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Luizinho Neto looizinho
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostru

looizinho Duque de Caxias

Agung Sepruloh agungsepruloh

Nibble Softworks Indonesia

paycoo paycoo-droid
Tech - AI, Energy, Biology Just a skilled web 4.0 | web 5.0 normal developer

Nvidia Hong Kong

Ahmed Shaltout AhmedShaltout85
Mobile Software Developer

Alex Water Com. Alex Egypt

meltingscales meltingscales
Grad of IIT, Chicagoan. Go buy @flexadecimal car parts. Strong self-taught/school prowess in Java, Python, SQL, Linux.


Gaurav Chakraborty gauravchakrxborty
Computer Vision | Open Source

GSOC 2024 India

Sonami petercool
🔑 Data Scientist @cyberapper


Akbar Hamonangan Lubis akbarhlubis
Linux Enthusiast | UI/UX Designer Wannabe

Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Indonesia

Danny dan4ielo
Just a random hobby programmer / script kitty 😸
Hao Zhang hbcbh1999

New York, New York

Esteban Fernandez estebanfern
Computer engineering student from 🇵🇾

Asunción, Paraguay

Jimmy Briggs jimbrig
Striving to be a Modern Age Polymath

@noclocks Atlanta, GA, USA

Yannicola yannicola
Live Love Laugh!!!
Long Phung tronglongphung
Currently learning: TypeScript, React Native


Shivam Maurya Shimork04
Backend Development, DevOPS ethusiast, Machine Learning

India Meteorological Department New Delhi, India

Thomas Silvestre thosil
Hello, I'm a Freelance dev, coding in javascript, node.js, react, next.js, python, FastAPI, using Linux since 2000 and containers for the deployment.

Gravity software Belgium

jerry yxtco

启赢 湖北省

Js.Duan bestjss



FALP Italy

Sharkz Reigns SHARKZTECH
Web Developer, Android Developer(Java)


Oussama EL GHANNAMI iamoeg
Just a nerd doing nerdy things 🤖


Luca Cavallo lucAsC87
Student @ 42 Firenze Luiss

42 Firenze Firenze, Italy

Jerônimo Noleto Pacheco JeronimoNP
Olá, me chamo Jerônimo sou um universitário em Ciência da Computação(2022), estou começando nesse universo dev, é pretendo aprender o máximo dessa área!
