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17 lines (11 loc) · 967 Bytes

File metadata and controls

17 lines (11 loc) · 967 Bytes


We would like to keep the information in this repository up-to-date, so we very much welcome contributions. If you would like to contribute please read this document.

When contributing to this repo, please communicate the reasons for the proposed change with the repository owners.

How to make a contribution

  1. Login to your personal GitHub account.
  2. Navigate to
  3. Click on the Edit icon ✏️.
  4. Now you can start editing the file.
  5. When you have finished making your changes, you will be prompted to enter the reason for your proposed changes. This doesn't have to be long.
  6. Lastly, create a pull request.

More advanced information about making a contribution to a GitHub repository can be found here.