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511 lines (492 loc) · 147 KB

Public Templates

No. Name Description Links Execution
1 ACS-ADB-BulkyModifyDBClusterMaintainTime Modify instance's maintain time YAML JSON Immediate execution
2 ACS-ADB-EnableBackupPolicy Enable adb instance's backup policy. YAML JSON Immediate execution
3 ACS-ALB-BulkyEnableDeletionProtection Bulky set loadbalancer deletion protection YAML JSON Immediate execution
4 ACS-Actiontrail-EnableActionTrail Enable action trail YAML JSON Immediate execution
5 ACS-ApiGateway-BulkyAbolishApi Abolishing a specified API in a specified stage YAML JSON Immediate execution
6 ACS-ApiGateway-BulkyModifyApi Modify API to private YAML JSON Immediate execution
7 ACS-ApiGateway-BulkyModifyApiGroupNetworkPolicy Modify the https version of apigateway instance to support tls1.2 YAML JSON Immediate execution
8 ACS-BssOpenApi-EnableAutoRenewal Enable resource auto renew YAML JSON Immediate execution
9 ACS-BssOpenApi-SetRenewal Modify resource auto renew attribute YAML JSON Immediate execution
10 ACS-CDN-SetDomainServerCertificate Set domain server certificate YAML JSON Immediate execution
11 ACS-CN-BulkyConfigureOOSPackage Use this template to configure oos package on ECS YAML JSON Immediate execution
12 ACS-CN-BulkyRollbackServiceInstance Use this template to bulky rollback CN service instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
13 ACS-CN-BulkyUpgradeServiceInstance Use this template to bulky upgrade CN service instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
14 ACS-CN-PrePostUpgradeServiceInstance Run command in ComputeNest service instance‘s Pre/PostUpgrade stage YAML JSON Immediate execution
15 ACS-CN-UpgradeServiceInstance ComputeNest service instance‘s Upgrade stage YAML JSON Immediate execution
16 ACS-CS-AttachInstancesToClusterByRunAttachScript Attach ECS instances to cluster YAML JSON Immediate execution
17 ACS-CS-BulkyEnableDeletionProtection Enable deletion protection for the cluster YAML JSON Immediate execution
18 ACS-CS-BulkyOSSecurityUpdate Updates OS security YAML JSON Immediate execution
19 ACS-CS-DedicatedMigration Sleep control plane, make etcd snapshot and upload it to oss bucket YAML JSON Immediate execution
20 ACS-CS-RunCommand Run command on k8s cluster YAML JSON Immediate execution
21 ACS-ECD-BulkyModifyDesktopAutoRenewAttribute Bulky modify ECD desktop auto renew attribute YAML JSON Immediate execution
22 ACS-ECD-BulkyModifyDesktopChargeType Bulky Modify ECD desktop charge type YAML JSON Immediate execution
23 ACS-ECD-BulkyRebootDesktops Bulky reboot ECD desktops YAML JSON Immediate execution
24 ACS-ECD-BulkyRebuildDesktops Bulky rebuild ECD desktops YAML JSON Immediate execution
25 ACS-ECD-BulkyRenewDesktops Bulky renew subscription cloud desktops YAML JSON Immediate execution
26 ACS-ECD-BulkyRunCommand Bulky run command on ECD desktops YAML JSON Immediate execution
27 ACS-ECD-BulkyStartDesktops Bulky start ECD desktops YAML JSON Immediate execution
28 ACS-ECD-BulkyStopDesktops Bulky stop ECD desktops YAML JSON Immediate execution
29 ACS-ECD-ScheduleToStartAndStopDesktops Schedule to start and stop desktops YAML JSON Immediate execution
30 ACS-ECS-AlarmAccountResourceUsage Resource usage exceeds threshold alarm notification YAML JSON Immediate execution
31 ACS-ECS-AlarmDiscountOrPriceInScalingGroupExistingInstanceTypes Monitor the discounts and prices of spot instances that currently exist in the scaling group, and send out alarm notifications if they exceed YAML JSON Immediate execution
32 ACS-ECS-AlarmWhenDiscountAndPriceExceedsThresholdInMultiZoneAndInstanceType Alarm when monitoring the discount and spot price of multi-instance types in multi-availability zone exceeding the threshold YAML JSON Immediate execution
33 ACS-ECS-AlarmWhenDiscountOrSpotPriceExceedsThresholdByScalingGroup Monitor the discounts and prices of spot instances in the scaling group, and send out alarm notifications if they exceed YAML JSON Immediate execution
34 ACS-ECS-ApplyAnsiblePlayBooks Use this template to run Ansible playbook on ECS Instance.Only supports CentOS, Alibaba Cloud Linux and Ubuntu. YAML JSON Immediate execution
35 ACS-ECS-ApproveBulkyRunCommand Approve Bulky RunCommand YAML JSON Immediate execution
36 ACS-ECS-ApproveROSCreateInstances Create ECS instances by ROS with approval YAML JSON Immediate execution
37 ACS-ECS-AutoStartECSWhenStoppedByTags Start ECS instance when instance enter stopped status with specified tag YAML JSON Immediate execution
38 ACS-ECS-BuilkyAttachKeyPairOnline Bulky attach key pair on Linux instances without reboot YAML JSON Immediate execution
39 ACS-ECS-BulkyAddEipsToCommonBandwidthPackage Bulky add EIPs to common bandwidth package YAML JSON Immediate execution
40 ACS-ECS-BulkyAllocateAndAssociateEipAddress Bulky add EIPs to common bandwidth package YAML JSON Immediate execution
41 ACS-ECS-BulkyApplyPatchBaseline Bulky apply patch baseline on ECS instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
42 ACS-ECS-BulkyAttachInstanceRamRole Bulky attaches instance ram role YAML JSON Immediate execution
43 ACS-ECS-BulkyAttachKeyPair Bulky attach keypair to ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
44 ACS-ECS-BulkyAuthorizeSecurityGroup Add a security group policy to multiple security groups YAML JSON Immediate execution
45 ACS-ECS-BulkyCloneInstances

Clone ECS instances in batches. Note:

  • Please check for missing drivers before migrating, so as not to cause the new instance to fail to start.
  • Based on mirror snapshot migration, if you need to retain complete data, please select Incremental snapshots for downtime as Yes, and then go to the next step; if you do not need to retain For data generated during the migration process, select No and migrate directly according to the guidelines. It is recommended that you select No to test whether the new instance is normal, and then select Yes to ensure complete data.
  • The time required to create a snapshot is in minutes and depends on the size of the cloud disk. The first snapshot of the cloud disk is a full snapshot, which takes a long time and may be at the hour level. Creating a snapshot again takes a relatively short time, but still depends on the amount of data changes since the last snapshot. The bigger the change, the longer it will take.
  • Because the machine will restart, please make sure that the data disk has been set to be automatically mounted, otherwise the data disk will not be mounted after restarting.
  • The current operation is a high-risk operation. If you select Yes for snapshot migration, please confirm that the business impact of the shutdown is controllable.
  • Public IP and Elastic IP need to be manually re-bound to the new instance. Refer to the documentation: Classic network type ECS public IP is converted to elastic public IP, Convert the fixed public IP of the VPC ECS instance to EIP, Modify private IP address
  • Take a snapshot of the instance before execution, which will greatly shorten the execution time.
  • Please make sure that your account balance is greater than the cost of the newly purchased instance.
YAML JSON Immediate execution
46 ACS-ECS-BulkyConfigureMultipleOOSPackagesWithTemporaryURL Use this template to install multiple oos packages on ecs YAML JSON Immediate execution
47 ACS-ECS-BulkyConfigureOOSPackage Use this template to install sls agent on ecs YAML JSON Immediate execution
48 ACS-ECS-BulkyConfigureOOSPackageWithTemporaryURL Use this template to install oos package on ecs YAML JSON Immediate execution
49 ACS-ECS-BulkyConfigureSoftwareFromEcsAppStore Use this template to install software on ecs YAML JSON Immediate execution
50 ACS-ECS-BulkyConvertPublicToEIPAndAddToCommonBandwidthPackage Bulky convert the public IP address of a VPC-connected ECS instance to an Elastic IP (EIP) address and add it to common bandwith package YAML JSON Immediate execution
51 ACS-ECS-BulkyCopyImage Cross Regions copy image YAML JSON Immediate execution
52 ACS-ECS-BulkyCreateAndExportImage Bulky creates ECS image and exports them into OSS YAML JSON Immediate execution
53 ACS-ECS-BulkyCreateDiagnoseReportForInstanceConnectionFailure Bulky create diagnostic report for ECS instance connection failure YAML JSON Immediate execution
54 ACS-ECS-BulkyCreateInstanceDiagnosticReport Create diagnostic report for ECS instance in bulk YAML JSON Immediate execution
55 ACS-ECS-BulkyCreateSavingsPlan Bulky create savings plan YAML JSON Immediate execution
56 ACS-ECS-BulkyCreateSnapshot Bulky create snapshot YAML JSON Immediate execution
57 ACS-ECS-BulkyDeleteExpiredImage Bulky delete expired image YAML JSON Immediate execution
58 ACS-ECS-BulkyDeleteExpiredSnapshot Bulky delete expired snapshot YAML JSON Immediate execution
59 ACS-ECS-BulkyDeleteInstances Bulky delete ECS postpaid instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
60 ACS-ECS-BulkyDeleteInstancesWithApproval Deletes the ECS postpaid instances with approval YAML JSON Immediate execution
61 ACS-ECS-BulkyDeletePrepaidInstances Bulky delete prepaid instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
62 ACS-ECS-BulkyDeleteSnapshot Bulky delete snapshot YAML JSON Immediate execution
63 ACS-ECS-BulkyDescribeDisks Bulky query instance ID and disk information YAML JSON Immediate execution
64 ACS-ECS-BulkyDescribeSavingsPlanEstimation Bulky describe savings plan estimation YAML JSON Immediate execution
65 ACS-ECS-BulkyDetachInstanceRamRole Bulky detaches instance ram role YAML JSON Immediate execution
66 ACS-ECS-BulkyDetachKeyPairOnline Bulky detach key pair from Linux instances without reboot YAML JSON Immediate execution
67 ACS-ECS-BulkyDownloadFile Bulky upload files to instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
68 ACS-ECS-BulkyDownloadFileAndRunCommand Bulky downLoad file to instances and run command YAML JSON Immediate execution
69 ACS-ECS-BulkyDownloadOSSFileAndRunCommand Bulky downLoad OSS file to instances and run command YAML JSON Immediate execution
70 ACS-ECS-BulkyEnableDeletionProtection Bulky enable instances deletionprotection YAML JSON Immediate execution
71 ACS-ECS-BulkyGenerateCloudAssistantRsaKeyPair Use this template to generate Cloud Assistant RSA key pair on ecs YAML JSON Immediate execution
72 ACS-ECS-BulkyInstallARMSAgent Use this template to install ARMS agent on ecs YAML JSON Immediate execution
73 ACS-ECS-BulkyInstallAegisAgent Bulky install aegis agent on ECS instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
74 ACS-ECS-BulkyInstallDockerCE Bulky install docker CE on ECS instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
75 ACS-ECS-BulkyInstallHibernateAgent Use this template to install Hibernate agent on ecs YAML JSON Immediate execution
76 ACS-ECS-BulkyInstallLogAgent Use this template to install sls agent on ecs YAML JSON Immediate execution
77 ACS-ECS-BulkyLeaveSecurityGroup Bulky leave security group YAML JSON Immediate execution
78 ACS-ECS-BulkyModifyAutoSnapshotPolicyTimePoint Modifies timepoints of AutoSnapshotPolicy YAML JSON Immediate execution
79 ACS-ECS-BulkyModifyDiskSpec Bulky modify disk spec YAML JSON Immediate execution
80 ACS-ECS-BulkyModifyInstanceAttributes Bulky modify the information of an ECS instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
81 ACS-ECS-BulkyModifyInstanceAutoRenewAttribute Bulky modify instance auto renew attribute YAML JSON Immediate execution
82 ACS-ECS-BulkyModifyInstanceChargeType Bulky modify instance charge type YAML JSON Immediate execution
83 ACS-ECS-BulkyModifyInstanceChargeTypeSpecifiedInstanceTypeFamilies Bulky modify the billing method of instances in a specified instance type family. YAML JSON Immediate execution
84 ACS-ECS-BulkyModifyInstanceMaintenanceAttributes Bulky modify instance maintenance attributes YAML JSON Immediate execution
85 ACS-ECS-BulkyModifyInstanceNetworkChargeType Bulky modify ECS network charge type YAML JSON Immediate execution
86 ACS-ECS-BulkyModifyPostPaidInstanceSpec Bulky modify postpaid instance spec YAML JSON Immediate execution
87 ACS-ECS-BulkyModifyPrepayInstanceSpec Bulky modify prepay instance spec YAML JSON Immediate execution
88 ACS-ECS-BulkyModifyT5InstanceCreditSpecification Bulky modify the column creditspecification for the T5 series instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
89 ACS-ECS-BulkyModifyUserPasswordByCloudAssistantKeyPair Bulky modify ECS instance user password by cloud assistant key pair YAML JSON Immediate execution
90 ACS-ECS-BulkyModifyUserPasswordBySecretParameter Bulky modify ECS instance user password by secret parameter YAML JSON Immediate execution
91 ACS-ECS-BulkyQueryInstanceAttributes Bulky query ECS instance attributes YAML JSON Immediate execution
92 ACS-ECS-BulkyReInitSystemDisk Bulky resets system disks to its initial state.The ECS instances must be in stopped status YAML JSON Immediate execution
93 ACS-ECS-BulkyRebootInstances Bulky restarts the ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
94 ACS-ECS-BulkyReleasePublicIpAddress Bulky release the public ip address YAML JSON Immediate execution
95 ACS-ECS-BulkyRemoveEipsFromCommonBandwidthPackage Bulky remove EIPs from common bandwidth package YAML JSON Immediate execution
96 ACS-ECS-BulkyRenewInstances Bulky renew ECS prepaid instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
97 ACS-ECS-BulkyReplaceSystemDisk Bulky replaces the system disk of ECS instances. YAML JSON Immediate execution
98 ACS-ECS-BulkyReplaceSystemDiskInSLBDefaultServerGroup Bulky replaces system disk of ECS instances in default server group YAML JSON Immediate execution
99 ACS-ECS-BulkyReplaceSystemDiskInSLBVServerGroup Bulky replaces system disk of ECS instances in Vserver group YAML JSON Immediate execution
100 ACS-ECS-BulkyResizeDisk Bulky resize disk YAML JSON Immediate execution
101 ACS-ECS-BulkyRunCommand Bulky run command on ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
102 ACS-ECS-BulkyRunCommandAcrossRegions Bulky run command on ECS instances across multiple regions YAML JSON Immediate execution
103 ACS-ECS-BulkyRunCommandInSLBDefaultServerGroup Bulky run command on ECS instances of default server group YAML JSON Immediate execution
104 ACS-ECS-BulkyRunCommandInSLBVServerGroup Bulky run command on ECS instances of VServer group YAML JSON Immediate execution
105 ACS-ECS-BulkyStartInstances Bulky starts the ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
106 ACS-ECS-BulkyStopClassicInstances Bulky stops the classic ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
107 ACS-ECS-BulkyStopInstances Bulky stops the ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
108 ACS-ECS-BulkyStopInstancesWithPublicIp Bulky stops the ECS instances with public ip YAML JSON Immediate execution
109 ACS-ECS-BulkyTagInstanceByLinuxKernelVersion Bulky tag ECS instances using Linux kernel version as tag value by specifying instance IDs YAML JSON Immediate execution
110 ACS-ECS-BulkyTagInstanceByOSType Bulky tag ECS instances using OS type as tag value by specifying instance IDs YAML JSON Immediate execution
111 ACS-ECS-BulkyTagInstanceByRunCommandResult Bulky tag ECS instances using RunCommand invocation result as tag value YAML JSON Immediate execution
112 ACS-ECS-BulkyTagInstances Bulky tag ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
113 ACS-ECS-BulkyUpgradeInternetBandwidth Bulky upgrades internet bandwidth of ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
114 ACS-ECS-CloneInstancesAcrossAZ Cross available zone clone and bulky run ECS instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
115 ACS-ECS-CloneInstancesAcrossRegion Cross Region copy and run ECS instance by InstanceIds YAML JSON Immediate execution
116 ACS-ECS-ConfigureCloudMonitorAgent Use this template to install cloud monitor agent on ecs YAML JSON Immediate execution
117 ACS-ECS-ConfigureDocker Use this template to install or unistall docker on ecs YAML JSON Immediate execution
118 ACS-ECS-ConfigurePackage Use this template to install or unistall package on ecs YAML JSON Immediate execution
119 ACS-ECS-ConvertsPublicIPToNewEIPByInstanceId Converts the public IP address of a VPC-connected ECS instance with another Elastic IP (EIP) address YAML JSON Immediate execution
120 ACS-ECS-CorrectSecurityGroupInstancesByTags Gets an instance from a label and adds the acquired instance to the security group under the specified label YAML JSON Immediate execution
121 ACS-ECS-CreateAndCopyImage Creates an ECS image and copy new image YAML JSON Immediate execution
122 ACS-ECS-CreateImage Creates an ECS image YAML JSON Immediate execution
123 ACS-ECS-CreateImageAndUpdateLaunchTemplates Creates an ECS image and update launch template YAML JSON Immediate execution
124 ACS-ECS-DeleteImage Deletes an ECS image YAML JSON Immediate execution
125 ACS-ECS-InheritDiskTagToSnapshot Inherit all disk tags to snapshots YAML JSON Immediate execution
126 ACS-ECS-InstallXDragonAndCloudMonitor Bulky install XDragon hardware detection plug-in, cloud monitor, smartmontools, or uninstall and update XDragon hardware detection plug-in YAML JSON Immediate execution
127 ACS-ECS-InventoryDataCollection Inventory data collection YAML JSON Immediate execution
128 ACS-ECS-JoinSecurityGroupToMultipleInstance Join a security group to multiple instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
129 ACS-ECS-ModifyAutoRenewAttributeAfterOrderPaid Modify the automatic renewal properties of the instance after waiting for the specified order to be paid successfully YAML JSON Immediate execution
130 ACS-ECS-ModifyInstanceSpec Modify postpaid instance's type YAML JSON Immediate execution
131 ACS-ECS-RebootInstanceAtHighCpuByTags Reboot ECS instance with specified tag when its CPU utilization exceeded threshold.The selected instance must already have the Cloud Monitor agent installed YAML JSON Immediate execution
132 ACS-ECS-RebootSpecifiedInstanceAtHighCpu Reboot the specified ECS instance when it's CPU utilization excceded threshold.The selected instance must already have the Cloud Monitor agent installed YAML JSON Immediate execution
133 ACS-ECS-RemoveFromSLBWhenPreemptibleInstanceInterrupted Remove backend servers from SLB when preemptible instance of current region is about to be interrupted YAML JSON Immediate execution
134 ACS-ECS-RepairImage Image repair, which is an offline repair of an image based on the results of image check, Please refer to this document for image check The repair process will first create a repair instance based on the Alibaba cloud Linux image, create a cloud disk snapshot of your image, mount it to the repair instance, repair the data disk offline, and then create a new image of the repaired data disk. YAML JSON Immediate execution
135 ACS-ECS-RescueUnreachableInstance-Linux When using ECS instances, some situations can lead to system disk corruption, such as instances being forced to stop or restart, or sudden downtime, failure to update /etc/fstab when the disk is unloaded, or even loss or corruption of /etc/fstab or initrd files. When the instance cannot be accessed, the state of the instance displayed in the ECS instance console may still be Running, but the application in the instance cannot be accessed, the network in the instance cannot be reached, and the connection cannot be established through workbench or SSH. If you can connect to an instance from the console with VNC, you will probably see a page that indicates a system startup failure. At this point, you can consider executing the template to cure the damaged instance. The cure process is that the system disk of the damaged instance will be mounted to the newly created temporary instance, then a cure script will be executed in the temporary instance, and finally the cured system disk will be mounted back to the original instance. YAML JSON Immediate execution
136 ACS-ECS-ResetDiskWithSnapshot Use snapshot to create a temporary cloud disk to restore data YAML JSON Immediate execution
137 ACS-ECS-RestoreDataWithSnapshot Use snapshot to create a temporary cloud disk to restore data YAML JSON Immediate execution
138 ACS-ECS-RevokeSecurityGroupRules Del the security gorup rule YAML JSON Immediate execution
139 ACS-ECS-RunCommandWhenDiskUsageLimitExceeded Run command when disk usage limit is exceeded YAML JSON Immediate execution
140 ACS-ECS-RunInstancesWithApproval Creates one or more ECS instances with approval YAML JSON Immediate execution
141 ACS-ECS-RunPacker Run packer template YAML JSON Immediate execution
142 ACS-ECS-RunRemoteShellScript Run remote shell script YAML JSON Immediate execution
143 ACS-ECS-RunShellScript Run shell script. YAML JSON Immediate execution
144 ACS-ECS-ScheduleApplyPatchBaseline Schedule to apply patch baseline on ECS instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
145 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToAcceptInquiredSystemEvent

Regularly accept and authorize the execution of system event operations. Template process:

  1. Stop ECS instance
  2. Accept inquired system event
  3. Start ECS instance</li

YAML JSON Immediate execution
146 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToBulkyCreateSnapshot Schedule bulky create snapshot YAML JSON Immediate execution
147 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToCleanUpDisks Schedule to clean up disks YAML JSON Immediate execution
148 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToCollectInventoryData Collect inventory data periodically YAML JSON Immediate execution
149 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToExecuteDiagnosticReports Schedules to execute ECS diagnostic reports in bulk YAML JSON Immediate execution
150 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToExecuteTemplate Schedules to execute specified template YAML JSON Immediate execution
151 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToRebootInstances Schedule to reboots the ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
152 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToRebootInstancesWithSLR Schedule to reboots the ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
153 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToRunCommand Schedule to run command on ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
154 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToStartAndStopInstances Schedule to start and stop ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
155 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToStartAndStopOrStopAndStartInstances Schedule to start and stop ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
156 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToStartInstances Schedule to starts the ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
157 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToStopAndStartInstances Schedule to stop and start ECS instances. YAML JSON Immediate execution
158 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToStopInstances Schedule to stops the ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
159 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToUpgradeInternetBandwidth Schedule to upgrades internet bandwidth for ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
160 ACS-ECS-ScheduleToUpgradeInternetBandwidthNew Schedule to upgrades internet bandwidth for ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
161 ACS-ECS-UpdateAndCopyImage Updates an existing ECS image via ECS Cloud Assistant then creates an ECS image and copy new image YAML JSON Immediate execution
162 ACS-ECS-UpdateImage Updates an existing ECS image via ECS Cloud Assistant then creates an ECS image YAML JSON Immediate execution
163 ACS-ESS-AdjustScalingGroupInstanceCount

Adjust the number of instances in a scaling group by creating and executing scaling group rules. Description:

  • If the scaling group has been configured with the desired number of instances, when the number of instances in the scaling group is not equal to the expected number of instances, the auto scaling service will automatically scale to ensure that the number of instances in the scaling group is always maintained After the execution is complete, please go to the ESS console to view the adjustment results.
  • The number of cluster nodes after scaling down the nodes cannot be less than the minimum node requirements of the component, otherwise the scaling operation may return an error of code:IncorrectCapacity.
  • Please ensure that your account balance is greater than the cost of the newly purchased instance, otherwise an error of code:InvalidAccountStatus.NotEnoughBalance will be returned.
  • If it is multi-zone, please expand the multiple of the number of zones.
  • The payment method for the expanded ECS is pay-as-you-go. If necessary, customers need to Manual subcontracting yearly and monthly.
  • There are two ways to scale down:scale down the specified number of ECS (the number of ECS instance adjustments in the scaling group is not 0), remove the specified ECS from the scaling group ( The number of ECS instance adjustments in the scaling group is 0 and the ECS to be removed is selected)
  • The scaling cannot be less than the number initially opened in the scaling group.

Adjust the number of instances in a scaling group by creating and executing scaling group rules. Description:

  • Adjust ACK cluster node poolExpected number of nodes, please read the linked document carefully and authorize the role AliyunOOSLifecycleHook4CSRole.
YAML JSON Immediate execution
164 ACS-ESS-CreateImageAndUpdateScalingConfiguration Creates an ECS image and updates scaling configuration image ID YAML JSON Immediate execution
165 ACS-ESS-ECILifeCycleExecContainerCommand Use lifecycleHook to run command in the specified scaling activity ECI instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
166 ACS-ESS-ECILifeCycleModifyAnalyticDBIPWhitelist Use lifecycleHook to modify the IP whitelist of the AnalyticDB instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
167 ACS-ESS-ECILifeCycleModifyMongoDBIPWhitelist Use lifecycleHook to modify the IP whitelist of the MongoDB instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
168 ACS-ESS-ECILifeCycleModifyPolarDBIPWhitelist Use lifecycleHook to modify the IP whitelist of the PolarDB instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
169 ACS-ESS-ECILifeCycleModifyRedisIPWhitelist Use lifecycleHook to modify the IP whitelist of the redis instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
170 ACS-ESS-EnableInstanceHealthCheck Enables health checks for ECS instances in the scaling group YAML JSON Immediate execution
171 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleAllocateEipAddressAndAttachToInstance Use lifecycleHook to create EIP and attach them to the instance(only supports elastic expansion activities) YAML JSON Immediate execution
172 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleApplyAutoSnapshotPolicy Use lifecycleHook to apply an automatic snapshot policy to one or more disks, only supports elastic expansion activities YAML JSON Immediate execution
173 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleAttachEipToInstance Use lifecycle hook to attach EIP to the instance(only supports elastic expansion activities) YAML JSON Immediate execution
174 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleAttachNASFileSystemToInstance Use lifecyclehook to attach NAS file system to instance (only supports elastic expansion activities) YAML JSON Immediate execution
175 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleBulkyDeleteClusterNodes Use lifecyclehook to delete cluster nodes (only supports elastic contraction activities) YAML JSON Immediate execution
176 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleCreateNetworkInterfaceAndEipAndAttachToInstance Use lifecycleHook to create NetworkInterface and EIP and attach them to the instance, The NetworkInterface currently only needs to be configured on CentOS 7.3 64-bit, CentOS 6.8 64-bit, Window Server 2008 R2 and higher versions, and other images, please refer to the official document for configure NetworkInterFace html(only supports elastic expansion activities) YAML JSON Immediate execution
177 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleDetachNetworkInterfaceAndDeleteEip Use lifecyclehook to uninstall and delete network interface and eip on instances in batches (only supports elastic contraction activities) YAML JSON Immediate execution
178 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleDownloadFileAndRunCommand Use lifecycleHook to download file and run command in the specified scaling activity instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
179 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleDownloadOSSFileAndRunCommand Use lifecycleHook to download OSS file and run command in the specified scaling activity ECS instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
180 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleGetIpAddressAndModifyInstanceName Use lifecycleHook to get the private network IP and modify the name of the ECS instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
181 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleInstallAAS Use lifecycleHook to install AAS(Additional application server) in the specified scaling activity instance. YAML JSON Immediate execution
182 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleModifyAnalyticDBIPWhitelist Use lifecycleHook to modify the IP whitelist of the AnalyticDB instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
183 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleModifyMongoDBIPWhitelist Use lifecycleHook to modify the IP whitelist of the MongoDB instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
184 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleModifyPolarDBIPWhitelist Use lifecycleHook to modify the IP whitelist of the PolarDB instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
185 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleModifyRedisIPWhitelist Use lifecycleHook to modify the IP whitelist of the redis instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
186 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleReleaseEipAddressFromInstance Use lifecyclehook to uninstall and release the eip on instances in batches (only supports elastic contraction activities) YAML JSON Immediate execution
187 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleRunCmdOnSpecifiedInstanceToEssCreatedInstances Use lifecycleHook to run command on one specified instance to other instances created by ESS. YAML JSON Immediate execution
188 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleRunCommand Use lifecycleHook to run command in the specified scaling activity instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
189 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleRunCommandNew Use lifecycleHook to run command in the specified scaling activity instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
190 ACS-ESS-LifeCycleRunCommandOnSpecifiedInstance Use lifecycleHook to run command in the specified scaling activity instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
191 ACS-ESS-RollingUpdateByConfigureOOSPackage Rolling update ECS instances that in scaling group by configure oos package YAML JSON Immediate execution
192 ACS-ESS-RollingUpdateByDownloadFileAndRunCommand Rolling update ECS instances that in scaling group by download file and run command YAML JSON Immediate execution
193 ACS-ESS-RollingUpdateByDownloadOSSFileAndRunCommand Rolling update ECS instances that in scaling group by download OOS file and run command YAML JSON Immediate execution
194 ACS-ESS-RollingUpdateByReplaceSystemDiskInScalingGroup Rolling update ECS instances that in scaling group by replace system disk YAML JSON Immediate execution
195 ACS-ESS-RollingUpdateByRunCommandInScalingGroup Rolling update ECS instances that in scaling group by run command YAML JSON Immediate execution
196 ACS-ESS-RollingUpdateByUpdateContainerGroup Rolling update ECI instances in scaling group by update container group YAML JSON Immediate execution
197 ACS-ESS-UpdateScalingConfigurationImage Updates an existing ECS image via ECS Cloud Assistant then creates an ECS image and updates scaling configuration image ID YAML JSON Immediate execution
198 ACS-EventBridge-PutEvents Put one or more events YAML JSON Immediate execution
199 ACS-FC-InvokeFunction Invoke the function and return the result YAML JSON Immediate execution
200 ACS-FC-RunScript FC runs script(Only support python), To use this template, you must first activate the function computing service< /a> YAML JSON Immediate execution
201 ACS-HBR-SAPHanaRestorationAutomation This template uses an existing VPC and SAP HANA instance(source instance) to create a single-node SAP instance(destination instance), restore the source instance backup data to the destination instance through the HBR service, and check the restored destination instance status. YAML JSON Immediate execution
202 ACS-HBR-SAPHanaRestorationAutomationByExistingECS This template uses existing SAP HANA instances(source instance and destination instance) to restore the source instance backup data to the destination instance through the HBR service, and check the restored destination instance status. YAML JSON Immediate execution
203 ACS-KMS-BulkySetDeletionProtection Enable deletion protection for CMK YAML JSON Immediate execution
204 ACS-KMS-BulkyUpdateRotationPolicy Update rotation policy YAML JSON Immediate execution
205 ACS-LOG-BulkyInstallLogtail Use this template to install sls logtail on ecs YAML JSON Immediate execution
206 ACS-MNS-PublishMessage Publish a message to the specified MNS topic. After the message is published to the topic, it will be pushed to Endpoint for consumption YAML JSON Immediate execution
207 ACS-Mongodb-BulkyModifyBackupPolicy Update mongodb instance backup policy YAML JSON Immediate execution
208 ACS-OOS-ExecuteTemplateByAlarm Execute specified template when alarm is raised according to alarm rule. AlarmTrigger will always run until being canceled YAML JSON Immediate execution
209 ACS-OOS-ExecuteTemplateBySystemEvent Execute specified template when system event happens. EventTrigger will always run until being canceled YAML JSON Immediate execution
210 ACS-OSS-PutBucketAcl Set or modify the access permission (ACL) of the bucket YAML JSON Immediate execution
211 ACS-OSS-PutBucketEncryption Encryption rules for configuring buckets YAML JSON Immediate execution
212 ACS-OSS-PutBucketLogging Enable logging for a bucket YAML JSON Immediate execution
213 ACS-OSS-PutBucketPolicy Put the bucket policy YAML JSON Immediate execution
214 ACS-OSS-PutBucketReferer Put the bucket referer YAML JSON Immediate execution
215 ACS-OSS-PutBucketVersioning Enable the versioning state of a bucket YAML JSON Immediate execution
216 ACS-PolarDB-BulkyModifyBackupPolicyForLevel2Backup Modify maintain time of polardb cluster YAML JSON Immediate execution
217 ACS-PolarDB-BulkyModifyDBClusterDeletion Modify deletion of polardb clusters YAML JSON Immediate execution
218 ACS-PolarDB-BulkyModifyDBClusterMaintainTime Modifies maintain time of polardb clusters YAML JSON Immediate execution
219 ACS-RAM-ApproveAttachCustomPolicyToUser Attach custom policy to user that template executed by after approving YAML JSON Immediate execution
220 ACS-RAM-ApproveAttachPolicyToUser Attach policy to user that template executed by after approving YAML JSON Immediate execution
221 ACS-RAM-BulkyUpdateLoginProfile Bulky modify the logon configurations of a RAM user YAML JSON Immediate execution
222 ACS-RAM-CreateRoleAndAttachCustomPolicy Create RAM role and attach custom policy YAML JSON Immediate execution
223 ACS-RAM-SetPasswordPolicy Call SetPasswordPolicy to set the RAM user password strength policy YAML JSON Immediate execution
224 ACS-RDC-RunCommandByDevops Bulky run command on ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
225 ACS-RDC-RunCommandByStaragent Bulky run command on ECS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
226 ACS-RDS-BulkyEnableBackupLogPolicy Enable rds instance backup policy log backup setting YAML JSON Immediate execution
227 ACS-RDS-BulkyMigrateSecurityIPMode Migrate security ip mode YAML JSON Immediate execution
228 ACS-RDS-BulkyModifyActionEventPolicy Modify action event policy YAML JSON Immediate execution
229 ACS-RDS-BulkyModifyDBInstanceDeletionProtection Bulky enable deletion protection for instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
230 ACS-RDS-BulkyModifyDBInstanceMaintainTime Modifies maintain time of rds instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
231 ACS-RDS-BulkyModifySQLCollectorPolicy Modify SQL collector policy YAML JSON Immediate execution
232 ACS-RDS-BulkyModifySQLCollectorRetention Modify SQL collector retention YAML JSON Immediate execution
233 ACS-RDS-BulkyModifySecurityIpsByInstanceIPArray Del from the ip white list array of rds instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
234 ACS-RDS-ReleaseInstancePublicConnection Release the public address of RDS instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
235 ACS-RDS-ScheduleToStartAndStopOrStopAndStartInstances Schedule to start and stop RDS instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
236 ACS-REDIS-BulkyModifyAuditLogConfig Modify audit log config YAML JSON Immediate execution
237 ACS-Redis-BulkyCreateBackupAndUploadToOSS Create Redis backups in batches and upload them to OSS. Backing up redis and using fc to upload the backup to OSS may incur charges. For billing details, please refer to Redis Backup Fee Instructions and Function calculation billing instructions YAML JSON Immediate execution
238 ACS-Redis-BulkyDeleteInstances Bulky delete Redis postpaid instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
239 ACS-Redis-BulkyDeleteSecurityIpByInstanceIPArray Bulky del specified ip from the ip white list array of redis instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
240 ACS-Redis-BulkyEnableReleaseProtection Enable release protection YAML JSON Immediate execution
241 ACS-Redis-BulkyModifyBackupPolicy Modify redis instance's backup policy. YAML JSON Immediate execution
242 ACS-Redis-BulkyModifyInstanceBackupTime YAML JSON Immediate execution
243 ACS-Redis-BulkyModifyInstanceConfig Modifies configuration parameters of redis instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
244 ACS-Redis-BulkyModifyInstanceMaintainTime Modifies maintain time of redis instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
245 ACS-Redis-FlushExpireKeys FlushExpireKeys of redis instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
246 ACS-Redis-ReleaseInstancePublicConnection Release the public address of Redis instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
247 ACS-Redis-ScheduleToUpgradeInstanceBandwidth Scheduled upgrade of the temporary bandwidth of a Redis instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
248 ACS-ResourceManager-BulkyMoveResources Bulky move resources from one resource group to another YAML JSON Immediate execution
249 ACS-SAE-CreateDemoApp Create SAE application and bind them to SLB YAML JSON Immediate execution
250 ACS-SAP-SAPAutoScaling YAML JSON Immediate execution
251 ACS-SLB-BulkyModifyAccessControlListEntry Bulky modify access control list entry YAML JSON Immediate execution
252 ACS-SLB-BulkyModifyLoadBalancerInstanceSpec Bulky modify load balancer instance spec YAML JSON Immediate execution
253 ACS-SLB-BulkyModifyLoadBalancerInternetSpec Bulky modify load balancer internet spec YAML JSON Immediate execution
254 ACS-SLB-BulkySetLoadBalancerDeleteProtection Bulky set loadbalancer deletion protection YAML JSON Immediate execution
255 ACS-SLB-BulkySetLoadBalancerModificationProtection Set loadbalancer modification protection YAML JSON Immediate execution
256 ACS-SMC-BulkyVerifyInstances Bulky verify instance by commands YAML JSON Immediate execution
257 ACS-SMC-CreateAndVerifyInstance Create and verify instance by commands YAML JSON Immediate execution
258 ACS-TAG-ExtendEcsInstanceTagsByInputParams Ecs instance related resources (Disk, Image, Snapshot, EIP, ENI) inherit the Tags of the Instance YAML JSON Immediate execution
259 ACS-TAG-TagAllResources Tag all resources that support tags YAML JSON Immediate execution
260 ACS-TAG-TagResources Tag the resources it manages through resource management YAML JSON Immediate execution
261 ACS-TAG-TagResourcesIgnoreCaseSensitive Tag the resources it manages through resource management YAML JSON Immediate execution
262 ACS-VPC-BulkyDeleteForwardEntry Del the specified risk ports mapped on dnat table YAML JSON Immediate execution
263 ACS-VPC-BulkyEnableDeletionProtection Bulky enable deletion protection for instances YAML JSON Immediate execution
264 ACS-VPC-ScheduleToUpgradeEipBandwidth Schedule to upgrade EIP bandwidth YAML JSON Immediate execution
265 ACS-WAF-BulkyModifyLogServiceStatus Modify log service status YAML JSON Immediate execution
266 ACS-WAF-BulkyModifyProtectionModuleStatus Modify protection module status YAML JSON Immediate execution

Cloud Product Actions


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::CN::DetermineUpgradeServiceInstanceTypeAndPerformUpgrade Determine computeNest service instance‘s upgrade type and perform the upgrade YAML JSON
2 ACS::CN::RollbackServiceInstance Use this template to rollback CN service instance YAML JSON
3 ACS::CN::UpgradeServiceInstance Use this template to upgrade CN service instance YAML JSON
4 ACS::CN::UpgradeServiceInstanceByReplaceSystemDisk Replace system disk in computeNest service instance‘s artifact upgrade stage YAML JSON
5 ACS::CN::UpgradeServiceInstanceByRunCommand DownLoad file and run command in ComputeNest service instance‘s Upgrade stage YAML JSON
6 ACS::CN::UpgradeServiceInstanceStep Bulky downLoad file to instances and run command YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::CR::GetAuthorizationToken Gets the temporary account and temporary password used to log in to the instance YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::CS::FCRunCommand Run command on cluster nodes by FC YAML JSON
2 ACS::CS::RunCommand Run command on K8s cluser nodes YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::Approve::DingTalkWebhook Sends notification to DingTalk via webhook for asking approval. The execution remains paused until approved or rejected. Please refer for details YAML JSON
2 ACS::Notify::DingTalkWebhook Sends notification to DingTalk via webhook. Please refer for details YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::ECD::ApplyPatchBaseline Apply patch baseline on ECD instance YAML JSON
2 ACS::ECD::ModifyDesktopChargeType Modify desktop charge type YAML JSON
3 ACS::ECD::RebootDesktop Restarts the ECD desktop YAML JSON
4 ACS::ECD::RebuildDesktop Rebuild ECD desktop YAML JSON
5 ACS::ECD::RunCommand Creates a cloud assistant command and invoke it on desktop YAML JSON
6 ACS::ECD::SetRenewal Modify desktop auto renew attribute YAML JSON
7 ACS::ECD::StartDesktop Starts an ECD desktop YAML JSON
8 ACS::ECD::StopDesktop Stops an ECD desktop YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::ECI::ExecContainerCommand Exec container command YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::ECS::AddEipToCommonBandwidthPackage Add EIP to common bandwidth package YAML JSON
2 ACS::ECS::AlarmScalingThreshold Alarm notification when spot instance discount or spot price exceeds threshold YAML JSON
3 ACS::ECS::AlarmSpotPriceByDiscountThreshold Alarm notification when spot instance discount or spot price exceeds threshold. YAML JSON
4 ACS::ECS::AlarmSpotPriceByDiscountThresholdWithMultiTypes Alarm notification when spot instance discount or spot price exceeds threshold in multiple instance type YAML JSON
5 ACS::ECS::AlarmSpotPriceOrDiscountByScalingGroupInstance Alarm notification when spot instance discount or spot price exceeds threshold in the scaling group existing instances YAML JSON
6 ACS::ECS::AlarmSpotPriceOrDiscountBySingleScalingGroup Alarm notification when spot instance discount or spot price exceeds threshold in the single scaling group existing instances YAML JSON
7 ACS::ECS::AlarmSpotPriceOrDiscountThresholdByScalingGroup Alarm notification when spot instance discount or spot price exceeds threshold in the scaling group YAML JSON
8 ACS::ECS::AllocateAndAssociateEipAddress Allocate and associate eip address to instance YAML JSON
9 ACS::ECS::AllocateEipAddressAndAttachToInstance Create the eip and bind it to ECS instance YAML JSON
10 ACS::ECS::AllocatePublicIpAddress Assigns a public IP address to ECS instance YAML JSON
11 ACS::ECS::ApplyAnsiblePlayBook Run Ansible playbooks on ECS Instance.Only supports CentOS, AliyunLinux and Ubuntu YAML JSON
12 ACS::ECS::ApplyAutoSnapshotPolicy Apply an automatic snapshot policy to one or more disks YAML JSON
13 ACS::ECS::ApplyPatchBaseline Apply patch baseline on ECS instance YAML JSON
14 ACS::ECS::ApplyPatchBaselineOnMangedInstance Apply patch baseline on ECS managed instance YAML JSON
15 ACS::ECS::AttachDisk Attach a pay-as-you-go data disk or a system disk to an ECS instance YAML JSON
16 ACS::ECS::AttachEipToInstance Attach EIP to ECS instance YAML JSON
17 ACS::ECS::AttachKeyPair Attach KeyPair to a linux instance YAML JSON
18 ACS::ECS::AttachKeyPairOnline Attach key pair to Linux instance without reboot YAML JSON
19 ACS::ECS::AttachNASFileSystemToInstance Attach NAS file system to instance (only supports elastic expansion activities) YAML JSON
20 ACS::ECS::CheckAvailableInstanceTypes Check the available instance types that exist in the list of instanceTypes parameter YAML JSON
21 ACS::ECS::CleanUpDisk Cleanup disk by run command YAML JSON
22 ACS::ECS::CloneInstance Clone ECS instance YAML JSON
23 ACS::ECS::CloneInstanceAcrossAZ Cross available zone copy and run ECS instance YAML JSON
24 ACS::ECS::CloneInstanceWithIncrementSnapshot Clone ECS instance with increment snapshot YAML JSON
25 ACS::ECS::CloneReservedInstance Clone reserved instance YAML JSON
26 ACS::ECS::ConfigureMultipleOOSPackagesWithTemporaryURL Use this template to install oos packages on a ecs YAML JSON
27 ACS::ECS::ConfigureOOSPackage Configure OOS package on ECS instance YAML JSON
28 ACS::ECS::ConfigureOOSPackageWithTemporaryURL Configure OOS package on ECS instance YAML JSON
29 ACS::ECS::ConfigureOOSUtil Install OOS util YAML JSON
30 ACS::ECS::ConvertPublicToEIPAndAddToCommonBandwidthPackage Converts the public IP address of a VPC-connected ECS instance to an Elastic IP (EIP) address and add it to common bandwith package YAML JSON
31 ACS::ECS::CopyImage Cross Region copy images YAML JSON
32 ACS::ECS::CopyLinuxInstanceFileFromOSS Copies the file from OSS to ECS instance by run command YAML JSON
33 ACS::ECS::CopyLinuxInstanceFileToOSS Copies the file from ECS instance to OSS by RunCommand YAML JSON
34 ACS::ECS::CreateAndAttachAndInitDataDisk Create and attach and initialize data disk YAML JSON
35 ACS::ECS::CreateAndAttachDisk Creates a disk and attaches a data disk to an ECS instance. YAML JSON
36 ACS::ECS::CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface Creates an elastic network interface (ENI) and attaches to an instance YAML JSON
37 ACS::ECS::CreateDiagnoseReport Create diagnostic report YAML JSON
38 ACS::ECS::CreateDiagnoseReportForInstanceConnectionFailure Create diagnostic report for ECS instance connection failure YAML JSON
39 ACS::ECS::CreateImage Creates a custom image from ECS instance YAML JSON
40 ACS::ECS::CreateNetworkInterfaceAndEipAndAttachToInstance Create the NetworkInterface and eip and bind the to instance YAML JSON
41 ACS::ECS::CreateSavingsPlan Create savings plan YAML JSON
42 ACS::ECS::CreateSnapshot Creates a snapshot for a disk YAML JSON
43 ACS::ECS::DeleteImage Deletes image image of ECS instance by specifying image ID YAML JSON
44 ACS::ECS::DeleteImageByName Deletes ECS image by specified image name YAML JSON
45 ACS::ECS::DeleteInstance Deletes ECS instance by specifying instance ID YAML JSON
46 ACS::ECS::DeletePrepaidInstance Deletes prepaid ECS instance YAML JSON
47 ACS::ECS::DeleteUnrelatedSnapshots Delete unrelated snapshots YAML JSON
48 ACS::ECS::DescribeInstancesByName Views the ECS instance ids by specifying instance name YAML JSON
49 ACS::ECS::DescribeInstancesByStatus Views the ECS instance IDs by specifying instance status YAML JSON
50 ACS::ECS::DescribeInstancesByTag Views the ECS instances by specifying tag YAML JSON
51 ACS::ECS::DescribeSavingsPlanPrice Describe exchange to post pay And savings plan price YAML JSON
52 ACS::ECS::DescribeSavingsPlanPriceByInstanceGroup Describe exchange to post pay And savings plan price by instance group YAML JSON
53 ACS::ECS::DetachDisk Detach a pay-as-you-go data disk or a system disk from an ECS instance YAML JSON
54 ACS::ECS::DetachKeyPairOnline Detach key pair to Linux instance without reboot YAML JSON
55 ACS::ECS::DetachNetworkInterfaceAndDeleteEip Detach the network interface from the special instance and release EIP YAML JSON
56 ACS::ECS::DownloadFile Download the file to the ECS instance YAML JSON
57 ACS::ECS::DownloadFileAndRunCommand Downloads file to instance and run command YAML JSON
58 ACS::ECS::DownloadOSSFileAndRunCommand Download the OSS file to the ECS instance YAML JSON
59 ACS::ECS::ElegantReplaceSystemDiskInSLBDefaultServerGroup Replaces the system disk in the instance of the SLB default service group YAML JSON
60 ACS::ECS::ElegantReplaceSystemDiskInSLBVServerGroup Replaces the system disk in the instance of the SLB default Vserver group YAML JSON
61 ACS::ECS::ElegantRunCommandInSLBDefaultServerGroup Run the command in the instance of the SLB default service group YAML JSON
62 ACS::ECS::ElegantRunCommandInSLBVServerGroup Run the command in the instance of the SLB Vservice group YAML JSON
63 ACS::ECS::EnableInstanceDeletionProtection Modify ECS instance DeletionProtection. YAML JSON
64 ACS::ECS::GetIpAddressAndModifyInstanceName Get the private network IP and modify the name of the ECS instance YAML JSON
65 ACS::ECS::InstallAegisAgent Install aegis agent YAML JSON
66 ACS::ECS::InstallCloudAssistant Installs cloud assistant on ECS instance YAML JSON
67 ACS::ECS::InstallDockerCE Install docker CE on ECS instance YAML JSON
68 ACS::ECS::InstallLogtail Install SLS agent on ECS instance YAML JSON
69 ACS::ECS::InvokeCommand Triggers an exisiting cloud assistant command on one ECS instance YAML JSON
70 ACS::ECS::ModifyCreditSpecification Modify the column credit specification for the T5 series instance YAML JSON
71 ACS::ECS::ModifyInstanceAttribute Modify the information of an ECS instance YAML JSON
72 ACS::ECS::ModifyInstanceAutoRenewAttribute Modify instance auto renew attribute YAML JSON
73 ACS::ECS::ModifyInstanceChargeType Modify instance charge type YAML JSON
74 ACS::ECS::ModifyInstanceChargeTypeSpecifiedInstanceTypeFamilies Modify instance charge type by specified instance type families YAML JSON
75 ACS::ECS::ModifyInstanceSpec Modify postpaid ECS instance spec YAML JSON
76 ACS::ECS::ModifyInstanceVpcAttribute Modifies the VPC attributes of an ECS instance YAML JSON
77 ACS::ECS::ModifyPrepaySpec Modify prepaid instance spec YAML JSON
78 ACS::ECS::ModifyUserPasswordBySecretParameter Use encrypted parameters to modify user password YAML JSON
79 ACS::ECS::ModifyVncPassword Modifies the VNC password of an ECS instance YAML JSON
80 ACS::ECS::PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering Purchases reserved instances YAML JSON
81 ACS::ECS::PutInventory Put inventory data YAML JSON
82 ACS::ECS::QueryInstanceAttributes Query ECS instance attributes YAML JSON
83 ACS::ECS::ReInitDisk Reinitialize a disk to restore it to the status when it was created YAML JSON
84 ACS::ECS::RebootInstance Restarts the ECS instance by specifying instanceId YAML JSON
85 ACS::ECS::ReleaseEipAddress Detach and releasse the EIP from the bound instance YAML JSON
86 ACS::ECS::RemoveEipFromCommonBandwidthPackage Remove EIP from common bandwidth package YAML JSON
87 ACS::ECS::ReplaceSystemDisk Replaces the system disk of an ECS instance YAML JSON
88 ACS::ECS::ResetDisk Rolls back a disk to the specific disk status by using one of its snapshots YAML JSON
89 ACS::ECS::ResetPassword Resets password of an ECS instance YAML JSON
90 ACS::ECS::ResizeDisk Extends the size of cloud disk on ECS instance YAML JSON
91 ACS::ECS::RunCommand Creates a cloud assistant command and triggers it on an ECS instance YAML JSON
92 ACS::ECS::RunCommandForApplyPatchBaseline Execute the patch baseline related scripts in the ECS instance YAML JSON
93 ACS::ECS::RunCommandForLongTime Run command on an ECS instance for a long time YAML JSON
94 ACS::ECS::RunImageTemplateCommand Bulky run command or reboot instance on ECS instance across multiple regions YAML JSON
95 ACS::ECS::RunInstances Creates one or more ECS instances YAML JSON
96 ACS::ECS::RunInstancesFromTemplate Creates one or more ECS instances by specifying launch template YAML JSON
97 ACS::ECS::RunPacker Run Packer template on ECS instance YAML JSON
98 ACS::ECS::SMCConversionConstantByJqScript Execute jq script to convert string constant YAML JSON
99 ACS::ECS::SMCVerifyInstanceByRunCommand Checking by customer command and default command for ecs instance YAML JSON
100 ACS::ECS::StartInstance Starts an ECS instance YAML JSON
101 ACS::ECS::StopInstance Stops an ECS instance YAML JSON
102 ACS::ECS::TagInstanceByLinuxKernelVersion Tag an ECS instance using Linux kernel version as tag value YAML JSON
103 ACS::ECS::TagInstanceByOSType Tag an ECS instance using OS type as tag value YAML JSON
104 ACS::ECS::TagInstanceByRunCommandResult Tag a Linux ECS using RunCommand invocation result as tag value YAML JSON
105 ACS::ECS::UpdateCustomImageTagsByEcsInstanceTags ECS custom image inherits instance tags YAML JSON
106 ACS::ECS::UpdateLaunchTemplate Update the launch template YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::ESS::ConfigureOOSPackage Configure oos package on ECS instances that in scaling group YAML JSON
2 ACS::ESS::DownloadFileAndRunCommand Downloads file to instance and run command YAML JSON
3 ACS::ESS::DownloadOSSFileAndRunCommand Download the OSS file to the ECS instance YAML JSON
4 ACS::ESS::ModifyPolarDBIPWhitelist Modify polarDB cluseter ip whitelist YAML JSON
5 ACS::ESS::ModifyScalingGroupImageConfiguration ModifyScalingGroupImageConfiguration YAML JSON
6 ACS::ESS::ModifyScalingGroupLifecycleHook ModifyScalingGroupLifecycleHook YAML JSON
7 ACS::ESS::ReplaceSystemDisk Replaces the system disk of an ECS instance in scaling group YAML JSON
8 ACS::ESS::RunCommand Creates cloud assistant command and triggers it on one ECS instance in scaling group YAML JSON
9 ACS::ESS::RunCommandOnSpecifiedInstance Run command on the specified scaling activity instance YAML JSON
10 ACS::ESS::UpdateContainerGroup Update ESS contain group YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::FC::ExecuteScript Execute python script YAML JSON
2 ACS::FC::InvokeFunction Invoke Created Function YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::HBR::RestoreHanaDatabaseBackup Restore a backup of the source instance database to the test instance, and check the recovery status YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::OSS::GenerateUrl ACS::OSS::GenerateUrl YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::RDS::CreateAccount Create new account in a db instance YAML JSON
2 ACS::RDS::CreateBackup Creates backups of a RDS instance YAML JSON
3 ACS::RDS::CreateDatabase Creates a new database in RDS instance YAML JSON
4 ACS::RDS::CreateDbInstance Creates an RDS instance YAML JSON
5 ACS::RDS::DeleteDbInstance Deletes DB instance YAML JSON
6 ACS::RDS::GrantAccountPrivilege Grant account privilege to specified or all dbs of the instance YAML JSON
7 ACS::RDS::ModifySecurityIpsByInstanceIPArray Del from the ip white list array of rds instances. YAML JSON
8 ACS::RDS::RecoveryDbInstance Recoveries database to an existed or new instance YAML JSON
9 ACS::RDS::RestartDbInstance Restarts an RDS instance YAML JSON
10 ACS::RDS::StartInstance Starts a RDS instance YAML JSON
11 ACS::RDS::StopInstance Stops a RDS instance YAML JSON
12 ACS::RDS::UpgradeDbInstanceEngineVersion Upgrades the database version of an instance YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::ROS::CreateStack Create ROS stack YAML JSON
2 ACS::ROS::DeleteStack Delete ROS stack YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::Redis::CreateBackupAndUploadToOSS Create redis backup and upload to OSS YAML JSON
2 ACS::Redis::DeleteSecurityIpByInstanceIPArray Delete specified ip from the ip white list array of redis instances YAML JSON
3 ACS::Redis::UpgradeRedisInstanceBandwidth Upgrade of the temporary bandwidth of a Redis instance YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::SAE::CreateApplication Create SAE application YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::SLB::SetLoadBalancerDeleteProtection Modify loadbalancer deletionProtection attribute YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::ECS::InheritDiskTagToSnapshot Inherit disk tags to snapshots YAML JSON
2 ACS::ECS::UpdateDiskTagsByEcsInstanceTags Update disk tags by ecs instance tags YAML JSON
3 ACS::ECS::UpdateEipTagsByEcsInstanceTags Update eip tags By ecs instance tags YAML JSON
4 ACS::ECS::UpdateEniTagsByEcsInstanceTags Update eni tags by ecs instance tags YAML JSON
5 ACS::ECS::UpdateSnapshotTagsByEcsInstanceTags Update snapshot tags by ecs instance tags YAML JSON
6 ACS::TAG::TagResourceByTagIgnoreCaseSensitive Create and bind a single tag for a specified single cloud resource YAML JSON
7 ACS::TAG::TagResourceByTagsIgnoreCaseSensitive Create and bind multiple tags to a specified single cloud resource YAML JSON
8 ACS::TAG::TagResources Tag resources YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ACS::VPC::UpgradeEipBandwidth Upgrading the temporary bandwidth of an EIP instance YAML JSON