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Django Payments and Invoices

Django application for processing bank payments and invoices.

Bank statements are passed through a parser and imported to a database. So far, there is only one parser available, TransprocXMLParser, used to process bank statements collected and transformed by fred-transproc. Parsers may also be implemented as django-pain plugins.

Imported payments are regularly processed by payment processors. The processors are usually implemented as django-pain plugins, implementing payment processor interface.

Bank accounts and payments may be managed through a Django admin site.


You need to add django_pain.apps.DjangoPainConfig and django_lang_switch.apps.DjangoLangSwitchConfig to your INSTALLED_APPS. In order for user interface to work, you also need to add the Django admin site. See Django docs for detailed description.

You also need to include django_pain, admin and django_lang_switch urls into your project

urlpatterns = [
    path('pain/', include('django_pain.urls')),
    path('django_lang_switch/', include('django_lang_switch.urls')),

After installing the django-pain package and configuring your Django project, you need to generate migrations. Call django-admin makemigrations. These migrations depend on LANGUAGES and CURRENCIES settings, so think carefully how you set them. If you decide to change these settings in the future, you need to generate the migrations again.

Also, JavaScript files use the new ECMAScript 2017 notation and need to be transpiled in order to work in most of current browsers. Assuming you have Node.js and npm installed, you need to install necessary packages first by calling npm install from the command line. After that, you can transpile the JavaScript code by calling npm run build.


All requirements are listed in requirements.txt.

If you wish to use LDAP authentication, you can use django-python3-ldap.



Provides payment processor for FRED.


Provides payment processor for Ginger Payments (and therefore the Academy).


In order for django-pain to work, you need to define some settings in your


A required setting containing a dictionary of payment processor names and dotted paths to payment processors classes. The payments are offered to the payment processors in that order.

Example configuration:

    'fred': 'fred_pain.processors.FredPaymentProcessor',
    'payments': 'payments_pain.processors.PaymentsPaymentProcessor',
    'ignore': 'django_pain.processors.IgnorePaymentProcessor',

You should not change processor names unless you have a very good reason. In that case, you also need to take care of changing processor names saved in the database.

When you change this setting (including the initial setup), you have to run django-admin migrate. Permissions for manual assignment to individual payment processors are created in this step.


Path to the lock file for the process_payments command. The default value is /tmp/pain_process_payments.lock.


Boolean setting. If True, bank statement parser removes leading zeros from the variable symbol. Default is False.


A setting containing dotted paths to payment downloader and parser classes and downloader parameters. There should be a separate entry in the dictionary for each bank from which payments should be downloaded. The downloaders and parsers are provided in teller library.

Example configuration:

DOWNLOADERS = {'test_bank': {'DOWNLOADER': 'teller.downloaders.TestStatementDownloader',
                             'PARSER': 'teller.downloaders.TestStatementParser',
                             'DOWNLOADER_PARAMS': {'base_url': 'https://bank.test', 'password': 'letmein'}}}


List setting containing dotted paths to callables.

Each value of the list should be dotted path refering to callable that takes BankPayment object as its argument and returns (possibly) changed BankPayment. This callable is called right before the payment is saved during the import. Especially, this callable can throw ValidationError in order to avoid saving payment to the database. Default value is empty list.


Settings for CSOB card payment handler. API_PUBLIC_KEY, MERCHANT_ID and MERCHANT_PRIVATE_KEY contain parameters provided by CSOB bank. ACCOUNT_NUMBERS is a mapping assigning accounts to curency codes. CSOB payment gateway may accept payments in different currencies. For each currency there has to be an account held in that currency associated with the gateway. The associated accounts have to be specified in ACCOUNT_NUMBERS setting so we are able to choose the correct account when recording the payments in the application. The values of the mapping are account numbers as recorded in the database.

Example configuration:

    'API_PUBLIC_KEY': 'path_to_public_key.txt'),
    'MERCHANT_ID': 'abc123',
    'MERCHANT_PRIVATE_KEY': 'path_to_private_key.txt'),
        'CZK': '123456',
        'EUR': '234567',

Plugins usually have settings of their own, see the plugin docs. Apart from that, there are several settings that don't have to be set, but it's really advisable to do so.


A list of currency codes used in the application. The default is the list of all available currencies (which is pretty long).

Example configuration:


This setting comes from django-money app. Changing this setting requires generating migrations.


The currency code of the default currency. It should be one of the currencies defined in the CURRENCIES setting. The default is XYZ.

Example configuration:


This setting comes from django-money app. Changing this setting requires generating migrations.


See Django docs. It is advisable to set this only to languages you intend to support. django-pain natively comes with English and Czech.

Currency formatting

In case Django does not format currencies correctly according to its locale setting it may be necessary to define the formatting rules manually:

from moneyed.localization import _FORMATTER as money_formatter
from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
    'cs', group_size=3, group_separator=' ', decimal_point=',',
    positive_sign='',  trailing_positive_sign='',
    negative_sign='-', trailing_negative_sign='',

First argument of add_formatting_definition should be a properly formatted locale name from the LANGUAGES setting.

This setting comes from py-moneyed library.



import_payments --parser PARSER [input file [input file ...]]

Import payments from the bank. A bank statement should be provided on the standard input or in a file as a positional parameter.

The mandatory argument PARSER must be a dotted path to a payment-parser class such as django_pain.parsers.transproc.TransprocXMLParser.


download_payments [--start START] [--end END] [--downloader DOWNLOADER]

Download payments from the banks.

There are two optional arguments --start and --end which set the download interval for which the banks will be queried. Both parameters should be entered as date and time in ISO format. Default value for END is today. Default value for START is seven days before END.

Example download_payments --start 2020-09-01T00:00 --end 2020-10-31T23:59

Optional repeatable parameter --downloader selects which downloaders defined in the PAIN_DOWNLOADERS settings will be used. If the parameter is omitted all defined downloaders will be used.

Example download_payments --downloader somebank --downloader someotherbank


list_payments [--exclude-accounts ACCOUNTS]
              [--include-accounts ACCOUNTS]
              [--limit LIMIT] [--state STATE]

List bank payments.

The options --exclude-accounts and --include-accounts are mutually exclusive and expect a comma-separated list of bank account numbers.

Option --state can be either ready_to_process, processed, deferred or exported.

If --limit LIMIT is set, the command will list at most LIMIT payments. If there are any non-listed payments, the command will announce their count.


process_payments [--from TIME_FROM] [--to TIME_TO]

Process unprocessed payments with predefined payment processors.

The command takes all payments in the states ready_to_process or deferred and offers them to the individual payment processors. If any processor accepts the payment, then payment's state is switched to processed. Otherwise, its state is switched to deferred.

The options --from and --to limit payments to be processed by their creation date. They expect an ISO-formatted datetime value.




Django Payments and Invoices



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