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This organization was marked as archived by an administrator on Jun 22, 2023. It is no longer maintained.
Culture.Support CultureSupport
javascript , python , php , svelte , bash , linux , ssh , flutter, fortran , ansible , dom , jquery , terminal , vim

Culture.Support Sri Lanka

MSK msk-nightly
Muslim | Student

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Tony Olsson Bobotech79

IT Consultant Örebro, Sweden

JEMY SETIAWAN setiawanjemy88

PT. MTPDI/DDI (Matsushita Toshiba Picture Devices Indonesia - Display Devices Indonesia) Indonesia

mjhane Mjhane2023

Silangan, San Mateo , Philippines 1850

Farhan Sadid Zihan farhansadidzihan
|| Self Learner || AI Enthusiast || Competitive Programmer || Full-Stack Developer ||
🌌 Mastering the web's shadows. Crafting digital worlds with |💻 HTML, CSS, JavaScript.🌐✨ #PTDEV
Asher payn Asherpayn

birmingham, england

Jim McNeil jimmcneil
Old beyond time itself....
Tovar Morais devzone1001
Mergulhei no mundo da programação com entusiasmo e determinação, buscando transformar minha paixão em uma carreira de sucesso na tecnologia.
Sam Fang fangfsz
To be a Web/Application Developer


Eduard Lecha Puig eduard5524
I am passionate about applying new technologies and innovative solutions to complex engineering problems.


Fernando Bold Fernandofinyellow
A seasoned product lead and AI enthusiast with a degree in Production Engineering and specializations in Innovation, Strategic Management, AI, and Data Science.

Yello Rio de Janeiro

🌐 Exploring the world of code and technology.

universidade Federal da fronteira sul SC/chapeco