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Releases: wekan/wekan

Release 0.10

22 Dec 21:57
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This release features:

  • Trello boards importation, including card history, assigned members, labels, comments, and attachments;
  • Invite new users to a board using a email address;
  • Autocompletion in the minicard editor. Start with @ to start a
    board member autocompletion, or # for a label;
  • Improve the user interface on small screens so that Wekan could be used on the
    mobile web;
  • Accelerate the initial page rendering by sending the data on the intial HTTP
    response instead of waiting for the DDP connection to open;
  • Support images attachments copy pasting;
  • On Sandstorm, expose the Wekan grain title and URL to the Sandstorm shell;
  • Support Wekan deployment under a sub-path of a domain name.

New languages supported: Arabic, Catalan, Italian, and Russian.


19 Dec 17:59
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v0.10.0-rc4 Pre-release

This is the fourth release candidate for v0.10 — learn more.


10 Dec 06:06
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v0.10-rc3 Pre-release

This is the third release candidate for v0.10 — learn more.


10 Dec 00:29
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v0.10-rc2 Pre-release

This is the second release candidate for v0.10 — learn more.


20 Jul 20:56
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v0.10-rc1 Pre-release

This is the first release candidate for v0.10 — learn more.

Release 0.9 — Renaissance

10 Sep 17:25
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This release is a large re-write of the previous code base. Despite being relatively similar to v0.8 feature-wise, this release marks the beginning of our new user interface and continues to improve the overall performance and security. It also features the following improvements:

  • A new user account system, including the possibility to reset a forgotten password, to change the password, or to enable email confirmation (all of which were previously impossible);
  • Avatar customization, including the possibility to upload images and to choose one from Gravatar or the user initials (on Sandstrom we use the avatar exposed by Sandstorm);
  • Cards multi-selection to facilitate batch actions such as moving all the cards of selection, or attaching a label or a member to them;
  • Automatic drafts saving synced with the server;
  • Keyboard navigation, press ? to read the list of available shortcuts;
  • The possibility to restore archived boards, lists, and cards.

Starting from this release we will also distribute official docker images on both the GitHub release page and on the DockerHub. We also configured Heroku one-click install and improved Sandstorm integration with the integration of its build-in sharing model.

New languages supported: Chinese, Finnish, Spanish, Korean, and Russian.


07 Sep 12:39
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v0.9.0-rc2 Pre-release
Release v0.9.0-rc2


31 Aug 17:51
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v0.9.0-rc1 Pre-release
Release v0.9.0-rc1