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Elvis Agbesi LighteningCode
Fullstack developer, Ex-Skateboarder, React-Native, React, Gatsby,NextJS ,NodeJS, PostgreSQL, GraphQL, MongoDB, Former President, COMPSSA, University of Ghana.


Gunardy Sutanto lonecalvary78
An old-timer Application Engineer(Java)

Hitachi-ebWorx Sdn Berhad Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Victor Owusu jowusu837
I love to build things that work.


Ed Lomonaco elomonaco
A senior developer for Terryberry

Terryberry Grand Rapids, MI

Marco Garcês mgarces
sysadmin by day, super-hero by night Lisbon, Portugal

Jana R grjan7
Node.js Developer | MongoDB Architect/Administrator

Freelancer @ UpWork Chennai, India

David Thompson dtt101
Engineering Manager, Software Developer, Aspiring Data Scientist

York, UK

Ogbeide Godstime Osemenkhian gtogbes
Cloud DevOps Engineer | AWS | GCP | Github Actions | Cloudformation | Docker | Kubernetes | Prometheus and Grafana | EFk stack

@yebox Lagos Nigeria

Giacomo Grangia ggrangia
Senior Cloud Engineer - AWS - Node - Go - Python - Always learning

Eoliann Turin

Good luck !
Imran say2imran
SRE, DevOps, DevSecOps, Cloud enthusiast ..
Arthur Burnichon aburio

Tech Product Manager France

I want to make the world a better place, but they wouldn't give me the source code...
saranraj9531 saranraj3195
DevOps Engineer |AWS | Azure | Linux | CI/CD | Docker | Kubernetes | Ansible | GitHub Actions | Gitlab cicd | YAML | Wordpress | Shell Scripting | SonarQube

Sparkout Tech Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd Coimbatore,

Fatemeh Mardani fsmardani
Kihoon KIM rlarlgnszx
SSU Aritificial intelligent #DATA #AI #AUTOMATION #CLOUD #
Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Ashish Nayak ash399
Project Engineer
Brandon Winston calrizien
Developer, Attorney

Los Angeles, CA

lucas.fagundes olucasfagundes
DevOps Engineer

Porto Alegre

Filipe Almeida filipe-guimaraes
AWS Solutions Architect | 8x AWS Certified

AddValue Cloud Belo Horizonte

Lucky Gopher luckygopher


HudsonShi HudsonShi
SDE@IBM Alumni@CHD Traffic Eng 16' Alumni@SIT Civil Eng 19' Alumni@UBama Civil Eng 28'

IBM Shenzhen

James Ajadi JamesAjadi
Flutter developer Web developer Software developer

Blacker Tech Nigeria