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121 lines (102 loc) · 3.75 KB

File metadata and controls

121 lines (102 loc) · 3.75 KB

Project structure

Currently, all the implementation code is in projectile-phoenix.el. The file is separated into the external functions (as of this moment, just the navigation functions) and the utility functions.

The functions named like projectile-phoenix--this are intended as private functions. The end-user should not call them, despite Emacs showing them in the function list when calling describe-function, for example. The external API for the package is noted as the external functions in the file.

To write tests, we can only check what is returned by the auxiliary functions, since most external functions deal with side effects: opening new buffers, running processes and so on.


This project uses Buttercup for implementing behavior-driven tests and Cask for dependency management.

Elisp References

If you are new to Emacs Lisp, we recommend going through the GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual (M-x info then search for Emacs Lisp Intro) and later consulting the Emacs Lisp Reference Manual (M-x info then search for Elisp). This project makes heavy use of file-related functions.


A resource is a component of a Phoenix project. Examples: controllers, views, templates, routers, migrations.

We define web resources as resources that are under the <project_name>_web directory:

  • Controllers
  • Views
  • Routers
  • Channels
  • Templates

For example, if we have a project structure like this:

# ...
|-- lib
|   |-- sample_project
|   |   |-- application.ex
|   |   `-- repo.ex
|   |-- sample_project.ex
|   |-- sample_project_web
|   |   |-- channels
|   |   |   `-- user_socket.ex
|   |   |-- controllers
|   |   |   `-- page_controller.ex
|   |   |-- endpoint.ex
|   |   |-- gettext.ex
|   |   |-- router.ex
|   |   |-- templates
|   |   |   |-- layout
|   |   |   |   `-- app.html.eex
|   |   |   `-- page
|   |   |       `-- index.html.eex
|   |   `-- views
|   |       |-- error_helpers.ex
|   |       |-- error_view.ex
|   |       |-- layout_view.ex
|   |       `-- page_view.ex
|   `-- sample_project_web.ex
|-- mix.exs
|-- mix.lock
|-- priv
|   |-- gettext
|   |   |-- en
|   |   |   `-- LC_MESSAGES
|   |   |       `-- errors.po
|   |   `-- errors.pot
|   |-- repo
|   |   |-- migrations
|   |   `-- seeds.exs
# ...

The controller would be page_controller.ex, the views would be error_view.ex, layout_view.ex and page_view.ex, the templates would be app.html.eex and index.html.eex, the channel is user_socket.ex and the router is router.ex.

A private resource is defined as a resource under the priv directory. This includes:

  • Migrations
  • Translation files


How to run

Go to the root of the project and run make test. This should run Buttercup for you even if you've just cloned the project:

$ cd ~/projectile-phoenix
$ make test

Writing new tests

When you want to test something related to the Phoenix project itself, use the projectile-test-with-sandbox and projectile-test-with-files macros like this:

  (cd "sample")
(expect (function) :to-equal "Something")))

It's important to mention that you need to list each directory explicitly in projectile-test-with-files. This macro is not smart enough to pick up on compound paths. For example, if you want to create foo/, you need to declare it like this:


Instead of just:
