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Bitcoin Design Reviews

Design reviews are opportunities for designers and product teams to get design feedback on a particular feature or aspect of their product as well as getting help in better understanding the needs of their users. Actionable suggestions for improving usability, user interface, interaction, and visual aesthetics are given by community members.

How does it work?

  1. A bitcoin product team submits a page or section of the user flow they want reviewed in a design review in the #design-reviews channel in our Discord.

It is best to focus on a specific part of your product, so we can give the highest amount of value. Reviewing a whole product is an extensive and involved process that is hardly doable in a single call and better suited for a dedicated product designer or a more involved process. If you need a designer for your bitcoin product, reach out in the #opportunities channel.

  1. The proposal is discussed and a call is scheduled as needed.

  2. The designer/team ideally shares their designs with an introduction several days in advance. This allows feedback gathering beforehand, participation for anyone who can't make the call, and makes the call more useful since everyone is already up-to-speed. This is public and open for anyone to view, in classic open-source fashion.

  3. What to consider during the call

4.1 Assume that not everyone has had a chance to review the product/design and provide a top-level summary. Then dive into the specific design to review.

4.2 Do not expect final solutions to be created during calls. An hour is not enough time. You will get diverse feedback and can decide what to act on and what to dismiss based on your product direction.

4.3 Allow designers who did their home work to present their feedback. It is often best to not interrupt, but only ask questions, and give explanations later.

4.4 Ensure a good pace so you can hear all the feedback. Take notes, and if needed, follow up after the call for more details.

  1. Follow up help and suggestions on the feedback given is always available. The product team and interested designers can independently organize this.

Who can take part?

Anyone who is working on a bitcoin product. Whether its a new page or user flow you want reviewed before release, or an old one that needs polishing, Bitcoin Design Reviews can help. Open-source products get priority over closed-source products.

Calls are recorded and published on the BitcoinTV and YouTube channels, and open for anyone to join in. We greatly appreciate the pseudonymous and private nature of bitcoin and are more than happy to accommodate those who would prefer not to reveal their identity.

What information do I need to provide for a review?

  • The section or page you want reviewed. We can help you identify an area that needs work if you're not sure
  • Links to any design files you use in your product if you have them: Figma/Penpot file, design system, icon set, brand assets
  • Access information, if your app has a testnet or beta version that requires authentication to use

What we won't do

  • Make up new features or suggest developmental changes (unless necessary, relevant, or just as an optional thing to look into)
  • Make any branding, style guide or other thematic changes
  • Accessibility will be covered in context, but we will not do a full audit, as that can be quite extensive
  • Create new icons or graphics

When do these happen?

The calls are organized to best fit the availability (and time zones) of interested participants.

Subscribe to our calendar to keep up with upcoming design reviews. Or you can browse event issues here for all upcoming and past calls.