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Releases: AirtestProject/Airtest


10 Dec 08:36
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  • 安卓在录屏强制中止的情况下,下一次启动录屏时优先清理之前的录屏再开始新录屏,避免启动录屏失败
  • 部分手机如oppo/vivo等,在没有安装/启用yosemite输入法时无法使用,改用adb shell input text输入(不支持中文)
  • wake接口先尝试使用keyevent22482解锁android屏幕,如果解锁失败,再尝试用yosemite解锁
  • 图像识别:计算置信度过程加入极限值噪点,修复纯色状态时置信度异常高的问题。RGB模式对极限值进行裁剪,修复色相角度计算异常的问题。


  • 新增Android 12的minicap截图支持


  • When Android screen recording is forcibly suspended, the next time you start screen recording, it will prioritize cleaning up the previous recording screen before starting a new screen recording to avoid starting screen recording failure
  • Some mobile phones such as oppo/vivo cannot be used without yosemite input method installed/enabled. Use adb shell input text instead (Chinese is not supported)
  • wake interface first try to use keyevent224 and 82 to unlock the android screen, if the unlocking fails, try to unlock it with yosemite
  • Image recognition: Add limit value noise to the process of calculating the confidence level to fix the problem of abnormally high confidence in the pure color state. RGB mode cuts the limit value and fixes the problem of abnormal hue angle calculation.


  • Added Android 12 minicap screenshot support


29 Sep 06:30
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  • 修改了获取Android设备屏幕尺寸的方式,尽量兼容了手机、平板、特殊车机设备


19 Aug 07:49
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Airtest 1.2.1-1.2.2


  • 修复上个版本改动带来的问题
    • 修复在使用py2、或者是某些特殊版本的python时,导致的一些报错
    • 初始化minitouch时,不再额外增加一个(0, 0)坐标的点击,避免误点
  • 图像识别算法的改进
    • 优化了mstpl算法,提升了判定的严格程度,可以有效降低当目标图片不在当前画面中的误检率
    • tpl算法被添加回设置里,可以在mstpl失败时作为补充方案
    • 修复了mstpl算法在参数错误时的容错
  • adb.pm_install接口中增加安装完毕后自动删除apk包的功能,避免调用完之后没清理,残留大量apk包的问题
  • 其他BUG修复
    • 当断开连接时,有可能会有部分forward过的端口没有被完整回收 620d17c
    • 部分特殊型号的手机,在上个版本更新后,仍然可能出现连接后只能看到半屏图像的问题(VIVO X30 Pro),因此在获取设备宽高数据时,强制指定更短的边为width,更长的边为height
    • merge了 #939 , 更好地兼容了windows双屏的情况
    • 其他一些小BUG的修复

This update focuses on bug fixes and improved image recognition effects. The update content is as follows:

  • Fix the problems caused by the changes of the previous version
    • Fix some errors caused when using py2 or some special versions of python
    • When initializing the minitouch, no additional clicks with (0, 0) coordinates are added to avoid mistakes
  • Improvement of image recognition algorithm
    • Optimized the mstpl algorithm to improve the strictness of the judgment, which can effectively reduce the false detection rate when the target picture is not in the current picture
    • The tpl algorithm is added back to the settings, which can be used as a supplementary solution when mstpl fails
    • Fixed the fault tolerance of mstpl algorithm when the parameters are wrong
  • Add the function of automatically deleting the apk package after the installation is completed in the adb.pm_install interface to avoid the problem of a large number of apk packages that are not cleaned up after the call is completed
  • Other bug fixes
    • When the connection is disconnected, some of the forwarded ports may not be fully recovered 620d17c
    • For some special models of mobile phones, after the last version update, there may still be a problem that only half-screen images can be seen after connecting (VIVO X30 Pro). Therefore, when obtaining the device width and height data, it is mandatory to specify the shorter side as width, the longer side is height
    • Merged #939, which is better compatible with dual-screen windows
    • Some other minor bug fixes


18 Jun 03:05
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English Version





from airtest.core.api import *

touch(Template("search.png", scale_max=800, scale_step=0.005))


  • threshold:用于设置图像识别的筛选阈值,默认为0.8,因此需要图像识别效果大于0.8时,才会认为此次识别是成功的
  • rgb:是否要进行彩色识别,默认为False,意思是airtest默认会将图片处理为灰度图片,因此如果需要加入彩色三通道的识别,需要将它设置为True
  • 新加入scale_max:新算法专用参数,用于调节匹配的最大范围,如果要查找的目标UI很小的话,可以适当增大这个数值,默认值 800, 推荐值 740, 800, 1000 取值范围 [700 , 2000]
  • 新加入scale_step:新算法专用参数,用于控制搜索比例步长,如果要查找的目标UI很小的话,可以适当减小这个数值,默认值0.005,推荐值 0.02, 0.005, 0.001 取值范围 [0.001, 0.1]



在Airtest 1.2.0以上版本中,我们不再希望大家连接手机时,手动指定各连接参数了,包括cap_methodtouch_methodori_method



  • 目前Android12暂时还没有很好地支持,屏幕画面效果很差

  • 新增Android.screen_proxy,类似于之前的touch_proxy,统一使用它作为屏幕截图方法的调用入口

  • 初始化Android()对象时,可以不再强制指定cap_method="MINICAP""JAVACAP"screen_proxy会自动按照顺序进行初始化,直到选取到可以成功初始化的截图方法。

    • 例如,之前在连接模拟器时,需要在IDE上勾选use javacap,或是在脚本运行时指定cap_method=JAVACAP,现在可以不指定,也能成功初始化
    • 删除了cap_method=MINICAP_STREAM这个参数,请不要再传MINICAP_STREAM这个值
    • 初始化的优先顺序为:自定义的截图方法 > MINICAP > JAVACAP > ADBCAP,其中,如果调用到了ADBCAP,将会打印一个warning,告诉用户此时截图效率很低
    • 保留了旧的一些调用入口,方便兼容旧的代码
      • 例如dev.minicap,将会返回dev.screen_proxy对象,依然可以使用dev.minicap.get_frame_from_stream()接口
      • 例如dev.cap_method,将会返回当前使用的截图方法名称(比如"MINICAP"),同样也可以使用dev.cap_method = "JAVACAP"来强制指定截图方法
  • 在获取图片时,再也不需要进行大量的类型判断然后调用对应的截图方法了

    • 直接使用dev.screen_proxy.get_frame_from_stream()即可

    • 即以前的这种代码可以废弃了:

    • if dev.cap_method == CAP_METHOD.MINICAP:
      elif dev.cap_method == xxx:
  • 如果希望实现自定义的新截图方法:在中,实现了所有截图方法的基类BaseCap,可以通过继承它,并实现get_frame_from_stream这个接口,就能新增一个自定义的截图方法,将它注册到ScreenProxy中就可以使用了

    • from import BaseCap
      class TestCap(BaseCap):
          def get_frame_from_stream(self):
              return b"frame"
      ScreenProxy.register_method("TESTCPY", TestCap)
      # 默认优先初始化为自定义的TestCap
      cap = ScreenProxy.auto_setup(dev.adb)


  • 原先的android.get_display_info()默认会返回minicap.get_display_info(),现在改为默认直接返回adb.get_display_info() 43a9c56

    • 因为如果默认没有使用minicap,在这里还会强制触发一次minicap的初始化,很浪费时间
    • 希望能够让ori_method=ADBORI这个参数真正只与屏幕旋转方向做关联,默认情况下使用rotation_watcher.jar来获取屏幕方向,如果失败了,则可以指定此参数改为每隔2秒使用ADB获取一次当前屏幕旋转方向(一般是一些车机设备/特殊平板等设备)。原先的逻辑里,ADBORI的指定有可能是因为该设备minicap初始化失败,也可能是rotation_watcher拿到的屏幕方向不对,会造成问题难以排查。
  • 所有截图方法都包含有snapshot()这个接口,默认会处理截取的图片,返回一个cv2的图片,去掉了android.snapshot里的大量类型判断。

    • minicap额外增加了一个projection参数,用来调整屏幕图的大小,方便IDE中使用该接口拿到手机原始图片进行截图 d3fb6a6
  • screen_proxy类似,为touch_proxy添加了auto_setup逻辑,在初始化手机时,会先尝试初始化minitouch,如果失败会尝试maxtouch,最后选择adbtouch,这样可以避免一些机型虽然不是android10,但是也需要使用maxtouch的问题 e4efe9e

  • 为上述改动增加了对应的单元测试用例

  • 解决了在连接过程中,由于失败可能导致的socket未关闭或subprocess未关闭输入输出流的问题


  • nbsp增加了一个auto_kill参数,在手机断开连接时,能自动杀掉socket,避免内存泄露的问题 b3ff533
  • 解决了几个结束时未完全关闭io流的warning
  • 兼容了在脚本运行时传入的脚本路径末尾带有/的情况
  • SIFT算法专利已经解禁,因此重新加入了SIFT算法作为默认算法,但是受限于opencv的版本号,不是所有的版本号都可以直接使用 c8e9bba
  • 修复了在部分新型号手机上,在横屏状态时获取到的display_info尺寸相反的问题,这个问题会导致在IDE上的横屏状态下,屏幕画面显示错误 9bcccdf
    • 目前已测试过不少机型均修复了此问题(例如vivo iQOO Neo5,华为Mate40Pro等)
    • 如果仍有机型出现屏幕横竖旋转时显示错误的问题,请将具体的机型告诉我们

Airtest 1.2.0 update

New: image recognition algorithm mstpl

We have added an improved version of the template matching recognition algorithm, which can greatly increase the success rate of the original template matching and better adapt to scenes with changing resolutions.

Update Airtest to version 1.2.0 or higher. If you are using AirtestIDE, please also update to version 1.2.10 or higher. The latest version has set this algorithm as the preferred algorithm.

Please refer to the following code example:

from airtest.core.api import *

touch(Template("search.png", scale_max=800, scale_step=0.005))

When the Template image object is initialized, the parameters related to image recognition are as follows:

  • threshold: used to set the screening threshold of image recognition, the default is 0.8, so the recognition effect is required to be greater than 0.8 before the recognition is considered successful
  • rgb: Whether to perform color recognition, the default is False, which means that airtest will process the picture as a grayscale picture by default, so if you need to add color three-channel recognition, you need to set it to True
  • Newly added scale_max: new algorithm special parameter, used to adjust the maximum range of matching, If the target UI to be searched is small, you can increase this value appropriately, the default value is 800, the recommended value is 740, 800 , 1000 Value range [700, 2000]
  • Newly added scale_step: a new algorithm dedicated parameter, used to control the search scale step size, If the target UI to be found is small, you can appropriately reduce this value, the default value is 0.005, the recommended value is 0.02, 0.005 , 0.001 Value range [0.001, 0.1]

If you encounter problems or abnormal errors during image recognition, please take a screenshot of the current interface and submit an issue together with the pictures used in the script.

Interface changes: No need to set parameters when connecting to a mobile phone

In Airtest 1.2.0 and above, we no longer want everyone to manually specify the connection parameters when connecting to the phone, including cap_method, touch_method, and ori_method.

Therefore, we have made some changes. When initializing the phone, if there is a problem, Airtest will automatically try to be compatible and select a backup plan to connect until it succeeds.

The important changes that need attention are as follows:

  • Currently Android12 is not yet well supported, the screen effect is very poor
  • Added Android.screen_proxy, which is similar to the previous touch_proxy and uses it as the call entry of the screenshot method.
  • When initializing the Android() object, you can no longer force to specify cap_method="MINICAP" or "JAVACAP", screen_proxy will automatically initialize in order until the screenshot method that can be successfully initialized is selected .
    • For example, when connecting to the simulator before, you need to check use javacap on the IDE, or specify cap_method=JAVACAP when the script is running. Now it is not necessary to specify it, and it can be initialized successfully.
    • Deleted the parameter cap_method=MINICAP_STREAM, please do not pass the value of MINICAP_STREAM again
    • The priority order of initialization is custom screenshot method > MINICAP > JAVACAP > ADBCAP. If ADBCAP is called, a warning will be printed to tell the user that the screenshot efficiency is very low at this time.
    • Keep some of the old call entry points, which is convenient to be compatible with the old code
      • For example, dev.minicap will return the dev.screen_proxy object, and the dev.minicap.get_frame_from_stream() interface can still be used
      • For example, dev.cap_method will return the name of the currently used screenshot method (such as "MINICAP"), and you can also use dev.cap_method = "JAVACAP" to force the specified screenshot method
  • When acquiring pictures, there is no need to perform a lot of type judgment and then call the corresponding screenshot method
    • Use dev.screen_proxy.get_frame_from_stream() directly
    • That is, the previous code can be discarded:
    • if dev.cap_method == CAP_METHOD.MINICAP:
      elif dev.cap_method == xxx:
  • If you want to implement a new custom screenshot method: In, the base class BaseCap, which implements all screenshot methods, can be inherited and implement the interface get_frame_from_stream. A custom screenshot method can be added, and it can be used by registering it in ScreenProxy
    • from import BaseCap
      class TestCap(BaseCap):
          def get_frame_from_stream(self):
              return b"frame"
      ScreenProxy.register_method("TESTCPY", TestCap)
      # The default priority is initialized to the custom TestCap
      cap = ScreenProxy.auto_setup(dev.adb)

Other bug fixes

  • nbsp added an auto_kill parameter, which can automatically kill the socket when the phone is disconnected to avoid memory leaks
  • Solved several warnings that did not completely close the io stream at the end
  • Compatible with / at the end of the script path passed in when the script is running
  • The SIFT algorithm patent has been lifted, so the SIFT algorithm has been re-added as the default algorithm, but it is limited by the version number of OpenCV. Not all version numbers can be used directly c8e9bba038b3bb1b5201bb3...
Read more


30 Apr 09:53
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  • pypi打包版本补充了缺失的ios资源文件

  • py2不再要求安装facebook-wda库,避免了安装过程中可能因为第三方库依赖py3而报错(airtest的ios模块,在py2下无法使用)

  • 修复了在极少数情况下可能会获取不到手机渲染分辨率,导致获取的手机尺寸为0的问题

  • rotationwatcher.jar缩减包体大小到7kb

  • 恢复了iOS手机端口转发功能,可以使用iOS上面的unity-poco了(linux下如果是ubuntu,可以运行apt-get install libusbmuxd-tools)

  • 增加了一个自动chmod +x的操作,能自动为adb和iproxy文件增加可执行权限

  • 修正了一些wda兼容性的问题

  • The pypi packaged version supplements the missing ios resource files

  • py2 no longer requires the installation of the facebook-wda library, which avoids errors that may be reported during the installation process due to third-party libraries relying on py3 (airtest's ios module cannot be used under py2)

  • Fixed the issue that in rare cases the rendering resolution of the phone may not be obtained, resulting in the size of the obtained phone being 0

  • rotationwatcher.jar reduces the package size to 7kb

  • The port forwarding function of iOS mobile phones has been restored, and unity-poco on iOS can be used (if it is ubuntu under linux, you can run apt-get install libusbmuxd-tools)

  • Added an automatic chmod +x operation, which can automatically increase executable permissions for adb and iproxy files

  • Fixed some wda compatibility issues


02 Apr 03:44
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  • 重新恢复iOS的端口转发功能,能够对本机USB线连接的iOS上的端口进行转发,也就是说,目前恢复了iOS上面的Unity-Poco的支持
    • 请mac用户在使用本功能时,最好安装iproxy,在终端中运行:brew install usbmuxd
  • 新手机初始化的时候,去掉了RotationWatcher.apk的安装,减少一个安装程序
  • 优化了图像识别算法在使用rgb=True参数时的效果,现在能够更好地识别出不同颜色图片了


  • log的时间改为24小时制
  • 修复了ios swipe接口遗漏了一个参数的BUG
  • 修复了adb.file_size不能正确获取到文件大小的bug
  • 在大于python3.7的环境中,由于opencv图像算法的版权问题,导致有部分算法不能使用,因此把默认使用的算法都改为可用的算法,删除了报错日志

New features or optimization items

  • Restore the iOS port forwarding function, which can forward the port on iOS connected with the USB cable of the machine, that is to say, the support of Unity-Poco on iOS has been restored.
    • When using this function for mac users, it is best to install iproxy and run in the terminal: brew install usbmuxd
  • When the new phone is initialized, the installation of RotationWatcher.apk is removed, reducing one installation procedure
  • Optimized the effect of the image recognition algorithm when using the rgb=True parameter, and now it can better recognize pictures with different colors

BUG fix:

  • The log time is changed to a 24-hour system
  • Fixed a bug where a parameter was missing from the ios swipe interface
  • Fixed the bug that adb.file_size could not get the file size correctly
  • In an environment greater than python3.7, due to the copyright issue of the opencv image algorithm, some of the algorithms cannot be used, so all the algorithms used by default are changed to available algorithms, and the error log is deleted


22 Feb 08:59
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  • 支持Appium的WebDriverAgent工具,因此能够支持更新版本的iOS(>=14)以及新版本的xcode

  • Appium的WebDriverAgent与我们的iOS-Tagent,只需要选择其中一个部署即可,若原先已经部署了iOS-Tagent,请更新至最新版本

  • 重要: 由于facebook-wda只支持python3,因此假如想升级到这个版本,更好地使用ios模块以及下方提及的接口的话,必须使用python3

  • 新增了弹窗相关接口:

    • alert_accept :适用于拥有2个按钮的iOS弹窗,会点击弹窗右边的按钮,通常是“同意”或者“好”

      • from airtest.core.ios.ios import IOS, wda
        ios = IOS("http://localhost:8100/")
        # 点击弹窗右边的按钮
    • alert_dismiss:适用于拥有2个按钮的iOS弹窗,会点击弹窗左边的按钮,例如“不同意”

      • from airtest.core.ios.ios import IOS, wda
        ios = IOS("http://localhost:8100/")
        # 点击弹窗左边的按钮
    • alert_buttons:以列表形式返回弹窗的按钮文字

      • # 返回设备弹窗的按钮的文字
    • alert_click:点击弹窗上的指定按钮

      • # 点击弹窗上面的指定按钮,可传入列表按顺序查找
        ios.alert_click(['设置', '允许', '好'])
    • alert_exists:判断弹窗是否存在

      • ios.alert_exists()
    • alert_watch_and_click:监控弹窗出现并点击指定按钮

      • from airtest.core.ios.ios import IOS, wda
        ios = IOS("http://localhost:8100/")
        # 默认情况下监控此类弹窗:["使用App时允许", "好", "稍后", "稍后提醒", "确定", "允许", "以后"]
        with ios.alert_watch_and_click():
        # 监控指定弹窗出现并点击
        with ios.alert_watch_and_click(["Cancel"]):
        # 设置监控的时间间隔为2.0s
        with ios.alert_watch_and_click(interval=2.0):
    • alert.text: 返回弹窗上面的描述文字

      • # 返回弹窗上面的描述文字
  • keyevent接口增加音量控制事件

    • 支持使用 keyevent 接口对iOS设备的音量进行加减控制:

    • # 音量增加
      # 音量减少
  • app_state接口返回包体状态

    • dev = device()
      print(dev.app_state('')["value"])  # --> output is 4
      print(dev.app_state('')["value"])  # --> output is 3
      print(dev.app_state('')["value"])  # --> output is 1
  • app_current返回当前运行应用

    • print(ios.app_current())
      # output is {"pid": 1281,
      		     "name": "",
      		     "bundleId": "com.netease.cloudmusic"}
  • 加锁相关接口

    • is_locked 当前是否锁屏

    • unlock 解锁设备

    • lock 为设备锁屏

    • from airtest.core.ios.ios import IOS, wda
      ios = IOS("http://localhost:8100/")
      # 判断当前iOS设备是否上锁
  • device_info 返回设备信息

    • print(ios.device_info())
      >>> AttrDict({
                      'timeZone': 'GMT+0800',
                      'currentLocale': 'zh_CN',
                      'model': 'iPhone',
                      'uuid': '90CD6AB7-11C7-4E52-B2D3-61FA31D791EC',
                      'userInterfaceIdiom': 0,
                      'userInterfaceStyle': 'light',
                      'name': 'iPhone',
                      'isSimulator': False})
  • home_interface 判断是否在home桌面

    • print(ios.home_interface())
  • 其他ios相关的bug修复和优化:

    • 修复了部分设备在屏幕旋转时,屏幕画面显示异常、点击位置错误的问题,以及在poco框选节点时,框选位置错误的问题
    • 优化了同时有多个进程连接单个ios时的表现和连接稳定性,略微加快了点击和滑动操作的速度。另外部分设备(例如ipad, 6P/7P/8P)的操作速度会比别的型号手机更慢,这些型号的设备在竖屏情况下使用体验会更好


  1. 如果minicap没有成功启动、或是RotationWatcher.apk没安装成功,就换用adb获取ori信息,新增了使用ADB线程不断获取ori信息的逻辑 1b85fc7
  2. 如果ori_method运行失败、Yosemite.apk安装失败(如果已经安装过旧版,允许跳过安装),也能保证基础功能的运行 b1c8568 f1f095c
  3. 修复上个版本引入的问题,py2下不能正常截图 a6e8f68

iOS module full iteration

Reworked the airtest/core/ios module, the main changes are as follows:

  • Support Appium's WebDriverAgent tool, so it can support updated versions of iOS (>=14) and new versions of xcode

  • Appium’s WebDriverAgent and our iOS-Tagent, you only need to choose one of them to deploy. Yes, if iOS-Tagent is already deployed, please update to the latest version

  • Important: Since facebook-wda only supports python3, if you want to upgrade to this version and better use the ios module and the interfaces mentioned below, you must use python3

  • Added pop-up related interfaces:

    • alert_accept: Applicable to iOS pop-up windows with 2 buttons, you will click the button on the right side of the pop-up window, usually "Agree" or "OK"

      • from airtest.core.ios.ios import IOS, wda
        ios = IOS("http://localhost:8100/")
    • alert_dismiss: Applicable to iOS pop-up windows with 2 buttons, you will click the button on the left side of the pop-up window, such as "disagree"

      • from airtest.core.ios.ios import IOS, wda
        ios = IOS("http://localhost:8100/")
    • alert_buttons: return the button text of the pop-up window as a list

      • ios.alert_buttons()
    • alert_click: Click the specified button on the pop-up window

      • # Click the specified button on the pop-up window, you can enter the list and search in order
    • alert_exists: Determine whether the pop-up window exists

    • alert_watch_and_click: The monitoring pop-up window appears and click the specified button

      • from airtest.core.ios.ios import IOS, wda
        ios = IOS("http://localhost:8100/")
        # This type of pop-up window is monitored by default: ["Allow when using App", "OK", "Later", "Remind later", "OK", "Allow", "Later"]
        with ios.alert_watch_and_click():
        # Monitor the specified pop-up window appears and click
        with ios.alert_watch_and_click(["Cancel"]):
        # Set the monitoring interval to 2.0s
        with ios.alert_watch_and_click(interval=2.0):
    • alert.text: Return the description text on the pop-up window

      • print(ios.driver.alert.text)
  • keyevent interface adds volume control events

    • Support using the keyevent interface to control the volume of iOS devices:

    • # 音量增加
      # 音量减少
  • The app_state interface returns the package state

    • dev = device()
      print(dev.app_state('')["value"])  # --> output is 4
      print(dev.app_state('')["value"])  # --> output is 3
      print(dev.app_state('')["value"])  # --> output is 1
  • Lock related interface

    • is_locked whether the screen is currently locked

    • unlock to unlock the device

    • lock to lock the device screen

    • from airtest.core.ios.ios import IOS
      ios = IOS("http://localhost:8100/")
      # Determine whether the current iOS device is locked
  • device_info returns device information

    • print(ios.device_info())
      >>> AttrDict({
                      'timeZone': 'GMT+0800',
                      'currentLocale': 'zh_CN',
                      'model': 'iPhone',
                      'uuid': '90CD6AB7-11C7-4E52-B2D3-61FA31D791EC',
                      'userInterfaceIdiom': 0,
                      'userInterfaceStyle': 'light',
                      'name': 'iPhone',
                      'isSimulator': False})
  • home_interface determines whether it is on the home desktop

    • print(ios.home_interface())
  • Other iOS related bug fixes and optimizations:

    • Fixed the problem of abnormal screen display and wrong click position when the screen is rotated on some devices, and the wrong position of the box selection when selecting nodes in poco
    • Optimized the performance and connection stability when there are multiple processes connected to a single ios at the same time, and slightly accelerated the speed of clicking and sliding operations. In addition, the operating speed of some devices (such as ipad, 6P/7P/8P) will be slower than other models of mobile phones, and these models will have a better experience in portrait mode.


  1. If minicap is not successfully started or RotationWatcher.apk is not installed successfully, use adb to obtain ori information, and add the logic of using ADB thread to continuously obtain ori information [1b85fc7]( /AirtestProject/Airtest/commit/1b85fc7c26813e0b6c429cadb48adef5362943ed)
  2. If ori_method fails to run and Yosemite.apk fails to install (if you have already installed the old version, you can skip the installation), it can also ensure the operation of basic functions [b1c8568]( commit/b1c8568792bd710674a64c6a45b0566dafde1a60) f1f095c
  3. Fix the...
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v1.1.7 update

11 Jan 07:49
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  1. 目前可以自由选择是否保存脚本运行过程中的截图了,方式如下:
  • 在命令行airtest run xx.air的时候,新增一个参数 --no-image ,只要在运行时传入这个参数,就能够在任务运行过程中不再保存截图 2ed128c , 示例:

    airtest run test.air --device Android:/// --log logs/ --no-image
  • 目前settings新增了一个配置ST.SAVE_IMAGE ,默认为True, 如果改为False,就不保存截图,直到这个值再次设为True,示例:

from airtest.core.api import *
# 暂时关闭截图
touch((100, 100))  # 这条语句将不会保存当前画面图片

# 继续截图
touch((100, 100))
  • 命令行传入--no-image参数时,实际上也是将ST.SAVE_IMAGE设为False,因此第二种方式会更加灵活,大家可以在脚本运行过程中自由决定当前是否要保存图片
  1. 当调用log()接口来保存对应log到报告中时,也同时将它print到当前终端,方便查看。 b7d98f6

  2. 去掉了requirements.txtopencv-contrib-python的版本依赖,目前python3.8和python3.9都能安装了

注意:python3.9如果安装完毕还不能使用airtest,报错ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import,可以手工将numpy版本号降级至1.19.3就能使用了。

  1. Android的录屏接口start_recording修改了参数,增加了一个更简单的bit_rate_level,可以设置1-5的清晰度级别,默认为1,数字越大会越清晰 2220863 , 示例:

    from airtest.core.api import connect_device, sleep
    dev = connect_device("Android:///")
    # Record the screen with the lowest quality


  2. 重新整理了LogToHtml里面路径相关的参数logfilelogdir,现在支持通过修改ST.LOG_DIRST.LOG_FILE,来自主设置log文件夹和log.txt的文件名。修改完毕后,还可以直接用LogToHtml生成报告,同时简化了参数的传递 a4b43cb , 示例:

    from import LogToHtml
    # 假设脚本为当前目录下的run.air, log目录为当前目录下的./log
    # 默认将认为log存放在ST.LOG_DIR中,如果ST.LOG_DIR为空,则尝试寻找当前目录下的log文件夹
    rpt = LogToHtml("test.air")


    from airtest.core.helper import set_logdir
    new_logfile = "log123.txt"
    new_logdir = "./logs_new"
    # set logfile = ./logs_new/log123.txt
    ST.LOG_FILE = new_logfile
    # ...
    rpt = LogToHtml("test.air")
    # LogToHtml将会默认选择ST.LOG_FILE作为logfile,ST.LOG_DIR作为log_root,生成对应的log.html内容


  1. 修复在log()接口中,如果desc包含关键词assert,可能会导致步骤被错误认定为assert步骤的问题 bfa4617
  2. 修复了一个报告中缩略图没有被正确缩小的BUG(之前报告缩略图一般都只有3-5K大小,上个版本有问题,缩略图还是正常图片的大小) 39dc834
  3. 修复了在高版本android手机中,adb.start_app_timing获取不到app启动时间的问题 002a170
  4. 修复了get_top_activity在获取含有$符号的包名时会报错的问题(java允许命名时出现$符号) c9e00e8
  5. adb.file_size更换了获取文件大小的命令,兼容更低版本的android手机,顺便修改了minitouch和maxtouch的安装过程,更简洁一点 75e4665
  6. 修复了多线程同时截图时的generator already executing报错 3a69dc8
  7. 在获取sdk版本时偶尔会失败,尝试增加重试次数,但是是否修复此问题还有待观察 ac08555
  8. 修复部分手机初始化minitouch失败的问题,因为会有额外的log,导致正则匹配失败 ece127b
  9. 初始化RotationWatcher的时机改为在get_display_info的时候,避免在特殊情况下,因为它没有及时初始化,导致横竖屏转换时不能正确获取屏幕信息的问题。(假设连手机时是竖屏,开始运行后切换成了横屏,接下来运行纯poco脚本的click语句,就会导致点击位置横竖屏错误。因为poco语句在点击时不涉及截图,导致没有走到rotationwatcher的初始化逻辑里。) 1ec6223
  10. Android.get_top_activity_name_and_pid的功能与get_top_activity重复,因此删除一个。 1df9afc

New features and important API adjustments:

  1. At present, you can freely choose whether to save the screenshot during the script running process or not. The method is as follows:
  • In the command line airtest run xx.air, a new parameter --no-image is added. As long as this parameter is passed in at runtime, the screenshot can no longer be saved during the task run https://, example:
airtest run test.air --device Android:/// --log logs/ --no-image
  • Currently there is a new configuration ST.SAVE_IMAGE in settings, the default is True, if it is changed to False, the screenshot will not be saved until the value is set to True again, example:
from airtest.core.api import *
# Temporarily close the screenshot
touch((100, 100)) # This statement will not save the current screen picture

# Continue to take screenshot
touch((100, 100))
  • When passing the --no-image parameter from the command line, it actually sets ST.SAVE_IMAGE to False, so the second method will be more flexible. You can freely decide whether the current script is currently running or not. To save the picture
  1. When calling the log() interface to save the corresponding log to the report, it will also be printed to the current terminal for easy viewing. b7d98f6

  2. Removed the version dependency of opencv-contrib-python in requirements.txt, currently both python3.8 and python3.9 can be installed.

Note: If you cannot use airtest after installing python3.9, you will get an error of ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import, you can manually downgrade the numpy version number to 1.19.3 to use it.

  1. Android’s Screen Recording Interface, start_recording has modified the parameters and added a simpler bit_rate_level, which can set the clarity level from 1-5, the default is 1, the larger the number, the clearer it will be (2220863), example:
from airtest.core.api import connect_device, sleep
dev = connect_device("Android:///")
# Record the screen with the lowest quality

For more examples, please refer to document

  1. Reorganized the path-related parameters logfile and logdir in LogToHtml, and now supports modifying ST.LOG_DIR and ST.LOG_FILE, from the main settings log folder and the file name of log.txt. After modification, you can also directly use LogToHtml to generate a report, and at the same time simplify the transfer of parameters (a4b43cb), example:
from import LogToHtml
# Assuming that the script is run.air in the current directory, and the log directory is ./log in the current directory
# By default, log will be considered to be stored in ST.LOG_DIR, if ST.LOG_DIR is empty, try to find the log folder in the current directory
rpt = LogToHtml("test.air")

Examples of customizing ST.LOG_DIR and ST.LOG_FILE:

from airtest.core.helper import set_logdir
new_logfile = "log123.txt"
new_logdir = "./logs_new"
# set logfile = ./logs_new/log123.txt
ST.LOG_FILE = new_logfile

# ...

rpt = LogToHtml(OWL)
# LogToHtml will select ST.LOG_FILE as logfile and ST.LOG_DIR as log_root by default, and generate the corresponding log.html content

Fix the following bugs:

  1. Fix the problem that if desc contains the keyword assert in the log() interface, the step may be incorrectly identified as an assert step bfa4617
  2. Fixed a bug where the thumbnails in a report were not correctly reduced (the thumbnails of the previous reports were generally only 3-5K in size, there was a problem with the previous version, the thumbnails were still the size of normal pictures) AirtestProject/Airtest/commit/39dc8346baa262050f12ae5596be34112079f030
  3. Fixed the issue that adb.start_app_timing could not get app start time in high version android phones 002a170
  4. Fixed the problem that get_top_activity would report an error when obtaining the package name containing the $ symbol (java allows the $ symbol to appear when naming it) c9e00e8
  5. adb.file_size has replaced the command to obtain the file size, compatible with lower versions of android phones, and modified the installation process of minitouch and maxtouch by the way to be more concise 75e4665
  6. Fixed the error of generator already executing when taking screenshots from multiple threads at the same time 3a69dc8
  7. It occasionally fails when getting the SDK version, try to increase the number of retries, but it remains to be seen whether this problem is fixed ac08555
  8. Fix the problem that some mobile phones failed t...
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v1.1.5-1.1.6 update

10 Oct 08:04
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  1. 增加了对Android 11的支持

  2. 在脚本中用于记录log的log()接口进行了大幅度改动,支持4个参数:arg, timestamp=None, desc="", snapshot=False,(777b5ff
    77a4893ced1201 ),删掉了原先的trace参数

  • args 可以是字符串或是traceback对象,现在还支持传入非字符串,并且对py2做了一下兼容。假如传入的是traceback对象,将会自动在报告中标记为报错步骤,否则就是显示正常的log内容
  • timestamp参数可以自定义当前这条log的时间戳,默认为当前时间(在记录一些长时间的回调中获取到的log时,原本默认使用写入本条log的时间,但是可能需要修改为log产生的时间,比如几分钟前)
  • desc 自定义一个log标题,在报告中有更好的展示效果
  • snapshot 是否需要截取一张当前的屏幕图像并显示到报告中,方便查看。(同时,因为这个参数的加入,现在airtest脚本如果因为执行Poco语句失败报错而终止时,能够额外截取一张当前画面,方便大家排查问题。)
  • 调用示例:
data = {"test": 123, "time": 123456}
log(data, timestamp=time.time(), desc="title", snapshot=True)
except Exception as e:
    log(e, snapshot=True)

  1. 新增一个设置ST.IMAGE_MAXSIZE,用于指定截图的最大尺寸,假如设置为1200,则最后保存的截图长宽都都不会超过1200,有利于进一步缩小截图的图片尺寸。 ffe7ebc

同时,对于单张截图精度和全局截图精度也支持自定义 31e40122e723a36cc23e13716a48d336069a73ea:

  • snapshot接口支持传入quality参数,单独指定本次截图的图像精度
  • 目前可以使用ST.SNAPSHOT_QUALITY = xx 设置全局截图精度,在运行脚本时,报告的步骤截图也会采用这个数值进行压缩,默认为10


# 默认截图质量为10,这里设置截图质量为30
# 设置截图尺寸不超过600*600,如果不设置,默认为原图尺寸

touch(xx)  # touch语句保存的截图质量为30, 尺寸不超过600*600
snapshot(filename="test.png", msg="test", quality=90)  # 本条语句截图质量为90
snapshot(filename="test2.png", msg="test", quality=90, max_size=1200)  # 截图质量为90,尺寸不超过1200*1200
snapshot(msg="test12")  # 不设置的情况下,默认采用ST中的全局变量的数值

  1. playground/android_motionevents.py里面提供了一些Android自定义手势的示例代码,现在直接调用dev.touch_proxy.perform接口就可以传入写好的MoveEvent列表来进行自定义的滑动了(以前是调用dev.minitouch.perform,如果是安卓10就会不兼容)。


from import *
# tap with two fingers
multitouch_event = [
    DownEvent((100, 100), 0),
    DownEvent((200, 200), 1),  # second finger
    UpEvent(0), UpEvent(1)]



  1. (仅限安卓手机)在运行脚本时如果需要录制屏幕,可以传入--recording 录屏文件名.mp4来指定录屏文件
  • 如果只传了--recording,默认将会使用recording_手机序列号.mp4来命名录屏文件
  • 如果指定了文件名--recording test.mp4,且超过一台手机,就命名为 手机序列号_test.mp4
  • 如果指定了文件名--recording test.mp4,且只有一台手机,就命名为 test.mp4
  • 注意传入的文件名必须以mp4作为结尾


  1. iOS修复了上个版本stopapp失效的问题 6bf146b

  2. 回退了屏幕录制代码到1.0.27之前的版本,取消使用yosemite.apk来录屏,避免每次重装过yosemite.apk后必须要手工赋予录屏权限才能录屏的问题

  3. 在一些无法使用minicap的手机上,虽然指定了Javacap模式也能截屏,但是在调用get_display_info的时候依然调用到minicap.get_display_info,如果没有指定ori_methodadbori,会导致脚本无法运行成功。 因此修改为假如获取屏幕信息失败,自动调整为使用adbori模式来获取当前屏幕信息。 9312f0d

  4. 在脚本中一旦对同一台手机运行了不止一次connect_device接口,并指定了不同的设备连接参数时,G.DEVICE不会更新到最新参数创建出来的设备对象,导致部分手机可能连接失败。现在改为每次更新设备对象时,也会自动更新一下G.DEVICE c163a4f

  5. 修复了在高版本Android手机上,get_ip_address()接口不能正确获取到手机IP的问题 e4d7625

  6. (暂未完全修复,请等待下个版本更新)修复了查找图片时,指定RGB属性没生效的问题: f2e84a0

  7. 去掉了assert_exists接口使用特殊的ST.THRESHOLD_STRICT值作为找图阈值的设定。假如之前设置了ST.THRESHOLD_STRICT将会继续沿用该数值,但是如果没有设置的话,默认与其他图片一样都使用指定的threshold参数,或是全局的ST.THRESHOLD,这样能够方便统一设置和管理,也不容易造成误解。0045c9b

New features and interface changes

  1. Added support for Android 11

  2. The log() interface used to log logs in the script has been greatly changed, supporting 4 parameters: arg, timestamp=None, desc="", snapshot=False, deleted the original parameters.

  • Args can be a string or a traceback object, and now supports non-string input, and is compatible with py2. If the traceback object is passed in, it will be automatically marked as an error step in the report, otherwise the normal log content will be displayed
  • The timestamp parameter can customize the timestamp of the current log, and the default is the current time (when recording the log obtained in some long-term callbacks, the time written to this log was originally used by default, but it may need to be modified to The time when the log was generated, such as a few minutes ago)
  • desc customize a log title for better display in the report
  • snapshot Whether it is necessary to take a screenshot of the current screen image and display it in the report for easy viewing. (At the same time, because of the addition of this parameter, if the airtest script terminates due to a failure to execute the Poco statement and an error is reported, it can take an additional screenshot of the current screen to facilitate troubleshooting.)
  • Call example:
data = {"test": 123, "time": 123456}
log(data, timestamp=time.time(), desc="title", snapshot=True)
except Exception as e:
    log(e, snapshot=True)

  1. A new setting ST.IMAGE_MAXSIZE is added to specify the maximum size of the screenshot. If it is set to 1200, the height and width of the final saved screenshot will not exceed 1200, which is helpful to further reduce the screenshot image size. ffe7ebc

At the same time, it also supports customization for single screenshot accuracy and global screenshot accuracy 31e4012:

  • snapshot interface supports passing in quality parameter to individually specify the image accuracy of this screenshot
  • Currently you can use ST.SNAPSHOT_QUALITY = xx to set the global screenshot accuracy. When running the script, the step screenshots of the report will also be compressed using this value


# Set the screenshot quality to 30
# Set the screenshot size not to exceed 600*600, if not set, the default size is the original image size

touch(xx) # The quality of the screenshot saved by the touch statement is 30, and the size does not exceed 600*600
snapshot(filename="test.png", msg="test", quality=90) # The quality of the screenshot of this sentence is 90
snapshot(filename="test2.png", msg="test", quality=90, max_size=1200) # The quality of the screenshot is 90, and the size does not exceed 1200*1200
snapshot(msg="test12") # If not set, the value of the global variable in ST is used by default

  1. playground/ provides some sample codes for Android custom gestures, now you can directly call the dev.touch_proxy.perform interface to pass in the written MoveEvent list for customization Sliding (previously it was called dev.minitouch.perform, if it is Android 10, it will not be compatible).

Call example:

from import *
# tap with two fingers
multitouch_event = [
    DownEvent((100, 100), 0),
    DownEvent((200, 200), 1), # second finger
    UpEvent(0), UpEvent(1)]


For more examples, please see:

  1. (Android phones only) If you need to record the screen when running the script, you can pass in --recording filename.mp4 to specify the screen file
  • If only --recording is passed, serial_number.mp4 will be used by default to name the screen recording file
  • If the file name --recording test.mp4 is specified, and there is more than one mobile phone, it will be named as the serialnumber_test.mp4
  • If the file name --recording test.mp4 is specified and there is only one mobile phone, it will be named test.mp4
  • Note that the incoming file name must end with mp4

BUG repair

  1. iOS fixes the issue of the failure of the previous version of stopapp 6bf146b

  2. The screen recording code was rolled back to the version before 1.0.27, and the use of yosemite.apk to record the screen was cancelled to avoid the problem that the screen recording permission must be manually granted every time yosemite.apk is reinstalled.

  3. On some mobile phones that cannot use minicap, although the Javacap mode can also be used to take screenshots, when calling get_display_info, minicap.get_display_info is still called. If ʻori_method is not specified as ʻadbori, it will cause The script could not run successfully. Therefore, it is modified to automatically adjust to use ʻadbori` mode to obtain current screen information if it fails to obtain screen information.

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06 Jul 07:36
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Android API修改:

  • Android部分点击接口修改:
    将Android的点击代码进行了一些维护,对于以前一部分需要调用到Android.minitouch才能运行的接口(主要是pinch, swipe_along, two_finger_swipe),现在统一直接在Android层面进行调用:
dev = device()
dev.minitouch.swipe_along([(100, 300), (300, 300), (100, 500), (300, 600)])
dev.minitouch.two_finger_swipe( (100, 100), (200, 200) )
dev = device()
dev.pinch()  # 双指捏合或分开
dev.swipe_along([(100, 300), (300, 300), (100, 500), (300, 600)])  # 连续滑过一系列坐标
dev.two_finger_swipe( (100, 100), (200, 200) )  # 两个手指一起滑动


  • 如果使用了自定义点击DownEvent/UpEvent/SleepEvent,请将import语句修改成如下内容:
from import *
from import *
  • 修复了部分型号的小米手机(主要是MIUI11版本)在横屏时使用javacap截图,会导致图像被不正确压缩的情况。

    • 请卸载手机上已有的Yosemite.apk,重新连接手机即可重装新版本的Yosemite.apk修复此问题。
      注: 若手机更新到MIUI12版本,无需使用javacap模式就能直接获取到手机屏幕了,建议大家直接更新系统
  • 修复了MIUI11+android10下,is_screenon(手机是否亮屏)和is_locked(手机是否锁屏)接口无法使用的bug


  • 修复iOS部分机型横屏异常及提高启动应用的速度
  • iOS-Tagent对xcode的支持更新到11.5版本,iOS版本支持到13.5(最新版本的xcode目前暂时还有一些问题需要兼容)

Android API modification:

  • Modification of some click interfaces of Android:
    Performed some maintenance on the Android click code. For the previous part of the interface that needs to be called to Android.minitouch to run (mainly pinch, swipe_along, two_finger_swipe), it is now called directly at the Android level. like this:
dev.minitouch.swipe_along([(100, 300), (300, 300), (100, 500), (300, 600)])
dev.minitouch.two_finger_swipe( (100, 100), (200, 200) )
dev.pinch()  # pinch or separate with two fingers
dev.swipe_along([(100, 300), (300, 300), (100, 500), (300, 600)])  # continuously slide through a series of coordinates
dev.two_finger_swipe( (100, 100), (200, 200) )  # Two fingers slide together

For more call code examples, you can refer to tests/

  • If you used DownEvent/UpEvent/SleepEvent, please modify the import statement to the following:
from import *
from import *
  • Fixed an issue where some models of Xiaomi phones (mainly the MIUI11 version) used javacap to take incorrect screenshots in landscape mode.
    • Please uninstall the existing Yosemite.apk on your phone and reconnect the phone to reinstall the new version of Yosemite.apk to fix this problem.
      Note: If the mobile phone is updated to the MIUI12 version, you can directly get the mobile phone screen without using javacap mode. It is recommended that you update the system directly
  • Fixed the bug that the interfaces of is_screenon (whether the phone is bright) and is_locked (whether the phone is locked) under MIUI11+android10 cannot be used

iOS modification:

  • Fixed the horizontal screen abnormality of some iOS models and increase the speed of starting the application
  • iOS-Tagent support for xcode is updated to version 11.5, iOS version is supported to 13.5 (the latest version of xcode currently has some problems that need to be compatible)