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Pinehead Records Web App v3

This final version of the Pinehead Records web application features multiple GSIs, each informed by our various queries:

  • find_albums_by_artist_name()
  • find_album_by_artist_and_title()
  • find_albums_by_title()
  • find_albums_by_track()
  • find_albums_by_artist_id()
  • get_tracks_by_album_id()

Note that the user table is still separate from the pinehead_records_s3 table.

Table Info

Name pinehead_records_s3
Partition Key type (String)
Sort Key id (Number)


Type Name Partition Key Sort Key Attributes
LSI type-name_title-index type (String) name_title ALL
GSI name_title-index name_title (String) - ALL
GSI artist_id-type-index artist_id (Number) type (String) ALL
GSI type-album_id-index type (String) album_id (Number) ALL


Album Art S3 Bucket

Album art is hosted in an S3 bucket. You may use your own bucket, or the bucket provided for use with this course. In either case, copy .env.example to a new file named .env and set the bucket name.

For example:

export S3_PREFIX=`

Note that the trailing slash is significant.

Create the user table

aws dynamodb create-table --cli-input-json file://create-table-user.json

Import Data into DynamoDB

This will create the v3 data model in your account (the -c or --clean flag will delete the existing table, if specified):

Make sure you use have at least 10 GB free memory for the bootstrap script to run without errors. This runs most quickly on an EC2 instance in the same region as the target DynamoDB table.

Using Amazon Linux 2:

aws configure set default.region us-east-1
sudo yum install python3 -y
pip3 install --user boto3
curl | python3 /dev/stdin -s 3 -f s3://dynamodblabs/artist.csv,s3://dynamodblabs/album.csv,s3://dynamodblabs/track.csv

This can take some time to complete.

Running the web application

Make sure you have pipenv installed.

pip3 install pipenv

Create the virtual environment

pipenv install
pipenv shell

Run the application


The application will be available on port 5000 by default.