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25 lines (16 loc) · 1.04 KB

File metadata and controls

25 lines (16 loc) · 1.04 KB


Great! Theres so many awesome ways you could help out. Pick anything :)

One easy way is to identify some piece of functionality that doesn't have 100% testing coverage (in either the unit tests or quick check suite), and write some tests for it! Theres a lot that needs better coverage right now.

Also look at the issue tracker and look for tasks that haven't been claimed! Note that some of these tickets might be pretty subtle.

Pull request procedure

Pull requests should be targeted at Numerical's master branch. Before pushing to your Github repo and issuing the pull request, please do two things:

  1. Rebase your local changes against the master branch. Resolve any conflicts that arise.

  2. Run the tests and benchmark suite! If theres no tests or benchmarks for your contribution, be sure to add them.

  3. All commits need to be signed off by their author, as a means of communicating that the contributions are in accordance with the project's open source license terms.