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62 lines (49 loc) · 1.66 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (49 loc) · 1.66 KB


Build the Docker Image

docker build -t hsextract .

Run the Docker container with necessary permissions

docker run -it -p 9000:9000 --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --device /dev/fuse --entrypoint /bin/bash hsextract

Docker shell commands

s3fs demo-composite /s3 -o passwd_file=/etc/s3cred,use_path_request_style,url=
python3 /app/hsextract/ extract /s3

Run directory extraction

docker run -v $abs_path:/files hsextract extract /files

cat $abs_path/.hs/output.json

Run extraction on a single file

docker run -v $abs_path:/files hsextract extract /files/watersheds/watersheds.shp

cat $abs_path/.hs/output.json

Run feature (.shp) extraction

docker run -v $abs_path:/files hsextract feature /files/watersheds/watersheds.shp

Run raster (.vrt) extraction

docker run -v $abs_path:/files hsextract raster /files/rasters/logan.vrt

Run netcdf (.nc) extraction

docker run -v $abs_path:/files hsextract netcdf /files/netcdf/

Run timeseries (.sqlite) extraction

docker run -v $abs_path:/files hsextract timeseries /files/timeseries/ODM2_Multi_Site_One_Variable.sqlite

Run timeseries (.csv) extraction

docker run -v $abs_path:/files hsextract timeseriescsv /files/timeseries/ODM2_Multi_Site_One_Variable_Test.csv

Run referenced timeseries (.refts.json) extraction

docker run -v $abs_path:/files hsextract reftimeseries /files/reftimeseries/multi_sites_formatted_version1.0.refts.json