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500 lines (358 loc) · 11.6 KB

File metadata and controls

500 lines (358 loc) · 11.6 KB


In 60 seconds

What is PSHTML?


Is a Crossplatform Powershell module that allows you to script the generation of html documents using powershell like syntax.

It makes creating html pages really really easy!

PSHTML is a PowerShell DSL (Domain Specific Language).

It allows you to leverage your existing knowledge of powershell to create html documents without leaving your IDE.

No more "html string building" as in 2015!

Create websites using powershell syntax only

Import-Module PSHTML

html {


        title "woop title"
        link "css/normalize.css" "stylesheet"


        Header {
            h1 "This is h1 Title in header"
            div {
                p {
                    "This is simply a paragraph in a div."

            p {
                h1 "This is h1"
                h2 "This is h2"
                h3 "This is h3"
                h4 "This is h4"
                h5 "This is h5"
                h6 "This is h6"
                strong "plop";"Woop"


Use all the techniques you already know.

  • Loops (foreach, while, do while, for)
  • Conditional statement (if elseIf() /Else, switch etc...)
  • Functions, filters, classes

Use all the modules that you have learned to love over time

  • ActiveDirectory
  • ConfigMgr
  • FailoverClustering
  • PsClassUtils

Create Forms

    Form -action "CallThisPage.Html" -method get -target _self -Content{
        "Please input your password"
        input -type password "woop"
        "Please Confirm your passwor"
        input -type password -name "woop2"

Create Tables manually

h2 "Example with HTML table"

        caption "This is a table generated with PSHTML"
        thead {
                th "number1"
                th "number2"
                th "number3"
                td "Child 1.1"
                td "Child 1.2"
                td "Child 1.3"
                td "Child 2.1"
                td "Child 2.2"
                td "Child 2.3"
                td "Table footer"

Or generate tables dynamically

$Process = Get-Process | select -First 3 
$Process | ConvertTo-PSHTMLTable -Properties "Name","Handles"

Create Drop down boxes

p {
    "My favorite car is:"
SelectTag {
    option -value "Citroen" -Content "Citroen"
    option -value "Renault" -Content "Renault"
    option -value "Peugeot" -Content "Peugeot"
    option -value "DS" -Content "DS"

Or generate your drop down boxes 'dynamicaly'

$Languages = @("PowerShell","Ruby","CSharp","Python")
p {
    "My favorite language is:"
SelectTag {
    foreach($language in $Languages){
        option -value $language -Content $language

Use includes to reuse specific chunks of code in different places

    include -Name head


        include -name Body
        $PrimaryColors = @("Red","green","blue")

        H3 "Primary color are:"
        ul {
            Foreach($PColor in $PrimaryColors){
                li $PColor
        p {
            "This is just content after the unorded list but before the footer."
    Include -Name Footer

Out of the box support for assets such as

  • BootStrap
  • ChartJs
  • Query

You love VSCode?

So do we!

PSHTML comes with VScode snipets ready to be installed.

Install them using


All snippets start with the word pshtml

PSHTML support the creation of custom charts

It is very easy to do, and needs only a few seconds using



#Preparing data
$Data3 = @(4,1,6,12,17,25,18,17,22,30,35,44)
$Labels = @("January","February","Mars","April","Mai","June","July","August","September","October","November","december")

#Creating a DataSet
$dsb3 = New-PSHTMLChartBarDataSet -Data $data3 -label "2018" -BackgroundColor ([Color]::blue )

#Generating the chart
New-PSHTMLChart -type bar -DataSet $dsb3 -title "Bar Chart Example" -Labels $Labels -CanvasID $BarCanvasID


Add your HTML / CSS knowledge directly in your PSHTML code.

Every PSHTML tag cmdlet comes with the following parameters:

  • -Class -> Add classes to you html tags
  • -Style -> Add inline styles to your html tags
  • -Attributes -> Add custom attributes with values to your html tags.


-> Add classes to you html tags


p -Class "My Class" {
    "This is simply a paragraph in a div."


<p Class="My Class" >
  This is simply a paragraph in a div.


-> Add inline styles to your html tags


p -Style "color:blue;margin-left:30px;" {
    "This is simply a paragraph in a div."


<p Style="color:blue;margin-left:30px;" >
  This is simply a paragraph in a div.


-> Add custom attributes with values to your html tags.


p {
    "This is simply a paragraph in a div."
} -Attributes @{"MyCustomAttribute"="My custom value"}


<p MyCustomAttribute="My custom value" >
  This is simply a paragraph in a div.

Your only limitation is your imagination

    Tribute to Snover but added CSS styles and bootstrap.
    The following example called 'tribute to Snover' grasps information for the 'shellfather' from around the internet, adn generates a html page with the information.
    # This example ilustrates how we can leverage the power of powershell, to fetch and filter information on various websites (using invoke-webrequest)

    We use foreach to create multiple <p> or <li> elements.

import-module .\pshtml.psd1

$Snover = Html {
    head -content {
        Title "Tribute to snover"
        #Linking to bootstrap

        $AllLinks = @()
        $AllLinks += @{
            "rel" = "stylesheet"
            "href" = ""
            "Integrity" = "sha384-WskhaSGFgHYWDcbwN70/dfYBj47jz9qbsMId/iRN3ewGhXQFZCSftd1LZCfmhktB"
            "crossorigin"= "anonymous"

        $AllLinks += @{
            "rel" = "stylesheet"
            "href" = ""
            "Integrity" = "sha384-rHyoN1iRsVXV4nD0JutlnGaslCJuC7uwjduW9SVrLvRYooPp2bWYgmgJQIXwl/Sp"
            "crossorigin"= "anonymous"

        $ScriptParams = @()

        $ScriptParams += @{

            "src" = ""

        $ScriptParams += @{

            "src" = ""

        $scriptParams += @{

            "src" = ""

        $scriptParams += @{

            "src" = ""

        foreach ($link in $AllLinks){
            link @link

        foreach ($ScriptParam in $ScriptParams){

            script @ScriptParam

        link -rel stylesheet -href "MyStyles.css"

        div -Class "container" {
            div -Class "text-center" {

                h1 "Tribute to Jeffrey Snover" -Class "Title"

                img -src "" -class "rounded-circle" -alt "Jeffrey Snover photo" -height "400" -width "400"

            div -id "Bio" {
                $WikiRootSite = ""
                $Source = a {"Wikipedia"} -href $WikiRootSite
                h2 "Biography"
                h4 "Source --> $Source"

                #Gathering the biography information from Wikipedia
                $wiki = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($WikiRootSite + "/wiki/Jeffrey_Snover")
                $Output = $Wiki.ParsedHtml.getElementById("mw-content-text").children | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ClassName -eq 'mw-parser-output'}
                $Bio = $Output.Children | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.TagName -eq 'p'} | Select-Object -Property Tagname,InnerHtml

                foreach ($p in $bio){
                    if($p.InnerHtml -ne $null){
                        #The url are relative on Wiki website. Correcting it here so that the Links are still working
                        $Corrected = $p.innerHTML.Replace("/wiki/","$WikiRootSite/wiki/")



            }#End Accomplishements
            Div -id "Snoverisms" {
                $SnoverismsSite = ""

                h2 "Snoverisms"
                h4 "Source --> $SnoverismsSite"

                $Page = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $SnoverismsSite
                $Snoverisms = $Page.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("p") | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ClassName -ne "site-description"} | Select-Object -Property innerhtml
                $Snoverisms += (Invoke-WebRequest -uri "").ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("p") | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ClassName -ne "site-description"} | Select-Object -Property innerhtml

                ul -id "snoverism-list" -Content {
                    Foreach ($snov in $Snoverisms){

                        li -Class "snoverism" -content {

                }#end of ul
        $PSHTMLlink = a {"PSHTML"} -href ""
        h6 "Generated with $($PSHTMLlink)"

$Snover > "Example6.html"


Get started:

Install-Module PSHTML

Look at code samples