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In this section, you will learn:

  • What are guards
  • How to use and configure built-in guards
  • How to create custom guards

What are guards and when to use them?

Guards (called firewalls in older versions of ZfcRbac) are listeners that are registered on a specific event of the MVC workflow. They allow to quickly unauthorized requests.

Here is a simple workflow without guards:

Zend Framework workflow without guards

And here is a simple workflow with a route guard:

Zend Framework workflow with guards

Guards are not really aware of permissions (it does not make any sense) but rather only think about "roles". For instance, you may want to refuse access to each routes that begin by "admin/*" to all users that do not have the "admin" role.

Albeit simple to use, guards should not be the only protection in your application, and you should always also protect your service. The reason is that your business logic should be handled by your service. Protecting a given route or controller does not mean that the service cannot be access from elsewhere (another action for instance).

Protection policy

By default, when a guard is added, it will perform check only on the specified guard rules. Any route or controller that are not specified in the rules will be "granted" by default. Therefore, the default is a "blacklist" mechanism.

However, you may want a more restrictive approach (also called "whitelist"). In this mode, once a guard is added, anything that is not explicitely added will be refused by default.

For instance, let's say you have two routes: "index" and "login". If you specify a route guard rule to allow "index" route to "member" role, your "login" route will become defacto unauthorized to anyone, unless you add a new rule for allowing the route "login" to "member" role.

You can change it in ZfcRbac config, as follows:

use ZfcRbac\Guard\GuardInterface;

return [
    'zfc_rbac' => [
        'protection_policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_DENY

NOTE: this policy will block ANY route/controller (so it will also block any console routes or controllers). The deny policy is much more secure, but it needs much more configuration to work with.

Built-in guards

ZfcRbac comes with two guards: RouteGuard and ControllerGuard. All guards must be added in the guards subkey:

return [
    'zfc_rbac' => [
        'guards' => [
            // Guards config here!

Because of the way Zend Framework 2 handles config, you can without problem define some rules in one module, and more rules in another module. All the rules will be automatically merged.

For your mental health, I recommend you to use either the route guard OR the controller guard, but not both. If you decide to use both conjointly, I recommend you to set the protection policy to "allow" (otherwise, you will need to define rules for every routes AND every controller, which can become quite frustrating!).

Please note that if your application use both route and controller guards, route guards are always executed before controller guards (they have a higher priority).


The RouteGuard listens to the MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE event with a priority of -5.

The RouteGuard allows to protect a route or a hierarchy of route. You must provide an array of "key" => "value", where the key is a route pattern, and value an array of role names:

return [
    'zfc_rbac' => [
        'guards' => [
            'ZfcRbac\Guard\RouteGuard' => [
                'admin*' => ['admin'],
                'login'   => ['guest']

Those rules grant access to all admin routes to users that have the "admin" role, and grant access to the "login" route to users that have the "guest" role (eg.: most likely unauthenticated users).

The route pattern is not a regex. It only supports the wildcard (*) character, that replaces any segment.

You can also use the wildcard character for roles:

return [
    'zfc_rbac' => [
        'guards' => [
            'ZfcRbac\Guard\RouteGuard' => [
                'home' => ['*']

This rule grants access to the "home" route to anyone.

Finally, you can also omit the roles array to completly block a route, for maintenance purpose for example :

return [
    'zfc_rbac' => [
        'guards' => [
            'ZfcRbac\Guard\RouteGuard' => [

This rule will be inaccessible.

Note : this last example could be (and should be) written in a more explicit way :

return [
    'zfc_rbac' => [
        'guards' => [
            'ZfcRbac\Guard\RouteGuard' => [
                'route_under_construction' => []


The ControllerGuard allows to protect a controller. You must provide an array of array:

return [
    'zfc_rbac' => [
        'guards' => [
            'ZfcRbac\Guard\ControllerGuard' => [
                    'controller' => 'MyController',
                    'roles'      => ['guest', 'member']

Those rules grant access to each actions of the MyController controller to users that have either the "guest" or "member" roles.

As for RouteGuard, you can use a wildcard (*) character for roles.

You can also specify optional actions, so that the rule only apply to one or several actions:

return [
    'zfc_rbac' => [
        'guards' => [
            'ZfcRbac\Guard\ControllerGuard' => [
                    'controller' => 'MyController',
                    'actions'    => ['read', 'edit'],
                    'roles'      => ['guest', 'member']

You can combine a generic rule and a specific action rule for the same controller, as follow:

return [
    'zfc_rbac' => [
        'guards' => [
            'ZfcRbac\Guard\ControllerGuard' => [
                    'controller' => 'PostController',
                    'roles'      => ['member']
                    'controller' => 'PostController',
                    'actions'    => ['delete'],
                    'roles'      => ['admin']

Those rules grant access to each actions of the controller to users that have the "member" role, but restrict the "delete" action to "admin" only.

The ControllerGuard listens to the MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE event with a priority of -10.

Security notice

RouteGuard and ControllerGuard listen to the MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE event. Therefore, if you use the forward method into your controller, those guards will not intercept and check requests (because internally ZF2 does not trigger again a new MVC loop).

Most of the time, this is not an issue, but you must be aware of it, and this is an additional reason why you should always protect your services too.

Creating custom guards

ZfcRbac is flexible enough to allow you to create custom guard. Let's say we want to create a guard that will refuse access based on an IP addresses blacklist.

First create the guard:

namespace Application\Guard;

use Zend\Http\Request as HttpRequest;
use Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent;
use ZfcRbac\Guard\AbstractGuard;

class IpGuard extends AbstractGuard
    const EVENT_PRIORITY = 100;

     * List of IPs to blacklist
    protected $ipAddresses = [];

     * @param array $ipAddresses
    public function __construct(array $ipAddresses)
        $this->ipAddresses = $ipAddresses;

     * @param  MvcEvent $event
     * @return bool
    public function isGranted(MvcEvent $event)
        $request = $event->getRequest();

        if (!$request instanceof HttpRequest) {
            return true;

        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
            $clientIp = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
        } else {
            $clientIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

        return !in_array($clientIp, $this->ipAddresses);

Guards must implement ZfcRbac\Guard\GuardInterface.

By default, guards are listening to the event MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE with a priority of -5 (you can change the default event to listen by overriding the EVENT_NAME constant in your guard subclass). However, in this case, we don't even need to wait for the route to be matched, so we overload the EVENT_PRIORITY constant to be executed earlier.

The isGranted method simply retrieves the client IP address, and check it against the blacklist.

However, for this to work, we must register the newly created guard to the guard plugin manager. To do so, add the following code in your config:

return [
    'zfc_rbac' => [
        'guard_manager' => [
            'factories' => [
                'Application\Guard\IpGuard' => 'Application\Factory\IpGuardFactory'

The guard_manager config follows a conventional service manager config format.

Now, let's create the factory:

namespace Application\Factory;

use Application\Guard\IpGuard;
use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\MutableCreationOptionsInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;

class IpGuardFactory implements FactoryInterface, MutableCreationOptionsInterface
     * @var array
    protected $options;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function setCreationOptions(array $options)
        $this->options = $options;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
        return new IpGuard($this->options);

The MutableCreationOptionsInterface was introduced in Zend Framework 2.2, and allows your factories to accept options. In fact, in a real use case, you would likely fetched the blacklist from database.

Now, we just need to add the guard to the guards option, so that ZfcRbac execute the logic behind this guard. In your config, add the following code:

return [
    'zfc_rbac' => [
        'guards' => [
            'Application\Guard\IpGuard' => [


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