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CPP Nodes and classes

Mandatory classes

Those classes are defined in GenericNodes.h a header that is always included by the scheduler.

GenericNodes.h can be created using the python function generateGenericNodes(destination_folder) or you can use the file from the CMSIS-Stream repository.

As consequence, the definition for those classes is always included. When you build, this header must be found by your compiler.


FIFO classes are inheriting from the virtual class FIFOBase:

template<typename T>
class FIFOBase{
    virtual T* getWriteBuffer(int nb)=0;
    virtual T* getReadBuffer(int nb)=0;

    Below functions are only useful in asynchronous mode.
    Synchronous implementation can provide an empty

    virtual bool willUnderflowWith(int nb) const = 0;
    virtual bool willOverflowWith(int nb) const = 0;
    virtual int nbSamplesInFIFO() const = 0;
    virtual int nbOfFreeSamplesInFIFO() const = 0;

The functions willUnderflowWith, willOverflowWith,nbSamplesInFIFO and nbOfFreeSamplesInFIFO are only used in asynchronous mode.

If you implement a FIFO for synchronous mode you only need to implement getWriteBuffer and getReadBuffer and provide empty implementations for the other methods.

FIFO must be templates with a type defined as:

template<typename T, int length, int isArray=0, int isAsync = 0>
class FIFO;
  • T is a C datatype that must have value semantic : standard C type like float or struct
  • length is the length of the FIFO in samples
  • isArray is set to 1 when the scheduler has identified that the FIFO is always used as a buffer. So it is possible to provide a more optimized implementation for this case
  • isAsync is set to 1 for the asynchronous mode

If you implement you own FIFO class, it should come from a template with the same arguments. For instance:

template<typename T, int length, int isArray=0, int isAsync = 0>
class MyCustomFIFO;

and it should inherit from FIFOBase<T>.

GenericNodes.h is providing 3 default implementations. Their are specialization of the FIFO template:

FIFO for synchronous mode

template<typename T, int length>
class FIFO<T,length,0,0>: public FIFOBase<T> 

Buffer for synchronous mode

In some case a FIFO is just used as a buffer. An optimized implementation for this case is provided

template<typename T, int length>
class FIFO<T,length,1,0>: public FIFOBase<T> 

In this mode, the FIFO implementation is very light. For instance, for getWriteBuffer we have:

T * getWriteBuffer(int nb) const final

FIFO for asynchronous mode

template<typename T, int length>
class FIFO<T,length,0,1>: public FIFOBase<T> 

This implementation is a bit more heavy and is providing implementations of following function :

bool willUnderflowWith(int nb) const;
bool willOverflowWith(int nb) const;
int nbSamplesInFIFO() const;
int nbOfFreeSamplesInFIFO() const;


All nodes are inheriting from the virtual class NodeBase:

class NodeBase
    virtual int run()=0;
    virtual int prepareForRunning()=0;
    void setID(int id);
    int nodeID() const;

setID and 1nodeID are used for node identification. It is optional and must be enabled in the Python code generation. When enabled, after creation of the object, the node ID is set by the scheduler initialization code.

Nodes with an ID can be accessed from outside of the scheduler.

GenericNode, GenericSource and GenericSink are providing accesses to the FIFOs for each IO. The goal of those wrappers is to define the IOs (number of IO, their type and length) and hide the API to the FIFOs.

There are different versions depending on the number of inputs and/or output. Other nodes of that kind can be created by the user if different IO configurations are required:


The template is:

template<typename IN,  int inputSize,
         typename OUT, int outputSize>
class GenericNode:public NodeBase

There is one input and one output.

The constructor is:

GenericNode(FIFOBase<IN> &src,FIFOBase<OUT> &dst);

It is taking the input and output FIFOs as argument. The real type of the FIFO is hidden since the type FIFOBase is used. So GenericNode can be used with any FIFO implementation.

The main role of this GenericNode class is to provide functions to connect to the FIFOs.

The functions to access the FIFO buffers are:

OUT * getWriteBuffer(int nb = outputSize);
IN * getReadBuffer(int nb = inputSize);

getWriteBuffer is getting a pointer to a buffer of length nb to write the output samples.

getReadBuffer is getting a pointer to a buffer of length nb to read the input samples.

nb must be chosen so that there is no underflow / overflow. In synchronous mode, it will work by design if the length defined in the template argument is used. The template length is thus chosen as default value for nb.

This value may be changed in cyclo-static or asynchronous mode. In asynchronous mode, additional functions are provided to test for a possibility of underflow / overflow before getting a pointer to the buffer.

It is done with following function that are also provided by GenericNode:

bool willOverflow(int nb = outputSize);
bool willUnderflow(int nb = inputSize);

All of those functions introduced by GenericNode are doing nothing more than calling the underlying FIFO methods. But they hide those FIFOs from the user code. The FIFO can only be accessed through those APIs.


Same as GenericNode but with two outputs.

template<typename IN, int inputSize,
         typename OUT1, int output1Size
         typename OUT2, int output2Size>
class GenericNode12:public NodeBase

It provides:

IN * getReadBuffer(int nb=inputSize);
OUT1 * getWriteBuffer1(int nb=output1Size);
OUT2 * getWriteBuffer2(int nb=output2Size);

bool willUnderflow(int nb = inputSize);
bool willOverflow1(int nb = output1Size);
bool willOverflow2(int nb = output2Size);


Same but with 3 outputs.


Same but with 2 inputs and 1 output.


Similar to a GenericNode but there is no inputs.


Similar to a GenericNode but there is no outputs.


Similar to GenericNode but the output is a list of outputs of same nature. The template only has one argument for this list:

template<typename IN, int inputSize,
         typename OUT, int outputSize>
class GenericToManyNode:public NodeBase

The class is providing a method to know the number of outputs:

size_t getNbOutputs() const;

And functions to get output buffers or check possible output buffer overflow. Since the number of output is not know a priori, those functions are taking an output index to identify the output:

bool willOverflow(int id=0,int nb = outputSize) const;
OUT * getWriteBuffer(int id=0,int nb = outputSize);

Python is supporting the creation of ToMany classes with several inputs. This template is only providing one input. If you need more than one input and that the inputs are heterogeneous (different datatype and/or length), you'll need to create a template following the model of GenericNode21 and GenericToManyNode


Similar to GenericToManyNode but with a list of inputs instead of a list of outputs.

This template is only supporting one output. Python is supporting more than one output. If you need more than one heterogeneous output, you'll need to create a customized template.


With a list of inputs and a list of outputs.


This node is duplicating its input to any number of outputs.

The template is:

template<typename IN, int inputSize,
         typename OUT, int outputSize>
class Duplicate;

The outputs must have same type and same length as the input. The template is specialized to only use one type and one length. They apply to the input and all of the outputs.

The node constructor is special since it is taking a vector of output FIFOs:

Duplicate(FIFOBase<IO> &src,
          std::initializer_list<FIFOBase<IO>*> dst)

The class is inheriting from GenericToManyNode

Optional nodes

Those nodes are not included by default. They can be found in Include/cg/nodes/cpp

To use any of them you just need to include the header (for instance in your AppNodes.h file):

#include "CFFT.h"


Those nodes are for using the CMSIS-DSP FFT.


template<typename IN, int inputSize,
         typename OUT,int outputSize>
class CFFT;

Specialization provided only for float32_t, float16_t,q15_t.

The wrapper is copying the input buffer before doing the FFT (since CMSIS-DSP FFT is modifying the input buffer). It is normally possible to modify the input buffer even if it is in the input FIFO.

This implementation has made the choice of not touching the input FIFO with the cost of an additional copy.

Other data types can be easily added based on the current provided example. The user can just implement other specializations.

CIFFT is defined with class CIFFT.


Deinterleave a stream of stereo samples to one stream of mono samples.


template<typename IN, int inputSize,
         typename OUT,int outputSize>
class InterleavedStereoToMono;

For specialization q15_t and q31_t, the inputs are divided by 2 before being added to avoid any overflow.

For specialization float32_t : The output is multiplied by 0.5f for consistency with the fixed point version.


Those nodes are for using the CMSIS-DSP MFCC.


template<typename IN, int inputSize,
         typename OUT,int outputSize>
class MFCC;

Specializations provided for float32_t, float16_t, q31_t and q15_t.

The MFCC is requiring a temporary buffer. The wrappers are thus allocating a memory buffer during initialization of the node.

The buffer is allocated as a C++ vector. See the documentation of the MFCC in CMSIS-DSP to know more about the size of this buffer.



template<typename IN, int inputSize>
class NullSink: public GenericSink<IN, inputSize>

It is useful for development and debug. This node is doing nothing and just consuming its input.



template<typename IN,int windowSize, int overlap>
class OverlapAdd: public GenericNode<IN,windowSize,IN,windowSize-overlap>

There are two sizes in the template arguments : windowSize and overlap.

From those size, the template is computing the number of samples consumed and produced by the node.

The implementation is generic but will only build for a type IN having an addition operator.

This node is using a little memory (C++ vector) of size overlap that is allocated during creation of the node.

This node will overlap input data by overlap samples and sum the common overlapping samples.



template<typename IN,int windowSize, int overlap>
class SlidingBuffer: public GenericNode<IN,windowSize-overlap,IN,windowSize>

There are two sizes in the template arguments : windowSize and overlap.

For those size, the template is computing the number of samples consumed and produced by the node.

The implementation is generic and will work with all types.

This node is using a little memory (C++ vector) of size overlap allocated during creation of the node.

This node is moving a window on the input data with an overlap. The output data is the content of the window.

Note that this node is not doing any multiplication with window functions that can be found in signal processing literature. This multiplication has to be implemented in the compute graph in a separate node.



template<typename IN, int inputSize,
         typename OUT,int outputSize>
class ToComplex;

Convert a stream of reals a b c d ... to complexes a 0 b 0 c 0 d 0 ...

The implementation is generic and does not enforce the required size constraints.



template<typename IN, int inputSize,typename OUT,int outputSize>
class ToReal;

Convert a stream of complex a 0 b 0 c 0 ... to reals a b c ...

The implementation is generic and does not enforce the required size constraints.



template<typename IN, int inputSize,
         typename OUT1,int output1Size,
         typename OUT2,int output2Size>
class Unzip;

Unzip a stream a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2 ...

Into 2 streams: a1 b1 c1 ... a2 b2 c2 ...

The implementation is generic and does not enforce the required size constraints.



template<typename IN1, int inputSize1,
         typename IN2,int inputSize2,
         typename OUT,int outputSize>
class Zip;

Transform two input streams:

a1 b1 c1 ...

a2 b2 c2 ...

into one output stream:

a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2 ...

The implementation is generic and does not enforce the required size constraints


Those nodes are for host (Windows, Linux, Mac). They can be useful to experiment with a compute graph.

By default there is no nodes to read / write .wav files but you can easily add some if needed (dr_wav.h is a simple way to add .wav reading / writing and is freely available from the web).



template<typename IN, int inputSize>
class FileSink: public GenericSink<IN, inputSize>

Write the input samples to a file. The implementation is generic and use iostream for writing the datatype.

The constructor has an additional argument : the name/path of the output file:

FileSink(FIFOBase<IN> &src, std::string name)



template<typename OUT,int outputSize> class FileSource;

There is only one specialization for the float32_t type.

It is reading text file with one float per line and generating a stream of float.

At the end of file, 0.0f are generated on the output indefinitely.

The constructor has an additional argument : the name/path of the input file:

FileSource(FIFOBase<float32_t> &dst,std::string name)

SDS Nodes

The CPP SDS nodes are covered in a separate section