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File metadata and controls

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Pinning server deployment

The pinning server is a node.js process that is running using a the PM2 process manager.


Server deployment is manual at the moment. Continuous deployment is gonna be added in the future.

To deploy it you should enter ssh into the machine, and then cd into 3box-pinning-server Inside the home folder you need to execute


And that's it. The server is redeployed again.

To ensure the server is running correctly, with the command

pm2 ls

You should see an output like this:

App name id version mode pid status restart uptime cpu mem user watching
server 0 1.0.0 fork 11864 online 2 3m 0.6% 90.7 MB ec2-user disabled

To inspect logs and trace possible bugs/errors, you just need to type the command:

pm2 logs