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This is the reference environment for the manuscript 'Regulation of ERK-MAPK signaling in human epidermis'. It executes code to reproduce specific results described in the manuscript. The repository for the code is at Github here.

You can find more information about this research at the project page for the work here.

To find other versions of this reference environment, see Other Links below. To learn more about reference environments, see the detailed description here.

Instructions for use

This version of the reference environment is a Docker container. To use it, install Docker, then do:

$ docker pull uomsystemsbiology/epidermal_data_reference_environment
$ docker run uomsystemsbiology/epidermal_data_reference_environment /sbin/my_init -- ./
$ docker run uomsystemsbiology/epidermal_data_reference_environment /sbin/my_init -- ./

This will start the container and execute the scripts which reproduce the results described in the manuscript.

Other links

Manuscript link

Project page link

Vagrant-managed virtual machine

Bootable ISO