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Pipeline Hacks

Running tasks with Docker images from an S3 bucket

Pipeline tasks can be executed with images stored in repositories other than a Docker registry as previously described in this article. However, the drawback of that article's proposed solution is the fact that the rootfs of the image needs to be available and stored uncompressed.

Enter S3 resource's unpack feature: starting in Concourse 3.3.3, the S3 resource provides the ability to automatically untar a file after its download from a bucket. This is perfect to be used as the source of Docker images in offline/disconnected pipelines given that the rootfs directory of an image can now be packaged and maintained as a tar file.


Assume that a Docker image for ubuntu has been exported as file ubuntu-17.04.tgz and saved to your S3 images bucket under folder ubuntu (see more information on how to export Docker images further below).

Here are two ways that your pipeline could reference that image file on S3:

Example 1 - using the image_resource property (recommended)
- name: hello-s3
  - task: run-with-image-from-s3
      platform: linux
        type: s3
          bucket: images
          regexp: ubuntu/ubuntu-(.*).tgz
          endpoint: ((s3-endpoint))   
          access_key_id: ((s3-access-key-id))
          secret_access_key: ((s3-secret-access-key))
          region_name: ((s3-region-name))
          unpack: true
        path: sh
        - -c
        - echo "I can run with the image from S3"

The magic happens within the image_resource object, with the definition of the S3 repository and image file, along with the unpack: true property under params.

Example 2 - using the image property and a resource
- name: my-image
  type: s3
    bucket: images
    regexp: ubuntu/ubuntu-(.*).tgz
    endpoint: ((s3-endpoint))
    access_key_id: ((s3-access-key-id))
    secret_access_key: ((s3-secret-access-key))
    region_name: ((s3-region-name))
- name: hello-s3-with-resource
  - get: my-image
      unpack: true
  - task: run-with-image-from-s3-using-resource-definition
    image: my-image
      platform: linux
        path: sh
        - -c
        - echo "I can run with image from resource definition"

The image can be referenced as a resource throughout all jobs in the pipeline. The unpack: true parameter extracts the content of the image when the job is executed.

This approach is not marked as recommended since the image property may be deprecated in the near future by Concourse.

How export a Docker image into a tar file

Concourse requires task and resource images to contain the following elements:

  1. the rootfs folder containing all the files of the desired container

  2. a metadata.json file describing the container's env variables and running user.

The recommended way to export a rootfs directory and metadata.json file for a Docker image is to do it from a Concourse pipeline that has access to Docker Hub, and then tar + save the exported files into the S3 repository.

See sample Package-Docker-Images, which produces and packages the rootfs files for an ubuntu image and saves it into an S3 bucket.

Another example of such download-and-package pipeline is also available from this repository.

See also


Many thanks to Gavin Enns, Shaozhen Ding and Kris Hicks for their input and hints provided during the writing of this article.