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299 lines (246 loc) · 11.2 KB

File metadata and controls

299 lines (246 loc) · 11.2 KB

npm version Build Status FOSSA Status All Contributors


svgi is a CLI tool to inspect the content of SVG files. It provides you information about the file, the elements in the SVG and the hierarchy. It also count the number of elements and in the future, it will provide tips to improve the SVG




svgi is written in javascript (node) and distributed through npm. Both are required to install svgi.

To install it, run the following command in the terminal:

npm install -g svgi

Then, svgi will be available in your path:

svgi --help

  Usage: svgi [options] <file>


    -h, --help                output usage information
    -o, --output <formatter>  Select the format of the output: json, yaml, or human (default)
    -t, --tree                Display only the node tree
    -b, --basic               Display only the basic information
    -s, --stats               Display only the node statistics
    --all-stats               Return types and categories with 0 ocurrences in the stats object
    --ids                     Show the IDs of the nodes in the tree view. Only available for human formatter
    --props                   Show the properties of the nodes in the tree view. Only available for human formatter
    --legend                  Show the tree color legend. Only available for human formatter

Node Version

svgi requires a > 6 node version because it uses some features from the new versions of ECMAScript. I recommend you to use the current LTS or a newerversion.

Binary files

We are providing executable files for the environments that do not fit within current requirements. Binaries for Linux, macOS, and Windows can be downloaded from the releases page on GitHub.


You can also integrate svgi in your projects. This library will provide you a powerful way to get information about SVG files. We only need to install the library and add it as a depedency in our project:

npm install --save svgi

Now, you can start to inspect SVG files from your code :)

const SVG = require("svgi");

let svg = new SVG(
  '<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><rect x="10" y="10" height="100" width="100" style="fill: #0000ff"/></svg>'
// Get the report;
{ stats:
   { totalNodes: 2,
     types: { svg: 1, rect: 1 },
     categories: { containers: 1, shapes: 1 } },
   { type: 'svg',
     category: 'containers',
      { xmlns: '',
        'xmlns:xlink': '' },
     children: [ [Object] ] } }

CLI Output

You can change the output format of the CLI with the -o option.


This is the default option. Also, we're working on this format.

svgi icon.svg
Basic information
│ Name │ icon.svg                            │
│ Path │ /Users/angel/Projects/svgi/icon.svg │
│ Size │ 204                                 │

Node statistics
│ Total Nodes │ 14 │
│ Type │ Count │
│ svg  │ 1     │
│ g    │ 4     │
│ rect │ 3     │
│ path │ 4     │
│ text │ 2     │
│ Category   │ Count │
│ containers │ 5     │
│ shapes     │ 7     │
│ text       │ 2     │

Node tree
├─ g
│  └─ g
│     └─ g
│        ├─ rect
│        ├─ rect
│        └─ g
│           ├─ rect
│           ├─ path
│           ├─ path
│           ├─ path
│           └─ path
├─ text
└─ text


svgi -o json icon-small.svg
  "file": {
    "name": "icon-small.svg",
    "path": "/Users/angel/Projects/svgi/icon-small.svg",
    "size": 204
  "stats": {
    "totalNodes": 2,
    "types": {
      "svg": 1,
      "path": 1
    "categories": {
      "containers": 1,
      "shapes": 1
  "nodes": {
    "type": "svg",
    "category": "containers",
    "properties": {
      "viewBox": "0 0 16 16",
      "xmlns": "",
      "fill-rule": "evenodd",
      "clip-rule": "evenodd",
      "stroke-linejoin": "round",
      "stroke-miterlimit": "1.414"
    "children": [
        "type": "path",
        "category": "shapes",
        "properties": {
          "d": "M5.667 2.667H7V16H5.667V2.667zm4.666 0V16H9V2.667h1.333zM2.333 0h1.334v10H2.333V0zm10 2.667h1.334V10h-1.334V2.667z"
        "children": []

Combine JSON output with jq

You can use the well known jq command-line JSON processor to read and filter the output of the JSON formatter:

svgi -o json icon.svg | jq ''
  "viewBox": "0 0 16 16",
  "xmlns": "",
  "fill-rule": "evenodd",
  "clip-rule": "evenodd",
  "stroke-linejoin": "round",
  "stroke-miterlimit": "1.414"


svgi -o yaml icon.svg
  name: icon-small.svg
  path: /Users/angel/Projects/svgi/icon-small.svg
  size: 204
  totalNodes: 2
    svg: 1
    path: 1
    containers: 1
    shapes: 1
  type: svg
  category: containers
    viewBox: 0 0 16 16
    xmlns: ""
    fill-rule: evenodd
    clip-rule: evenodd
    stroke-linejoin: round
    stroke-miterlimit: "1.414"
    - type: path
      category: shapes
        d: >-
          M5.667 2.667H7V16H5.667V2.667zm4.666 0V16H9V2.667h1.333zM2.333
          0h1.334v10H2.333V0zm10 2.667h1.334V10h-1.334V2.667z
      children: []

Limit the output

The params -b, --basic, -s, --stats and -t, --tree allow you to limit the output of the command:

svgi --stats -o json icon.svg
  "stats": {
    "totalNodes": 14,
    "types": {
      "svg": 1,
      "g": 4,
      "rect": 3,
      "path": 4,
      "text": 2
    "categories": {
      "containers": 5,
      "shapes": 7,
      "text": 2


svgi is released under the Apache License v2.0. Developed by Angel M :).


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Ángel M

🐛 💻 🎨 📖

Aarón García Hervás


Steve Layton


Joshua Fuller



💻 📖

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!