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Pair mappings

Available mappings

 i(  i)  i{  i}  iB  i[  i]  ir  i<  i>  ia it
 a(  a)  a{  a}  aB  a[  a]  ar  a<  a>  aa at
 I(  I)  I{  I}  IB  I[  I]  Ir  I<  I>  Ia It
 A(  A)  A{  A}  AB  A[  A]  Ar  A<  A>  Aa At

in( in) in{ in} inB in[ in] inr in< in> ina int
an( an) an{ an} anB an[ an] anr an< an> ana ant
In( In) In{ In} InB In[ In] Inr In< In> Ina Int
An( An) An{ An} AnB An[ An] Anr An< An> Ana Ant

il( il) il{ il} ilB il[ il] ilr il< il> ila ilt
al( al) al{ al} alB al[ al] alr al< al> ala alt
Il( Il) Il{ Il} IlB Il[ Il] Ilr Il< Il> Ila Ilt
Al( Al) Al{ Al} AlB Al[ Al] Alr Al< Al> Ala Alt

Chart for a list of pairs

a ( bbbbbbbb ) ( ccccccc ) ( dddddd ) ( eeeeeee ) ( ffffffff ) g
  ││└ 2Il) ┘│││││└ Il) ┘│││││└ I) ┘│││││└ In) ┘│││││└ 2In) ┘│││
  │└─ 2il) ─┘│││└─ il) ─┘│││└─ i) ─┘│││└─ in) ─┘│││└─ 2in) ─┘││
  ├── 2al) ──┘│├── al) ──┘│├── a) ──┘│├── an) ──┘│├── 2an) ──┘│
  └── 2Al) ───┘└── Al) ───┘└── A) ───┘└── An) ───┘└── 2An) ───┘

Chart for nested pairs

a ( b ( cccccccc ) d ) ( e ( ffffff ) g ) ( h ( iiiiiiii ) j ) k
  │││ ││└ 2Il) ┘││││││││││ ││└ I) ┘││││││││││ ││└ 2In) ┘│││││││
  │││ │└─ 2il) ─┘│││││││││ │└─ i) ─┘│││││││││ │└─ 2in) ─┘││││││
  │││ ├── 2al) ──┘││││││││ ├── a) ──┘││││││││ ├── 2an) ──┘│││││
  │││ └── 2Al) ───┘│││││││ └── A) ───┘│││││││ └── 2An) ───┘││││
  ││└───── Il) ────┘│││││└─── 2I) ────┘│││││└───── In) ────┘│││
  │└────── il) ─────┘│││└──── 2i) ─────┘│││└────── in) ─────┘││
  ├─────── al) ──────┘│├───── 2a) ──────┘│├─────── an) ──────┘│
  └─────── Al) ───────┘└───── 2A) ───────┘└─────── An) ───────┘

Quote mappings

Available mappings

 i'  i"  i`    in' in" in`    il' il" il`
 a'  a"  a`    an' an" an`    al' al" al`
 I'  I"  I`    In' In" In`    Il' Il" Il`
 A'  A"  A`    An' An" An`    Al' Al" Al`

Chart for a list of quotes

a ' bbbbbbb ' c ' dddddd ' e ' fffffff ' g
  ││└ Il' ┘│││  ││└ I' ┘│││  ││└ In' ┘│││
  │└─ il' ─┘││  │└─ i' ─┘││  │└─ in' ─┘││
  ├── al' ──┘│  ├── a' ──┘│  ├── an' ──┘│
  └── Al' ───┘  └── A' ───┘  └── An' ───┘

Separator mappings

Available mappings

 i,  i.  i;  i:  i+  i-  i=  i~  i_  i*  i#  i/  i|  i\  i&  i$
 a,  a.  a;  a:  a+  a-  a=  a~  a_  a*  a#  a/  a|  a\  a&  a$
 I,  I.  I;  I:  I+  I-  I=  I~  I_  I*  I#  I/  I|  I\  I&  I$
 A,  A.  A;  A:  A+  A-  A=  A~  A_  A*  A#  A/  A|  A\  A&  A$

in, in. in; in: in+ in- in= in~ in_ in* in# in/ in| in\ in& in$
an, an. an; an: an+ an- an= an~ an_ an* an# an/ an| an\ an& an$
In, In. In; In: In+ In- In= In~ In_ In* In# In/ In| In\ In& In$
An, An. An; An: An+ An- An= An~ An_ An* An# An/ An| An\ An& An$

il, il. il; il: il+ il- il= il~ il_ il* il# il/ il| il\ il& il$
al, al. al; al: al+ al- al= al~ al_ al* al# al/ al| al\ al& al$
Il, Il. Il; Il: Il+ Il- Il= Il~ Il_ Il* Il# Il/ Il| Il\ Il& Il$
Al, Al. Al; Al: Al+ Al- Al= Al~ Al_ Al* Al# Al/ Al| Al\ Al& Al$

Chart for a list of separators

a , bbbbbbbb , ccccccc , dddddd , eeeeeee , ffffffff , g
  ││└ 2Il, ┘│││└ Il, ┘│││└ I, ┘│││└ In, ┘│││└ 2In, ┘│ │
  │└─ 2il, ─┤│├─ il, ─┤│├─ i, ─┤│├─ in, ─┤│├─ 2in, ─┤ │
  ├── 2al, ─┘├┼─ al, ─┘├┼─ a, ─┘├┼─ an, ─┘├┼─ 2an, ─┘ │
  └── 2Al, ──┼┘        └┼─ A, ──┼┘        └┼─ 2An, ───┘
             └─  Al,  ──┘       └─  An,  ──┘

Argument mappings

Available mappings

     ia  aa  Ia  Aa
    ina ana Ina Ana
    ila ala Ila Ala

Chart for arguments

a ( bbbbbb , ccccccc , d ( eeeeee , fffffff ) , gggggg ) h
  ││├2Ila┘│││└─Ila─┘││││ ││├─Ia─┘│││└─Ina─┘│││││└2Ina┘│ │
  │└┼2ila─┘│├──ila──┤│││ │└┼─ia──┘│├──ina──┤│││├─2ina─┤ │
  │ └2ala──┼┤       ││││ │ └─aa───┼┤       │││├┼─2ana─┘ │
  └──2Ala──┼┘       ││││ └───Aa───┼┘       │││└┼─2Ana───┘
           ├───ala──┘│││          ├───ana──┘││ │
           └───Ala───┼┤│          └───Ana───┼┤ │
                     ││└─────2Ia────────────┘│ │
                     │└──────2ia─────────────┤ │
                     ├───────2aa─────────────┘ │

Customize seeking

Seeking is controlled by the setting g:targets_seekRanges. Default value:

let g:targets_seekRanges = 'cc cr cb cB lc ac Ac lr rr ll lb ar ab lB Ar aB Ab AB rb al rB Al bb aa bB Aa BB AA'

When using a command like cib to change inside a block, targets.vim considers the three targets:

  • smallest target around cursor
  • next target after cursor
  • last target before cursor

For each of those that were found, we detect what range type it has. A range type depends on the relative position of the start and end of the target, relative to the current cursor position and the currently visible lines.

The possibly relative positions are:

  • c: on cursor position
  • l: left of cursor in current line
  • r: right of cursor in current line
  • a: above cursor on screen
  • b: below cursor on screen
  • A: above cursor off screen
  • B: below cursor off screen

All possibly ranges are listed below, denoted by two characters: one for the relative start and one for the relative end position of the target. For example, lr means "from left of cursor to right of cursor in cursor line".

Next to each range type is a pictogram of an example. They are made of these symbols:

  • .: current cursor position
  • (: start of target
  • ): end of target
  • /: line break before and after cursor line
  • |: screen edge between hidden and visible lines

Ranges on cursor:

cc   |  /  O  /  |   target equals cursor position (single character)
cr   |  /  () /  |   starting on cursor, current line
cb   |  /  (  /) |   starting on cursor, multiline down, on screen
cB   |  /  (  /  |)  starting on cursor, multiline down, partially off screen
lc   |  / ()  /  |   ending on cursor, current line
ac   | (/  )  /  |   ending on cursor, multiline up, on screen
Ac  (|  /  )  /  |   ending on cursor, multiline up, partially off screen

Ranges around cursor:

lr   |  / (.) /  |   around cursor, current line
lb   |  / (.  /) |   around cursor, multiline down, on screen
ar   | (/  .) /  |   around cursor, multiline up, on screen
ab   | (/  .  /) |   around cursor, multiline both, on screen
lB   |  / (.  /  |)  around cursor, multiline down, partially off screen
Ar  (|  /  .) /  |   around cursor, multiline up, partially off screen
aB   | (/  .  /  |)  around cursor, multiline both, partially off screen bottom
Ab  (|  /  .  /) |   around cursor, multiline both, partially off screen top
AB  (|  /  .  /  |)  around cursor, multiline both, partially off screen both

Ranges after (right of/below) cursor

rr   |  /  .()/  |   after cursor, current line
rb   |  /  .( /) |   after cursor, multiline, on screen
rB   |  /  .( /  |)  after cursor, multiline, partially off screen
bb   |  /  .  /()|   after cursor below, on screen
bB   |  /  .  /( |)  after cursor below, partially off screen
BB   |  /  .  /  |() after cursor below, off screen

Ranges before (left of/above) cursor

ll   |  /().  /  |   before cursor, current line
al   | (/ ).  /  |   before cursor, multiline, on screen
Al  (|  / ).  /  |   before cursor, multiline, partially off screen
aa   |()/  .  /  |   before cursor above, on screen
Aa  (| )/  .  /  |   before cursor above, partially off screen
AA ()|  /  .  /  |   before cursor above, off screen

Pictogram legend:

    A  a  l r  b  B  relative positions
     └───────────┘   visible screen
        └─────┘      current line

Given the range types of our targets, we then pick the one that appears first in g:targets_seekRanges. If none is found, the selection fails.

The default setting generally prefers targets around the cursor, with one exception: If the target around the cursor is not contained in the current cursor line, but the next or last target are, then prefer those. Targets beginning or ending on the cursor are preferred over everything else.

Some other useful example settings:

Prefer multiline targets around cursor over distant targets within cursor line:

let g:targets_seekRanges = 'cc cr cb cB lc ac Ac lr lb ar ab lB Ar aB Ab AB rr ll rb al rB Al bb aa bB Aa BB AA'

Never seek backwards:

let g:targets_seekRanges = 'cc cr cb cB lc ac Ac lr rr lb ar ab lB Ar aB Ab AB rb rB bb bB BB'

Only seek if next/last targets touch current line:

let g:targets_seekRanges = 'cc cr cb cB lc ac Ac lr rr ll lb ar ab lB Ar aB Ab AB rb rB al Al'

Only consider targets fully visible on screen:

let g:targets_seekRanges = 'cc cr cb cB lc ac Ac lr lb ar ab rr rb bb ll al aa'

Only consider targets around cursor:

let g:targets_seekRanges = 'cc cr cb cB lc ac Ac lr lb ar ab lB Ar aB Ab AB'

Only consider targets fully contained in current line:

let g:targets_seekRanges = 'cc cr cb cB lc ac Ac lr rr ll'