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Sunki's goal is to be the connection between MQTT and Kafka. The steps to convert data are as follows:

  • On startup, connect to the Kafka broker, connect and subscribe to the MQTT broker.
  • For each message received from the MQTT broker, convert and publish a message to the Kafka broker.

Maven Build

Run from the root directory of the project to build the .jar file.

mvn clean install -DskipTests -f sunki/pom.xml

Note: Depends on Protobuf module. Consider building it first.

Local Run

To run locally, you need to have a Mosquitto, a Zookeeper and a Kafka broker up and running and then run the Sunki connector.

Mosquitto Broker

  1. Create a .conf file with some simple configuration: echo -e 'listener 1883 \nallow_anonymous true' >> mosquitto.conf.
  2. Install and run the connector:
    1. Install it locally with apt install mosquitto. Run it with mosquitto -c {FULL_PATH_OF_CONF_FILE}. Or,
    2. Use a Docker image. Pull it with docker pull eclipse-mosquitto:2.0.11. Run it with docker run -it -p 1883:1883 -v {FULL_PATH_OF_CONF_FILE}:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf eclipse-mosquitto:2.0.11.

Kafka Broker

Run from the root directory of the project to start the Zookeeper and the Kafka broker.

Zookeeper: bash kafka_2.13-3.4.0/bin/ config/

Kafka: bash kafka_2.13-3.4.0/bin/ config/

Note: To start fresh, delete the Kafka related logs with bash rm -rf /tmp/kafka-logs /tmp/zookeeper /tmp/kraft-combined-logs. Also, see the Pomelo README for more ways to run.


Run the bash located at the citrus/sunki/scripts folder.

Docker Build

For a Sunki instance to work, it needs a Mosquitto instance to connect to.

Run from the root directory of the project to build the Docker image.

docker compose build sunki-mosquitto

docker compose build sunki-connector

Kubernetes Deploy

For a Sunki Kubernetes cluster to work, it needs a Kafka broker instance to connect to.

If you want to run it with an already created Pomelo cluster, then run bash from the sunki/cluster-setup folder.

If you want to run it standalone, then run bash standalone from the sunki/cluster-setup folder.