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Automatic JSON serialization and deserialization for Swift model objects.

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Modelmatic automates JSON serialization and deserialization of your app's model layer. Instead of requiring you to hand-maintain mappings in your Swift classes, Modelmatic reads mappings and value transformations you define in Xcode's Core Data Model Editor.

Please note that the current version of Modelmatic works only for model objects that don't depend on Core Data. Support for NSManagedObject subclasses will be added in a future release.

Image courtesy Christopher T. Howlett, the Noun Project


Modelmatic allows you to specify custom mappings between key-value pairs in JSON dictionaries, and corresponding properties of your model objects. For example, suppose you're working with JSON similar to the following (from the Modelmatic example app):

  "version" : "2",
  "batchSize" : "10",
  "authors" : [
      "firstName" : "William",
      "lastName" : "Shakespeare",
      "born" : "1564-04-01",
      "author_id" : "101",
      "imageURL" : "https:\/\/",
      "books" : [
          "tags" : "drama,fantasy",
          "title" : "The Tempest",
          "year" : "2013",
          "book_id" : "3001"

Step 1: Defining the Model

To use Modelmatic, you start by modeling your data using Xcode's Core Data Model Editor. Don't worry, you're not going to need to use other aspects of Core Data, just the data model -- and just a subset of it's capabilities.

Core Data Model Editor graphical view

Step 2: Create Swift Classes

If your model is complex, and/or changes frequently, consider using mogenerator to generate model classes (and update them as needed) from the metadata you specified in the model editor. Otherwise, it's simplest to just create the classes you need from scratch. Here's an example:

import Foundation
import Modelmatic

@objc (MDLAuthor)
class Author: ModelObject
    // Name of the Core Data entity
    static let entityName = "Author"
    // Mapped to 'author_id' in the corresponding attribute's User Info dictionary
    @objc var authorId: NSNumber!
    @objc var firstName: String?
    @objc var lastName: String?
    @objc var dateOfBirth: NSDate?
    @objc var imageURL: UIImage?
    // Modeled relationship to 'Book' entity
    @objc var books: [Book]?

Key points:

  • import Modelmatic.
  • Subclass ModelObject.
  • Prefix classes with @objc(ObjCClassName) to avoid potential namespacing issues, and for better bridging to Objective-C.
  • Prefix properties with @objc.
  • Define a static let constant named entityName to specify the name of the associated entity in the Core Data model file.
  • authorId is mapped to author_id in the model (see the attribute definition's User Info dictionary).
  • Modelmatic automatically maps all the other properties, included nested objects in the books property.

Customizing Mappings

Modelmatic automatically matches names of properties you specify as attributes or relationships in your Core Data model to corresponding keys in the JSON dictionary. For example, given an attribute named firstName, Modelmatic will try to use firstName as a key in the JSON dictionary, and map it to a firstName property in Author.

However, the framework also allows you to specify custom mappings as needed. For instance, the Author class has the following property:

    var authorId: NSNumber!

A custom mapping is provided in the model file, binding the authorId attribute to the JSON key path author_id, as shown below:

Customizing a property mapping

To add a custom mapping, select an attribute or relationship in the model editor, and add an entry to its User Info dictionary. The key should be jsonKeyPath, and the value should be the key or key path (dot-separated property path) used in the JSON dictionary. During encoding and decoding, Modelmatic will automatically map between your object's property, as defined by its attribute or relationship name, and the custom key path you specified to access JSON values.

Defining Relationships

Core Data allows you to define to-one and to-many relationships between entities. Modelmatic will automatically create and populate nested objects for which you've defined relationships. For instance, the Modelmatic example app defines a to-many relationship from the Author entity to the Book entity. To create an Author instance along with its nested array of books, you simply initialize an Author with a JSON dictionary as follows:

let author = Author(dictionary: $0, entity: entity)

For example, given the following JSON, the previous call would create and populate an instance of Author containing an array of two Book objects, with their author properties set to point back to the Author instance):

      "author_id" : "106"
      "firstName" : "Mark",
      "lastName" : "Twain",
      "books" : [
          "book_id" : "3501",
          "title" : "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court",
          "year" : "2014"
          "book_id" : "3502",
          "title" : "The Prince and the Pauper",
          "year" : "2015"

Property Types

Modelmatic uses methods defined in the NSKeyValueCoding (KVC) protocol to set model object property values. KVC can set properties of any Objective-C type, but has limited ability to deal with pure Swift types, particularly struct and enum types. However bridged Standard Library types, such as String, Array, Dictionary, as well as scalar types such as Int, Double, Bool, etc. are handled automatically by KVC with one notable issue: Swift scalars wrapped in Optionals. For example, KVC would be unable to set the following property:

    var rating: Int?

If your ModelObject subclasses uses a Swift type that KVC can't directly handle, you can provide a computed property of the same name, prefixed with kvc_, to provide your own custom handling. For example, to make the rating property work with Modelmatic, add the following:

    @objc var kvc_rating: Int {
        get { return rating ?? 0 }
        set { rating = Optional(newValue) }

If Modelmatic is unable to set a property directly (in this case the rating property), it will automatically call the kvc_ prefixed variant (kvc_rating, in this example). NOTE: Make sure the original property (rating, in this example), is not prefixed with @objc, and that the wrapper property (e.g., kvc_rating) is prefixed.

Specifying Value Transformations

In your Core Data model file, you can specify a property type as Transformable. If you do so, you can then provide the name of a custom transformer. For example, the Author class in the Modelmatic example app has a transformable property, dateOfBirth, of type NSDate. Modelmatic automatically uses an instance of the specified NSValueTransformer subclass to transform the value when accessing the property.

Here's the code of the Example app's DateTransformer class in its entirety:

import Foundation

@objc (MDLDateTransformer)
class DateTransformer: NSValueTransformer
    static let transformerName = "Date"
    override class func transformedValueClass() -> AnyClass { return NSString.self }
    override class func allowsReverseTransformation() -> Bool { return true }
    override func transformedValue(value: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject? {
        guard let date = value as? NSDate else { return nil }
        return serializedDateFormatter.stringFromDate(date)
    override func reverseTransformedValue(value: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject? {
        guard let stringVal = value as? String else { return nil }
        return serializedDateFormatter.dateFromString(stringVal)

private let serializedDateFormatter: NSDateFormatter = {
    let formatter = NSDateFormatter()
    formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
    return formatter

The date transformer is registered by the following line of code in the Example app's AuthorObjectStore class:

NSValueTransformer.setValueTransformer(DateTransformer(), forName: String(DateTransformer.transformerName))

Step 3: Loading the Model

Somewhere in your app (you only need to do this once during the app's lifecycle), do something like the following to load the Core Data model file into memory:

let modelName = "Authors"
    guard let modelURL = NSBundle(forClass: type(of: self).URLForResource(modelName, withExtension: "momd"),
    model = NSManagedObjectModel(contentsOfURL: modelURL) else {
        print("Unable to load model \(modelName)")

You'll most likely want to store the reference to the model in a class property.

Step 4: Encoding and Decoding Model Objects

Once you've obtained JSON data, you can deserialize it as follows (Note that deserializeJson wraps a call to NSJSONSerialization):

guard let data = data, dict = try? data.deserializeJson() else { 

To construct an instance of your model class, simply provide the dictionary of deserialized values, along with the entity description:

let authors = Author(dictionary: $0, entity: entity)

This will construct and populate an instance of Author, as well as any nested objects for which you defined relationships in the model (and for which the JSON contains data). You then simply work with your model objects. Whenever you want to serialize an object or group of objects, simply do as follows:

// Encode the author
let authorDict = author.dictionaryRepresentation
// Serialize data
if let data = try? dict.serializeAsJson(pretty: true) {
    // Do something with the data...

Setting Related Objects Programmatically

Modelmatic provides methods to make it easier to programmatically set objects for properties that model to-one or to-many relationships. While it's easy enough to remove objects (simply set to-one properties to nil, or use array methods to remove objects from arrays), setting or adding objects to these properties can be slightly more involved. That's because Modelmatic automatically sets property values for any inverse relationships you define in your model, so that child objects will have references to their parents.

While inverse relationships aren't required, they're often convenient. Just be sure to use the weak lifetime qualifier for references to parent objects.

Even if you're not currently using inverse relationships, it's a good idea to use the convenience methods provided by ModelObject for modifying relationship values. That way, if you change your mind later, you won't need to change your code to add support for setting parent references.

To-Many Relationships

ModelObject provides two methods for modifying to-many relationships, as shown in the following examples:

// Adding an object to a to-many relationship
let author = Author(dictionary: authorDict, entity: authorEntity)
let book = Book(dictionary: bookDict, entity: bookEntity)
do {
    // Adds a book to the author's 'books' array, and sets the book's 'author' property
    try author.add(modelObject: book, forKey: "books")
catch MappingError.unknownRelationship(let name) {
    print("Unknown relationship \(name)")

// Adding an array of objects to a to-many relationship
let books = [Book(dictionary: bookDict2, entity: bookEntity),
             Book(dictionary: bookDict3, entity: bookEntity)]
do {
    // Adds two books to the author's 'books' array, setting each book's 'author' property
    try author.add(modelObject: books, forKey: "books")
catch MappingError.unknownRelationship(let name) {
    print("Unknown relationship \(name)")

To-One Relationships

An additional method is provided for setting the value of a to-one relationship, as shown here:

// Set the value of a to-one relationship
let book = Book(dictionary: bookDict1, entity: bookEntity)
let pricing = Pricing(dictionary: ["retailPrice": expectedPrice], entity: pricingEntity)
do {
    // Sets the book's 'pricing' property, and sets the pricing's 'book' property
    try book.set(modelObject: pricing, forKey: "pricing")
catch MappingError.unknownRelationship(let name) {
    print("Unknown relationship \(name)")

Flattened Attributes

TODO: Add description.

Running the Example App

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • Swift 4.2 and iOS 11 (or greater)
  • Core Data (CoreData.framework)


Modelmatic is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Modelmatic"



Jonathan Lehr,


Modelmatic is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Automatic JSON serialization/deserialization for Swift







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