to wait before files are picked up.

After publishing the message to the inbox queue, MailerQ removes the input file. If you do not want this, you can set "spool-remove" to false. However, it is not recommended to disable removing files, because emails might get redelivered if MailerQ is restarted and starts scanning the spool directory again.

If the contents of a file cannot be processed, MailerQ can move the file to another directory. The path of the directory can be set using the "spool-fail-directory" option. If this setting is left empty, files are not moved from the spool directory.

All mails that you drop in the spool directory are scanned for headers that start with "x-mq-*". Such headers are filtered out and converted to JSON properties that control the delivery of the mail. If you do not want to scan for such headers, you can use the "spool-extract" variable to disable this.

MailerQ supports processing multiple files in the spool directory simultaneously. The variable "spool-open-files" sets the maximum number of files MailerQ has open at any given time. To use more threads for processing files, you can set "spool-threads".