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The Sunlight logo, a bench under a tree in stylized black ink, cast against a large yellow sun, with the text Sunlight underneath

The Sunlight CT Logs

A Sunlight log is a Certificate Transparency log that implements RFC 6962 on the write path (for submission), and an HTTP static asset hierarchy on the read path (for monitoring).

Aside from the different read API, a Sunlight log is a regular CT log that can work alongside RFC 6962 logs and that fulfills the same purpose. In particular, it requires no modification to submitters and TLS clients.

This document specifies the public endpoints of a Sunlight log, and is aimed at consumers (both readers and writers) of the log. A more comprehensive design document, which explores the motivating tradeoffs and details an implementation architecture, is available at

Conventions used in this document

Data structures are defined according to the conventions laid out in Section 3 of RFC 8446, and with references to structures defined in RFC 6962.

U+ followed by four hexadecimal characters denotes a Unicode codepoint, to be encoded in UTF-8. 0x followed by two hexadecimal characters denotes a byte value in the 0-255 range. || denotes concatenation.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 RFC 2119 RFC 8174 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.


A Sunlight log is defined by a public key (hashed into a LogID, as per RFC 6962, Section 3.2), and by two URL prefixes: the submission prefix for write APIs and the monitoring prefix for read APIs.

A log MAY use the same value for both the submission prefix and the monitoring prefix.

For example, a log with

  • submission prefix and
  • monitoring prefix

will serve API endpoints defined below at


Submission APIs

For clients submitting certificates, a Sunlight log is fully RFC 6962 compliant: it implements the RFC 6962 submission APIs and produces RFC 6962 signatures.

In particular, a Sunlight log MUST implement:

  • the <submission prefix>/ct/v1/add-chain API endpoint according to RFC 6962, Section 4.1
  • the <submission prefix>/ct/v1/add-pre-chain API endpoint according to RFC 6962, Section 4.2
  • the <submission prefix>/ct/v1/get-roots API endpoint according to RFC 6962, Section 4.7

The Signed Certificate Timestamp and its signature MUST be calculated according to RFC 6962, Section 3.2.

SCT Extension

RFC 6962 specifies no extensions, and current logs produce empty extensions fields. This document defines a format for the CtExtensions type, and one REQUIRED SignedCertificateTimestamp extension for Sunlight logs.

According to RFC 6962, submitters SHALL encode the extensions field of add-[pre-]chain responses into serialized SignedCertificateTimestamps and TLS clients SHALL include that field in the digitally signed message being verified.

enum {
	leaf_index(0), (255)
} ExtensionType;

struct {
	ExtensionType extension_type;
	opaque extension_data<0..2^16-1>;
} Extension;

Extension CTExtensions<0..2^16-1>;

The CTExtensions type (opaque in RFC 6962) MUST be a list of zero or more Extensions, similarly to RFC 5246, but with a one-byte ExtensionType. The order of extensions in an extensions field is arbitrary and MUST be ignored. Duplicate extensions with the same ExtensionType MUST NOT be included in the same extensions field.

uint8 uint40[5];
uint40 LeafIndex;

Sunlight logs MUST include a leaf_index extension in the extensions field of SignedCertificateTimestamp. The extension_data field of this extension MUST be a LeafIndex value, which is a big-endian unsigned 40-bit integer specifying the 0-based index of the included entry in the log.

The total length of an extensions field containing only a leaf_index extension is 8 bytes.

Note that by design this encourages a null Merge Delay, since entries must be sequenced before an SCT is returned, for this extension to be included.

This extension makes it possible for auditors to verify inclusion of an SCT in the log by fetching the entry by index, rather than by hash.

Monitoring APIs

The entries in a Sunlight tree, as well as accessory information such as proofs and signed tree heads are exposed not through the RFC 6962 dynamic APIs, but as static assets which can be fetched with HTTP GET requests, and which can be efficiently cached and compressed.

Note that all cryptographic operations (such as hashes and signatures) are as specified by RFC 6962, so these APIs can be thought of as an alternative encoding format for the same data, and operators MAY run a full RFC 6962 interface as a reverse proxy in front of a Sunlight log.


The Signed Tree Head is served as a checkpoint at

<monitoring prefix>/checkpoint

with Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8.

This endpoint is mutable, so its headers SHOULD prevent caching beyond a few seconds.

The checkpoint body MUST encode the size and Merkle Tree Hash of the latest public Signed Tree Head, and the origin line MUST be the submission prefix of the log as a schema-less URL with no trailing slashes.

For example, a log with submission prefix will use as the checkpoint origin line.

The signature and the timestamp are encoded as a note signature. The key name of the signature line MUST match the checkpoint origin line. The key ID MUST be the first four bytes (interpreted in big-endian order) of the SHA-256 hash of the following sequence: the key name, a newline character (0x0A), the signature type identifier byte 0x05, and the 32-byte RFC 6962 LogID.

The signature body MUST be an encoding of the following structure.

struct {
	uint64 timestamp;
	TreeHeadSignature signature;
} RFC6962NoteSignature;

“timestamp” is the TreeHeadSignature.timestamp field.

“signature” is the TreeHeadSignature digitally-signed value. (Unfortunately, a TreeHeadSignature does not cover the log’s identity, so the origin line is unauthenticated.)

A checkpoint signed with this algorithm MUST NOT include any extension lines.

Note that a RFC 6962 get-sth response can be converted to a checkpoint (with knowledge of the origin line) and vice-versa without access to the private key.

Merkle Tree

Instead of serving arbitrary consistency and inclusion proofs, Sunlight logs serve the Merkle Tree as a set of “tiles”: concatenated sequences of consecutive Merkle Tree Hashes at a certain tree height. Clients can fetch all the tiles they need in parallel and compute arbitrary proofs.

Tiles are served as at

<monitoring prefix>/tile/8/<L>/<N>[.p/<W>]

with Content-Type: application/data.

<L> is the “level” of the tile, and MUST be a decimal ASCII integer between 0 and 63, with no additional leading zeroes.

<N> is the index of the tile within the level. It MUST be a non-negative integer encoded into 3-digit path elements. All but the last path element MUST begin with an x. For example, index 1234067 will be encoded as x001/x234/067.

The .p/<W> suffix is only present for partial tiles, defined below. <W> is the width of the tile, a decimal ASCII integer between 1 and 255, with no additional leading zeroes.

(The 8 literal path element is the tile height. Sunlight logs MUST support tiles of height eight, and MAY support other heights as well.)

This endpoint is immutable, so its caching headers SHOULD be long-lived.

Full tiles MUST be exactly 256 hashes wide, or 8,192 bytes. At “level 0” tiles contain leaf hashes. At “level 1” and above, each hash in a tile is the Merkle Tree Hash of a full tile at the level below.

More formally, in the language of RFC 6962, Section 2.1, the n-th tile at level l, with n and l starting at 0, is the sequence of the following Merkle Tree Hashes, with i from 0 to 255:

MTH(D[(n * 256 + i) * 256**l : (n * 256 + i + 1) * 256**l])

Note that a tile represents the entire subtree of height 8 with its hashes as the leaves. The Merkle Tree levels between those expressed by the tile hashes can be reconstructed by hashing the leaves.

Partial Tiles

Some or all of the rightmost tiles in a tree will always be partial. A partial tile contains between 1 and 255 hashes, and MUST NOT be hashed into a tile at the level above.

The partial tile at level l for a tree of size s has floor(s / 256**l) mod 256 entries. Empty tiles MUST NOT be served.

For example, a tree of size 70,000 will be represented by 273 full level 0 tiles, one partial level 0 tile of width 112, one full level 1 tile, one partial level 1 tile of width 17, and one partial level 2 tile of width 1. Note that a tree of size 256 will be represented by a full level 0 tile and a partial level 1 tile of width 1.

Sunlight logs MUST serve partial tiles corresponding to tree sizes for which a checkpoint was produced, but MAY omit any partial tile for which the corresponding full tile is available. Clients MUST NOT fetch arbitrary partial tiles without verifying a checkpoint with a size that requires their existence, and SHOULD fetch the full tile in parallel as a fallback in case the partial tile is not available anymore.

Log entries

The log entries are served as a “data tile” at

<monitoring prefix>/tile/8/data/<N>[.p/<W>]

with Content-Type: application/data.

Data tiles SHOULD be compressed at the HTTP layer. Logs MAY use Content-Encoding: gzip with no negotiation, or any compression algorithm requested by the client with Accept-Encoding. Clients SHOULD include gzip and identity in their Accept-Encoding headers.

This endpoint is immutable, so its caching headers SHOULD be long-lived.

The entries in a data tile match the entries in the corresponding “level 0” tile. Data tiles are sequences of the following structure, one per entry.

struct {
	TimestampedEntry timestamped_entry;
	select(entry_type) {
		case x509_entry: Empty;
		case precert_entry: PreCertExtraData;
	} extra_data;
} TileLeaf;

struct {
	ASN.1Cert pre_certificate;
	opaque PrecertificateSigningCertificate<0..2^24-1>;
} PreCertExtraData;

“timestamped_entry” is the TimestampedEntry sub-structure of a MerkleTreeLeaf according to RFC 6962, Section 3.4.

“pre_certificate” is the Precertificate submitted for auditing.

PrecertificateSigningCertificate is a Precertificate Signing Certificate, if one was used to sign the Precertificate. Otherwise, it is empty.

Issuers Bundle

The issuers bundle is served as at

<monitoring prefix>/issuers.pem

with Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8.

This endpoint is mutable, so its caching headers SHOULD match those of the checkpoint.

The bundle consists of a deduplicated sequence of PEM-encoded certificates in unspecified order. It MUST include every issuer of every submitted chain accepted by the log, excluding any Precertificate Signing Certificates.


This design is based on the original Certificate Transparency specification, on the Go Checksum Database developed with Russ Cox, and on the feedback of many individuals in the WebPKI community, and in particular of the Sigsum, Google TrustFabric, and ISRG teams.