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Patrick Prémartin DeveloppeurPascal
MVP Embarcadero - Formateur et développeur freelance. Langages : Delphi, PHP, JS, HTML, CSS, AGK.

Orléans, France

Alan Gonzalez alanboy
Hello world!

DevMatch Seattle

palontologist palontologist

frontforumfocus Bae Area

Shawn Vause napalm684
Web developer with a passion for clean code and SOLID architecture.
Vladyslav vlady5lav
Science & Tech Enthusiast

Hobbyist Developer & System Administrator Andromeda Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster

Simon Wåhlin SimonWahlin

@UnwontedAB Stockholm

Jonathan Middleton jonathandmiddleton
I love to initiate the interface between technology and human systems, across diverse contexts!

&Cru Cape Town, South Africa

Lironix ivanlokh

Terkonix Czechia

Gregory Bowne gbowne1
Machine and Fabrication Shop owner and a ERP/MRP software consultant. Hobbyist coder.

Blue Star Machining, Inc. Seattle, WA USA

Ryan Hawkins RyanKHawkins
Military Veteran - Father - Software Dev

Northwest Indiana

Léa Pollet Leap0p0
@doranco student | Web developer | LUA developer

Doranco Lille

Martin N. martiz
IT specialist by trade. Wanna-be developer/operator with interest on data science, script automation and game development.

Berlin, Germany

Davi Souza davi-gsouza
Front-end Developer and UI/UX Designer | Student at @Rocketseat and @origamid

Freelancer São Paulo

fumiko 2394425147
I make games with C#, Unity.

Ningbo, China

p1x3lD3v p1x3lmx
Learning web development HTML, CSS, JS, .NET and django.
Nissi Nassime RtillaWork
Software Developer | Full-Stack | Life Time Apprentice | New Grad | Do Androids Dream of /proc/self?

Loading... Internet, Everywhere, The Osmos

Evan Woods efwoods
Strong Data Science & Engineering Professional with a Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) focused in Computer Engineering from Clemson University.


Jeremy Morgan JeremyMorgan
Silicon Forest Developer. Once held the world record for being the youngest person alive.

@kodekloudhub Gaston, Oregon

Saphirako saphirako
Software Engineer & Streamer

Vista Massachusetts, USA

Мистер Макс mapjx
Learning a bit of everything.

Programming free code