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    -Changelog created
    -Added /allpoof to become invisible from those using /nopoof
    -LOTS of code cleanup
    -Fixed protections occasionally corrupting when saved
    -Made BenCmd stop spamming the chat about protected doors with "Missing secondary blocks"
    -Added the concept of SPAreas (Special Purpose Areas)
      -PVP SPArea added
        -Players only drop *currency* they are carrying on death, and graves are disabled
        -Ability to limit entry to people with a speicific amount of currency
        -If players drop currency inside, they are kicked out to the nearest non-PVP area
        -Warns players when entering and exiting (child of Message SPArea)
      -Message SPArea added
        -Provides messages on entry and exit
        -Messages can be disabled by setting them to blank ("`" in the db file)
    -Added timed graves
      -Players cannot destroy other players' gravestones
      -Last for 3 minutes, by default, before deleting themselves
      -Store all items except currencies (configurable)
      -Items are lost permanently if the grave is not destroyed before time is up
      -Provide time estimates automatically to the player
      -Can be destroyed immediately by admins (Anyone with the "canDestroyGraves" permission)
      -Automatically deleted if the user logs off or the server is reloaded/turned off
    -Fixed assorted minor bugs
    -Added /user [name] info to get info about a user
      -What permissions they have (direct in green, indirect in gray)
      -What groups they're in (direct in green, indirect in gray)
      -Prefix/color they will inherit
    -Added /group [name] info to get info about a group
      -What permissions the group has (direct in green, indirect in gray)
      -List of sub-groups
      -List of users (Will not display when 50+ users are in a group)
    -Added /area info to get information about an area
      -Area ID
      -Type of area
      -Corner locations
      -Enter/Leave messages (for areas with messaging capabilities)
      -Minimum time (for areas with timing capabilities)
      -PvP drop mode, if applicable
    -Added /area table to list a PvP area's drop table details
    -Added heal/damage/time-restrictive areas
    -Made PvP drops customizable
      -Can drop/keep/lose currencies or other items
      -Drop table added that is capable of dropping pre-determined items
        -Each item can have a 1/x chance of being spawned
        -Each item can have a minimum/maximum drop amount
        -Amount will be random between the minimum and maximum
    -More bugfixes
    -Cleaned up code
    -Fixed item spawn blacklisting/whitelisting
    -Mobs now use drop tables instead of kits to decide what they drop
    -Improved the accuracy of the flymod detector
    -Made flymod actions customizable
    -Now displays a warning when a server starts up with a DEBUG version of BenCmd
    -Lotsa bugfixes
      -Fixed miscellanious spelling errors
      -Fixed protections occasionally corrupting
      -Fixed flymod detection system occasionally detecting a player that has teleported as "flying"
    -Added a new banking system
      -Anyone with the permission "canBankAnywhere" can use /bank to control their bank
      -Anyone with the permission "isBankAdmin" can use /bank to control anyone's bank
      -Single chest size by default, can be upgraded using /bank upgrade.
        -Price is configurable ("bankUpgradeCost" in
      -Can be downgraded using /bank downgrade
        -All money used to upgrade is returned
        -Can only be done if bottom half of bank is empty
    -Added new NPCs system
      -3 different types so far:
        -Banker NPC: Used to access a player's bank, even if they can't use /bank
        -Bank Manager NPC: Used to upgrade a player's bank, even if they can't use /bank
        -Blacksmith NPC: Used to repair damaged items and armor. (Prices are individually configurable)
      -Right click on an NPC to use normally
      -Players with the "canEditNpc" permission can do the following:
        -Right click on an NPC with a stick for details on that NPC
        -Create new NPCs using /npc {banker|bupgrade|blacksmith}
        -Delete NPCs using /npc remove <id>
        -Despawn all NPCs using /npc despawnall (For debugging purposes only! Does not delete NPCs!)
        -Change Blacksmith prices using /npc rep <id> <price>
    -Added timed levers
      -Use /lever day or /lever night when pointing at a lever
      -The lever will be on during the day when /lever day is used and during the night when /lever night is used
    -/spawn can now work across worlds
      -/spawn <world> to spawn to another world (If the user has the permission "canSpawnAllWorlds")
      -"perWorldSpawn" in, when set to true, causes players to spawn in their current world
      -If "perWorldSpawn" is disabled, players will spawn to the world set in "defaultSpawn"
    -Added automatic updating
      -BenCmd checks for updates when it starts and every half-hour
      -Alerts users with the permission "canUpdate" when an update is detected
      -/bencmd update is used to update IF there is a new version
      -/bencmd fupdate can be used to force BenCmd to update, even if it is the newest version
    -Bukkit scheduler now used instead of timers
    -Added BenCmd-only log files in plugins/BenCmd/mm-dd-yyyy.log
    -Huge improvements to how ticket searches + lists are handled (They are now threaded to reduce server latency)
    -File checking methods have been cleaned up
    -/gentree and /lemonpledge removed
    -BenCmd can now link in and provide permissions support for WorldEdit
    -Huge code cleanup
    -Bug fixes
      -Fixed tickets with UIDs > 128 glitching out
      -Tickets now organize by ID instead of being in random order
      -Lots are now multi-world compatible
      -Repeatedly selecting the same block using the wooden shovel no longer spams your chat
    -Changed all permissions to use a node-based system
      -The only permission allowed inside the root node is '*'. Checking any root permission throws an exception.
      -Permissions cannot contain commas to prevent typos. Any permissions containing commas will throw an exception.
    -BenCmd now provides permissions to any plugins using WEPIF
    -Added option to prevent users not in users.db from joining (Basic whitelist)
    -All databases make auto-backups while saving that are deleted afterwards
      -If a backup database is found while loading, it is restored
    -BenCmd now peacefully tells ZombeMods cheats + flymode and CJB Cheats to disable when players join
    -Auto-updater can now differentiate between dev builds and stable builds
    -NPC system improved
      -Static NPCs that just stand around with a specific name
      -NPCs can now hold items
      -NPCs now look at the nearest player
      -Started to add code for pathing NPCs (Not yet working in-game)
    -Added connection to Spout
      -For SpoutCraft users only:
        -Static NPCs have changeable skins independant from names
        -Some admin notifications that showed in chat now show in small achievement windows
        -There is now a small GUI for making basic edits to NPCs
        -Half-completed /status GUI
      -For all users:
        -Added ability to disable crafting of certain items via a permission
    -Major improvements to /spawnmob
    -Added /killall to allow killing of nearby entities
    -Moved all classes from ben_dude56.plugins.bencmd to com.bendude56.bencmd
    -Added a green star in chat and lightning upon joining for BenCmd developers
    -Channels are now enabled by default
    -Added ability to change entries from in-game
    -Small /list tweaks
    -Added enderman griefing protection
    -Added new protectable blocks:
      -Furnaces (FINALLY :D)
    -Added logging of all mutes, bans, jails, kicks, and other custom notes that can be searched from in-game
    -Added /feed to bring a users' hunger bar to max
    -Added /debug command for dev use only
      -Players that are accused in a ticket now see the ticket sender as 'ANONYMOUS'.
      -Fixed some typos in messages
      -Fixed banks not saving properly
      -Made NPCs use pipe characters ('|') instead of slash to prevent the saving from messing with URLs
      -Fixed minor glitch in a damage event causing McMyAdmin to spazz out
      -Fixed a bug where the server would crash if any player was in a world different from any NPC
      -Fixed rare NPE when a player disconnects causing NPCs to stop ticking properly
      -Made flymod detection less sensitive so it doesn't falsely detect players flying when the server is lagging
      -Fixed McMyAdmin compatibility problems
      -Fixed changing a protection's guestlist using its ID not checking permissions
      -Fixed players being able to have unlimited homes with negative numbers
      -Updated /help
      -Fixed auto-updater sometimes not working
      -Fixed channels complaining that smilies were "all-caps messages"
      -Fixed some database files not auto-creating properly
      -Fixed jailed players being able to damage themselves and die to escape jail
      -Fixed default group being initialized as "group"
      -Updated to support 1.8
        -Fixed banks causing strings that are "too long"
        -Fixed non-static NPCs glitching out
        -Fixed CraftBukkit compatibility
    -Fixed /inv not working
    -Combined all listeners into singleton listener classes
    -All database files are now controlled by a BenCmdFile interface and stored statically in the BenCmd class
    -No more classes store arbitrary references to the BenCmd instance
    -Players can no longer lock blocks inside lots that they do not own
    -Preparations made for BenCmdWeb
    -A lot of code cleanup
    -Fixed an annoying NPC bug
    -Added some TODO tags to mark where improvement is required
    -Made time control multi-world compatible
    -Emergency patch for game-wrecking bug


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