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108 lines (83 loc) · 6.78 KB

File metadata and controls

108 lines (83 loc) · 6.78 KB


We expect to accept external contributions to the project in the form of feedback, bug reports and even better - pull requests.

If you have not done so already, please review and honor our code-of-conduct.

Issue Submission

In order for us to help with any technical requests please check that you've completed the following steps:

  • Make sure you're evaluating the latest appropriate version of the add-on.
  • Used the search feature to ensure that the bug hasn't been reported before

Submit your issue

Review Criteria

We expect all submissions to conform to the inclusion criteria outlined by the ADDONS comittee of the Order of the Bee. This project requires the following additional criteria be met:

  • No changes, patches or enhancements to any out-of-the-box Alfresco beans, components or web scripts allowed, except for UI customisations of Share-tier Admin Tools pages via Surf extension modules and addition to the JSON page model
  • No inclusion of 3rd-party dependencies that are not "standalone" or can be safely namespaced/isolated, e.g. JARs with transitive dependencies
  • Use of regular web scripts is prescribed for Repository-tier Admin Console, with preference towards using JavaScript controller and FreeMarker templates unless a strong case can be made for using a Java-backed web script (i.e. state handling or streaming, similar to the Log4J state and log file handling tooling)
  • Use of Aikau for Share-tier Admin Tools is prescribed
  • Additional 3rd-party UI libraries should only be included if absolutely crucial for a feature, not just because "it is easier to use".

Git Workflow

We utilize a combination of the Forking Workflow and the Feature Branch Workflow. We try to maintain a clean linear version history for our master branch. As such we expect contributions to have one or more organized commits on top of our master commit. Master and feature commits should not be interleved. If this is confusing or combersome, don't worry about it too much, we'll simply rebase and squash your commits if/when we merge your pull request.

Quick Start

  • Fork this project
  • Checkout your fork on your dev machine
  • Add this project as a remote named upstream git remote add upstream

At this point you can start working on your contribution.

  • Create a branch to work in git checkout -b YOUR-FEATURE
  • Start hacking :)
  • Run mvn install to compile the add-on with your changes and publish them to your local maven repository
  • Test our your custom build. You could create a project with the SDK and then reference the assets as we have outlined in our or you could grab either the JAR or AMP artifacts from your build and deploy them to a full fledged Alfresco installation. For complex contributions we expect you to test against the supported versions of Alfresco.
  • Commit your changes regularly

You can keep YOUR-FEATURE branch up to date with this projects master branch by running git pull --rebase upstream master from YOUR-FEATURE branch.

As we said above, we expect feature history to be clean. For a simple customization we expect a single commit. If the feature is more complex where it makes sense to have several clearly broken down commits that is also fine. If there are multiple commits for the feature, we expect them to be all stacked up on top of our master. The git pull --rebase upstream master command will help here. Additionally you may need to do an interactive rebase in order to restructure your commits with:

git fetch upstream
git rebase --interactive upstream/master

When you are ready to push your feature branch to your fork on Github for the first time use git push -u origin YOUR_FEATURE. Subsequently, while you have your branch checked out, you should be able to just git push.

Style Guide

  • 4 spaces indentation
  • braces always on next line (except for array initialiser and lambda), parenthesis on same line
  • new line before control block statements, else if on one line
  • 140 character line width
  • Only EcmaScript 5 JS is allowed
  • JSHint is applied on JavaScript sources on both server- and client-side - check .jshintrc files (1, 2, 3, 4 for default settings and predefined globals

Please ensure any pull requests follow the guidelines closely. If you notice existing code which doesn't follow these practices, feel free to ping us and we will address this.

Contacting Us

Join our chat room on Gitter

Pull Request Guidelines

  • Please check to make sure that there aren't existing pull requests attempting to address the issue mentioned
  • Non-trivial changes should be discussed in an issue first
  • Develop in a feature branch, not master
  • Write a convincing description of your PR and why we should land it
  • If you are not responsive to feedback on your PR we will not accept the PR

When we say we will not accept a PR, we will likely close the PR. You are encouraged to address the concernes that we will outline before we close it and then re-submit the PR. We really do want contributions. We also need for them to be of high quality and high value and to not take undue resources away from the features and enhancements we are working on. Thanks for understanding!