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###Field of the Application With the replacement of free over-the-air broadcast television by subscription-based over-the-top (OTT) content (e.g. via Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Video, etc.) and pay-per-download options (e.g. iTunes), there is a need for curated, ad-free premium free video content available to the public. "The introduction of the first, legitimate Web-based television services happened in 2015. These new options stream live television channels. They include Sling TV from Dish Network and Vue on Sony's PlayStation game console."

While "cord-cutting" users benefit from greater access to content and on-demand viewing, what's missing from the new paradigm is:

  1. Local curators, and
  2. Free videos

In the past, both of these functions were carried out by public broadcasting stations, each of whom operates independently in each community throughout the United States to select and curate television content for free public broadcast based on each station's relationship with its local community. To a lesser extent, affiliates of national TV networks would also provide certain content with a local emphasis via locally produced news programs.

See the following articles for more information:

###Summary of the Application

A platform for users to curate their own Web-TV station or video gallery using links and third party APIs to access videos. Channel Pasadena provides a video player, content related to each video (description, image, cast/crew, etc.) and a user-controlled database of videos for each station.


  1. MongoDB
  2. Express.js
  3. Angular.js
  4. Node.js
  5. Javascript
  6. HTML5
  7. CSS3
  8. Git / Github
  9. Heroku
  10. MaterializeCSS


OMDB Routes req.body description
post('/api/info') {title: TITLE} pull video info from OMDB
post('/info') {title: TITLE} pull video info from OMDB
User Routes
post('/api/login') login user / generate token
post('/api/users') create user
get('/api/users') get all users
get('/api/me') get current user
get('/api/users/:id') get particular user (by id)
delete('/api/users/:id') delete a user
put('/api/users/:id') edit a user

** myChannels are a user's own channels list**

MyChannel Routes
put('/api/me/channels') edit current user's subscribed channels
post('/api/me/channels/add/') subscribe to a channel (add it to myChannel)
get('/api/me/channels') get current user's subscribed channels
delete('/api/me/channels') unsubscribe by channel name
delete('/api/me/channels/:id') unsubscrube by channel _id
Channel Routes
post('/api/login') login user / generate token
post('/api/channels') add a new channel
get('/api/channels') get all channels
get('/api/channels/:id') get a particular channel
put('/api/channels/:id') edit a channel
delete('/api/channels/:id') delete a channel
Video Routes
get('/api/channels/:id/videos') get all videos on a channel
post('/api/channels/:id/videos') add a new video
put ('/api/videos/:id') delete a video**
get('/api/videos/:id/:vidId') get a particular video

** The delete video route is set up as a PUT route. This helps to send a req.body with a title object. The :id in this route refers to the channel's id, not the video's id. I know, it can get confusing, but it works so I decided to leave it alone for now.

Data Models

  • channelSchema
    name: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
    imageUrl: {type: String, default: ""},
    createdBy: String,
    curatedBy: [String],
    videos: [Video.schema],
    isPrivate: {type: Boolean, default: false},
    accessList: [],
    description: String,
    votes: [{userEmail: String, vote: Number}],
    dateAdded: { type: Date, default: }

  • myChannelSchema
    name: {type: String, required: true},
    isCurator: Boolean,

  • userSchema
    email: {
    type: String,
    unique: true,
    required: true
    handle: {
    type: String,
    unique: true,
    required: true
    city: {type: String, default: 'Pasadena'},
    state: {type: String, default: 'CA'},
    zip: {type: String, default: '91101'},
    myChannels: [MyChannel.schema],
    isAdmin: { type: Boolean, default: false },
    created: { type: Date, default: },
    password: {type: String, required: true, bcrypt: true}

  • videoSchema
    title: {type: String},
    url: {type: String},
    votes: [{userEmail: String, vote: Number}],

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Andrew A. Anissi


No description, website, or topics provided.






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