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File metadata and controls

184 lines (142 loc) · 5.51 KB

Library usage

This will contain examples of how components are used.

App Auth Guard

the app auth guard is a generic role-checking auth guard than can be used.

Default usage

The App Auth Guard is applicable on Routes only. you can pass through multiple roles per route as well

{ path: 'feed', component: FeedComponent,
  canActivate: [AppAuthGuard], data: {roles: [{ appCode: 500, name: 'Admin' }}
{ path: 'manage', component: ManageComponent,
  canActivate: [AppAuthGuard], data: {roles: [{ appCode: 500, name: 'Admin' }, { appCode: 3600, name: 'Admin' } }

if the users role does not match the provided roles then ueer will be kicked to an unauthorized page. the default route is /not-authorized this can be overriden through the config.

The Config

The config service based. The ideal place to override config will be from the `app.component.ts' file.

constructor(private wsi: WorldskillsAngularLibService) {
ngOnInit() {
    const appConfig = this.wsi.appConfigSubject.getValue();
    appConfig.notAuthorizedRoute = ['/not-authorized'];;{
        loginUrl: 'http://localhost:50300/oauth/authorize',
        clientId: '7221138f6772',
        redirectUri: 'http://localhost:4200/home',
        userinfoEndpoint: 'http://localhost:8081/users/loggedIn?show_child_roles=false&app_code=500',
        oidc: false

    const httpConfig = this.wsi.httpConfigSubject.getValue();
    httpConfig.encoderUriPatterns = [];
    httpConfig.authUriPatterns = ['http://localhost:8081'];;

    const serviceConfig = this.wsi.serviceConfigSubject.getValue();
    serviceConfig.appCode = [500];
    serviceConfig.apiEndpoint = 'http://localhost:8081';;


The footer component has been made with 6 columns that can be overriden when needed. overriding a column is optional.

Default Footer usage


Footer Overriding a single column

<!-- Create the template -->
<ng-template #override5>
    <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-facebook-official mr-3"></i>Facebook</a></li>
    <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-twitter mr-3"></i>Twitter</a></li>
    <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-youtube-play mr-3"></i>YouTube</a></li>
    <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-flickr mr-3"></i>Flickr</a></li>
    <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-instagram mr-3"></i>Instagram</a></li>

<!-- Inject the custom template into the component -->

Footer All overridable columns

  • col1Template
  • col2Template
  • col3Template
  • col4Template
  • col5Template
  • col6Template

Footer Input properties

  • currentUser: the current logged in user.
  • isLoggedIn: indicate if the current user is logged in

Footer Output events

  • loginClick: when the login button is clicked.
  • logoutClick: when the logout button is clicked

Vote Control

Default Vote Control usage


Vote Control Input properties

  • poll: an instance off poll-view.
  • results: an array of result-view instances.
  • voted: an intance of the voted-view.
  • showEditButton: weather or not the edit button will show.
  • showResetButton: weather or not the reset button will show.
  • showDeleteButton: weather or not the delete button will show.

Vote Control Overridable templates

  • beforeOptionsTemplate - appears before the options are dispalyed
  • afterOptionsTemplate - appears after the options are displayed
  • beforeResultTemplate - appears before the results are dispalys
  • afterResultTemplate - appears after the results are displayed
  • titleTemplate - replaces the default title template
  • footerTemplate - replaces the default footer template
  • questionTemplate - replaces the default question template

Vote Control Output events

  • viewChange: triggers when the view changes.
    • viewChange(view: string)
    • view names:
      • question: the question view the lists options
      • result: the view that shows the results
  • voteSelected: trigger when the user votes
    • voteSelected(optionId: number)
  • edit: triggers when the edit button is clicked
    • edit(poll: PollView)
  • reset: triggers when the reset button is clicked
    • reset(poll: PollView)
  • delete: triggers when the delete button is clicked
    • delete(poll: PollView)

Datetime Picker

Default Usage

  <ws-datetime-picker [(ngModel)]="dateTime" (change)="dateTimeChange($event)"></ws-datetime-picker>

To be continued

As we touch more parts of the library more documentation would be added.