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Releases: unpoller/unpoller

Exit on Error!

19 Jun 09:06
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  • Adds a new feature that causes the poller to exit when an error occurs. This is the new default behavior. If the unifi controller dies or restarts, the poller will also die. You must have something setup to restart. If you're using a package build you should be fine; systemd will restart it for you. Homebrew users are safe too! This is the intended behavior and it allows the poller to re-authenticate and continue working.
  • Fixed the site dashboard. All sites are now displayed correctly instead of only one.
  • Updates to UAP dashboard. Thanks @zunder1990 in #46
  • Adds client DPI stats to InfluxDB. (no graphs provided)
  • Fixes the UAP guest count. Dashboards fixes for this coming soon. (it was a tag instead of a field)
  • Better debug logging. Line numbers are accurate now.
  • Fixes the Homebrew formula so it has a SHA256 for the source file.
  • Changes the macOS log file location, again.
  • Updates to man file for new max_errors config option and previously-added -j cli option.

As always, feedback welcomed!

Site Metrics Fixes, Site Dashboard

15 Jun 22:48
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Sorry for the noise. Yesterday's release seemed good, but there was a minor bug in the collection of site metrics that makes them unusable for the dashboard I've created. The dashboard is still a work in progress, and I wouldn't mind contributions from others with more than 1 site. This release:

  • Fixes site metric collection.
  • Adds a site dashboard (and screenshot). Fifth dashboard provided.
  • Attempts to trigger a Docker tagged release. This has not been working, so I did extensive testing with another repo. I think this should finally push the tagged docker release. Fingers crossed.

Site Metrics

15 Jun 05:08
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This contribution adds site metrics collections. There are a few log output adjustments too including printing the controller version on startup. The site metrics do not have a dashboard yet; I'm still working on that.

Better Debug, Better Output, Better Build, Better Layout

13 Jun 08:20
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Better Debug: This release adds better debug support by providing a new cli flag that allows printing of the raw json data from the Unifi controller. This mode is best-documented in the man file.

Better Build: Additionally, the build pipeline has been updated, and an attempt at Homebrew support has been made.

Better Layout: The main package (Go term) was moved into a normal package. Feels better this way, and keeps main very small.

Better Output: The app has slightly better log output:

Unifi Measurements Recorded. Sites: 1 Clients: 38, Wireless APs: 2, Gateways: 1, Switches: 1, Points: 75, Fields: 2702

Build Updates. Fix RPM.

10 Jun 05:07
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This release just contains build-pipeline updates. One typo was fixed in the app; that's the extent of "new code." Bug fix: The built RPM should work on Linux now; closed #30.

Bug fixes.

07 Jun 01:16
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Provides better site names in the grafana dashboards. If you used v1.2.0 you may wish to drop and re-create your Influx database to remove the extra site names. See the InfluxDB wiki page.

Better Site support

06 Jun 01:44
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This release adds the site name to all measurements making them easier to distinguish. Additionally, a bug was found and fixed that was causing client metrics to not get posted to InfluxDB. Sorry about that. Finally, the packages are no longer built by hand and uploaded, but built by Travis CI and uploaded programatically. This provides a repeatable build environment that can be easily duplicated anywhere.

Packages! Better run support.

31 May 06:37
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This release provides a new "package build" configuration. Basically, I've included scripts that will build a deb, rpm or macOS pkg. Building rpm and deb can happen on any architecture, but mac packages can only be built on a mac. The underlying build happens with fpm (of course!). The RPM package is untested, feedback welcomed.

Okay, so packages are cool. The code got a couple small improvements too. The flag package changed to spf13 which is newer and better, yada yada.

The major change, though, is around the running of the poller. Instead of bailing out on an error, it will continue to try batching points and will output the "final" update line to the log regardless of specific unmarshaling or batching errors. This may help with debugging or transient problems. We shall see.

All of the files attached to this release were built with the Makefile using this snippet:

git tag v1.1.1
make clean
make darwin ; mv unifi-poller unifi-poller.macos ; gzip -9 unifi-poller.macos
make linux ; mv unifi-poller unifi-poller.linux ; gzip -9 unifi-poller.linux
for i in deb rpm osxpkg; do make $i; done

Multi Site Capable

30 May 09:04
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This release adds support for multiple sites and provides a few bug fixes. Please report any problems!

If you have more than one site, add sites = ["all"] to your config file, or change the list to a list of site names.

Precompiled binaries provided if you want to avoid making a go build environment.

Cleanup and New Libraries

27 Jan 00:12
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This contribution includes a lot of cleanup, renaming of variables, etc. The man page has been updated, the Makefile updated, with some bugs fixes. This feels like a pretty good time to draft a 1.0 release and go work on other projects. As always, report any bugs!