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1589 lines (1196 loc) · 54.4 KB

File metadata and controls

1589 lines (1196 loc) · 54.4 KB



Major Changes

  • #3125 by @zbeyens
    • serializeMd: remove nodes option. editor.children is now serialized


None (CI release issue)


None (CI release issue)



Major Changes

  • #2867 by @12joan – Fix: in v28, TableProvider was incorrectly shared by all tables in the editor. TableProvider must now be rendered as part of TableElement.



Major Changes

  • #2829 by @zbeyens
    • Moved withProps to @udecode/cn
    • Moved PortalBody, Text, Box, createPrimitiveComponent, createSlotComponent, withProviders to @udecode/react-utils
    • Removed getRootProps (unused)



Major Changes

  • 822f6f56b by @12joan
    • Remove { fn: ... } workaround for jotai stores that contain functions
    • Breaking change: usePlateSelectors, usePlateActions and usePlateStates no longer accept generic type arguments. If custom types are required, cast the resulting values at the point of use, or use hooks like useEditorRef that still provide generics.



Major Changes

  • #2763 by @12joan
    • Migrate store to jotai@2
    • Revert the breaking changes to @udecode/plate-comments made in 26.0.0


Major Changes

  • #2763 by @12joan
    • Migrate store from jotai@1 to jotai@2
      • New dependency: jotai-x. See
      • Accessing a store without an explicit provider component is no longer supported. Attempting to do so will result in a warning in the console: Tried to access jotai store '${storeName}' outside of a matching provider.
    • Upgraded from zustand@3 to zustand@4
    • Rename zustand-x exports
      • StateActions -> ZustandStateActions
      • StoreApi -> ZustandStoreApi
      • createStore -> createZustandStore
      • Note that these exports are deprecated and should not be used in new code. They may be removed in a future version of Plate.


Major Changes

  • #2763 by @12joan
    • Migrate store to jotai@2
    • Resizable components must now be wrapped inside a ResizableProvider



Major Changes

  • #2760 by @12joan
    • Renamed the comments prop on CommentsProvider to initialComments to reflect the fact that updating its value after the initial render has no effect
    • Removed the following props from CommentsProvider, since they represent the internal state of the comments plugin and should not be controlled externally:
      • activeCommentId
      • addingCommentId
      • newValue
      • focusTextarea
    • The following props on CommentsProvider can now be updated after the initial render (whereas prior to this version, doing so had no effect):
      • myUserId
      • users
      • onCommentAdd
      • onCommentUpdate
      • onCommentDelete


Major Changes

  • #2733 by @dimaanj
    • [Breaking] serializeHtml: replaced option slateProps by plateProps.



Major Changes

  • #2729 by @12joanThis is a breaking change meant to be part of v25, hence the patch. On deserializeHtml, replace stripWhitespace with collapseWhiteSpace, defaulting to true. The collapseWhiteSpace option aims to parse white space in HTML according to the HTML specification, ensuring greater accuracy when pasting HTML from browsers.


Major Changes

  • #2725 by @EandrewJones – Remove useCommentValue, which was redundant with the hooks applied automatically in CommentEditTextarea.tsx.



Major Changes

  • #2629 by @zbeyens

    • [Breaking] Rename Plate to PlateContent.
    • [Breaking] Rename PlateProvider to Plate.
    • [Breaking] Rendering PlateContent is now required in Plate. This allows you to choose where to render the editor next to other components like toolbar. Example:
    // Before
    <Plate />
    // or
      <Plate />
    // After
      <PlateContent />
    • [Breaking] Remove provider props such as plugins from PlateContent. These props should be passed to Plate.
    • [Breaking] Remove editableProps prop from PlateContent. Move these asPlateContent props.
    • [Breaking] Remove children prop from PlateContent. Render instead these components after PlateContent.
    • [Breaking] Remove firstChildren prop from PlateContent. Render instead these components before PlateContent.
    • [Breaking] Remove editableRef prop from PlateContent. Use ref instead.
    • [Breaking] Remove withPlateProvider.
    • [Breaking] Rename usePlateEditorRef to useEditorRef.
    • [Breaking] Rename usePlateEditorState to useEditorState.
    • [Breaking] Rename usePlateReadOnly to useEditorReadOnly. This hook can be used below Plate while useReadOnly can only be used in node components.
    • [Breaking] Rename usePlateSelection to useEditorSelection.
    • [Breaking] Rename store attributes keyDecorate, keyEditor and keySelection to versionDecorate, versionEditor and versionSelection. These are now numbers incremented on each change.
    • [Breaking] Rename store attribute isRendered to isMounted.



Major Changes

  • #2537 by @haydencarlsonMediaEmbedElement is now more headless with a smaller bundle size. Update the following components:

    • npx @udecode/plate-ui@latest add media-embed-element
      • now uses react-lite-youtube-embed for YouTube videos.
      • now uses react-tweet for Twitter tweets.
    • npx @udecode/plate-ui@latest add image-element

    Breaking changes:

    • Moved Resizable to @udecode/plate-resizable
    • Moved Caption, CaptionTextarea to @udecode/plate-caption
    • Removed useMediaEmbed, MediaEmbedVideo, MediaEmbedTweet, Tweet, parseMediaUrl, mediaStore
    • Removed @udecode/resizable, scriptjs, react-textarea-autosize dependencies
    • MediaPlugin
      • removed rules. Use parsers option instead.
      • removed disableCaption. Use createCaptionPlugin instead.
    • Caption is now a separate plugin. Install @udecode/plate-caption and add it to your plugins:
    import { ELEMENT_IMAGE, ELEMENT_MEDIA_EMBED } from '@udecode/plate-media';
      options: { pluginKeys: [ELEMENT_IMAGE, ELEMENT_MEDIA_EMBED] },


Major Changes

  • #2541 by @zbeyens
    • Package renamed to @udecode/plate-resizable.
    • ResizeHandle is now fully headless: no style is applied by default. Add your own Resizable, ResizeHandle components:
      • npx @udecode/plate-ui@latest add resizable


Major Changes

  • Removed TableCellElementResizable. Use useTableCellElementResizableState and useTableCellElementResizable instead.


Headless UI.


Major Changes


  • Manual installation.
  • For each unresolved import not listed in the following major changes (components from @udecode/plate-ui-x), generate the component using the CLI.


Major Changes

  • #2471 by @zbeyens – Removed:
    • AccountCircleIcon
    • CheckIcon
    • MoreVertIcon
    • RefreshIcon
    • AvatarImage
    • CommentLinkButton
    • CommentLinkDialog
    • CommentLinkDialogCloseButton
    • CommentLinkDialogCopyLink
    • CommentLinkDialogInput
    • PlateCommentLeaf for useCommentLeafState


Major Changes

  • #2471 by @zbeyens – Removed:
    • Draggable
    • DraggableBlock
    • DraggableBlockToolbar
    • DraggableBlockToolbarWrapper
    • DraggableDropline
    • DraggableGutterLeftProps
    • DraggableRoot
    • DragHandle


Major Changes

  • #2471 by @zbeyens – Removed:
    • FloatingLink
    • FloatingLinkEditButton
    • FloatingLinkTextInput
    • UnlinkButton
    • LaunchIcon
    • Link
    • LinkIcon
    • LinkOffIcon
    • ShortTextIcon


Major Changes


Major Changes

  • #2471 by @zbeyens – Plate 2.0 – Headless UI. Read the docs about the new UI pattern:

    • Removed @udecode/plate-ui dependency.
    • Removed @udecode/plate-emoji dependency. You can install it separately.
    • Removed styled-components peerDependency.

    Replaced @udecode/plate-headless dependency (deprecated) by:

    • @udecode/plate-alignment
    • @udecode/plate-autoformat
    • @udecode/plate-basic-elements
    • @udecode/plate-basic-marks
    • @udecode/plate-block-quote
    • @udecode/plate-break
    • @udecode/plate-code-block
    • @udecode/plate-combobox
    • @udecode/plate-comments
    • @udecode/plate-common
    • @udecode/plate-find-replace
    • @udecode/plate-floating
    • @udecode/plate-font
    • @udecode/plate-heading
    • @udecode/plate-highlight
    • @udecode/plate-horizontal-rule
    • @udecode/plate-indent
    • @udecode/plate-indent-list
    • @udecode/plate-kbd
    • @udecode/plate-line-height
    • @udecode/plate-link
    • @udecode/plate-list
    • @udecode/plate-media
    • @udecode/plate-mention
    • @udecode/plate-node-id
    • @udecode/plate-normalizers
    • @udecode/plate-paragraph
    • @udecode/plate-reset-node
    • @udecode/plate-select
    • @udecode/plate-serializer-csv
    • @udecode/plate-serializer-docx
    • @udecode/plate-serializer-html
    • @udecode/plate-serializer-md
    • @udecode/plate-suggestion
    • @udecode/plate-tabbable
    • @udecode/plate-table
    • @udecode/plate-trailing-block
    • @udecode/resizable


Major Changes

  • #2471 by @zbeyens – Upgraded peer dependencies:
    • slate-react: >=0.95.0 Removed:
    • useElementPrpos
    • useWrapElement
    • createComponentAs
    • createElementAs


Major Changes

  • #2471 by @zbeyens – Removed:
    • TableCellElement
    • TableCellElementResizableWrapper
    • TableCellElementRoot
    • TableElement
    • TableElementCol
    • TableElementColGroup
    • TableElementRoot
    • TableElementTBody
    • TableRowElement
    • ArrowDropDownCircleIcon
    • BorderAllIcon
    • BorderBottomIcon
    • BorderLeftIcon
    • BorderNoneIcon
    • BorderOuterIcon
    • BorderRightIcon
    • BorderTopIcon



Major Changes

  • #2369 by @zbeyens – Support slate@0.94.0, slate-react@0.94.0 and slate-history@0.93.0 by upgrading the peer dependencies.



Major Changes

  • 0077402 by @zbeyens
    • This package has been split into multiple packages for separation of concerns and decoupled versioning:
      • @udecode/utils is a collection of miscellaneous utilities. Can be used by any project.
      • @udecode/slate is a collection of slate experimental features and bug fixes that may be moved into slate one day. It's essentially composed of the generic types. Can be used by vanilla slate consumers without plate.
      • @udecode/slate-react is a collection of slate-react experimental features and bug fixes that that may be moved into slate-react one day. It's essentially composed of the generic types. Can be used by vanilla slate-react consumers without plate.
      • @udecode/plate-core is the minimalistic core of plate. It essentially includes Plate, PlateProvider and their dependencies. Note this package is not dependent on the *-utils packages.
      • @udecode/slate-utils is a collection of utils depending on @udecode/slate. Can be used by vanilla slate consumers without plate.
      • @udecode/plate-utils is a collection of utils depending on @udecode/slate-react and @udecode/plate-core
      • @udecode/plate-common re-exports the 6 previous packages and is a dependency of all the other packages. It's basically replacing @udecore/plate-core as a bundle.
    • Removed getPreventDefaultHandler since it is no longer needed. Migration:
      • If using @udecode/plate or @udecode/plate-headless: none
      • Else: find & replace @udecode/plate-core by @udecode/plate-common


Major Changes

  • #2240 by @OliverWales
    • Add allowedSchemes plugin option
      • Any URL schemes other than http(s), mailto and tel must be added to allowedSchemes, otherwise they will not be included in links


Major Changes

  • #2251 by @zbeyens
    • TablePlugin option disableUnsetSingleColSize has been renamed and inverted into enableUnsetSingleColSize. New default is disabled. Migration:
      • if using disableUnsetSingleColSize: true, the option can be removed
      • if using disableUnsetSingleColSize: false, use enableUnsetSingleColSize: true
    • getTableColumnIndex second parameter type is now: cellNode: TElement


Major Changes

  • #2237 by @tmorane – Unstyled logic has been moved to @udecode/plate-dnd

    // before
    import { createDndPlugin } from '@udecode/plate-ui-dnd';
    // after
    import { createDndPlugin } from '@udecode/plate-dnd';

    Only withPlateDraggable, withPlateDraggables and PlateDraggable are left in @udecode/plate-ui-dnd. Renamed:

    • withDraggables -> withPlateDraggables. In the second parameter, draggable props options have been moved under draggableProps:
    // before
      onRenderDragHandle: () => {}
    // after
      draggableProps: {
        onRenderDragHandle: () => {}


Major Changes

  • #2251 by @zbeyens – Headless components and hooks moved to @udecode/plate-table, so the following components have been renamed:
    • TableElement -> PlateTableElement
      • removed table border to set it at the cell level
      • margin-left: 1px to support cell borders
      • if all columns have a fixed size, the table will have a dynamic width instead of always 100%
    • TableRowElement -> PlateTableRowElement
    • TableCellElement -> PlateTableCellElement
      • removed td border in favor of td::before. The latter is responsible of having the border and the selected background color.
      • z-index: td is 0, td::before is 10, td::before in selected state is 20, handle is 30, handle resize is 40.
      • removed selectedCell div in favor of ::before
    • TablePopover -> PlateTablePopover Styled props have been removed.



Major Changes

  • #2097 by @zbeyens
    • upgrade deps, including typescript support for the new editor methods:
    // from
    "slate": "0.78.0",
    "slate-history": "0.66.0",
    "slate-react": "0.79.0"
    // to
    "slate": "0.87.0",
    "slate-history": "0.86.0",
    "slate-react": "0.88.0"


Major Changes

  • #2097 by @zbeyens
    • due to esm issues, dnd plugin is not part of plate package anymore. To use it, install @udecode/plate-ui-dnd
    // before
    import { createDndPlugin } from '@udecode/plate';
    // after
    import { createDndPlugin } from '@udecode/plate-ui-dnd';
    • upgrade peerDeps:
    // from
    "slate": ">=0.78.0",
    "slate-history": ">=0.66.0",
    "slate-react": ">=0.79.0"
    // to
    "slate": ">=0.87.0",
    "slate-history": ">=0.86.0",
    "slate-react": ">=0.88.0"



Major Changes

  • #1889 by @zbeyens
    • @udecode/plate-selection package moved out from @udecode/plate because of simonwep/selection#124
    • Migration:
      • If not using createBlockSelectionPlugin, no migration is needed.
      • Otherwise, install @udecode/plate-selection and import createBlockSelectionPlugin from that package.



Major Changes

  • #1871 by @zbeyens

    • usePlateStore:
      • Plate no longer has a global store containing all the editor states (zustand). Each editor store is now defined in a React context tree (jotai). If you need to access all the editor states at once (as you could do before), you'll need to build that layer yourself.
      • Plate store is now accessible only below PlateProvider or Plate (provider-less mode). It means it's no longer accessible outside of a Plate React tree. If you have such use-case, you'll need to build your own layer to share the state between your components.
      • You can nest many PlateProvider with different scopes (id prop). Default scope is PLATE_SCOPE
      • Hook usage:
        • const value = usePlateSelectors(id).value()
        • const setValue = usePlateActions(id).value()
        • const [value, setValue] = usePlateStates(id).value()
      • removed from the store:
        • editableProps, use the props instead
        • enabled, use conditional rendering instead
        • isReady, no point anymore as it's now directly ready
      • useEventPlateId is still used to get the last focused editor id.
      • Functions are stored in an object { fn: <here> }
        • const setOnChange = usePlateActions(id).onChange()
        • setOnChange({ fn: newOnChange })
    • Plate
      • if rendered below PlateProvider, it will render PlateSlate > PlateEditable
      • if rendered without PlateProvider, it will render PlateProvider > PlateSlate > PlateEditable
      • default id is no longer main, it's now PLATE_SCOPE
    • PlateProvider
      • Each provider has an optional scope, so you can have multiple providers in the same React tree and use the plate hooks with the corresponding scope.
      • Plate effects are now run in PlateProvider
        • initialValue, value, editor, normalizeInitialValue, normalizeEditor are no longer defined in an effect (SSR support)
      • Props:
        • now extends the previous Plate props
        • if using PlateProvider, set the provider props on it instead of Plate. Plate would only need editableProps and PlateEditableExtendedProps
        • if not using it, set the provider props on Plate
    // Before
        <AlignToolbarButtons />
      <Plate<MyValue> editableProps={editableProps} <MyValue> initialValue={alignValue} plugins={plugins} />
    // After
    <PlateProvider<MyValue> initialValue={alignValue} plugins={plugins}>
        <AlignToolbarButtons />
      <Plate<MyValue> editableProps={editableProps} />
    // After (provider-less mode)
    <Plate<MyValue> editableProps={editableProps} initialValue={alignValue} plugins={plugins} />
    • types:
      • store editor is no longer nullable
      • store value is no longer nullable
      • id type is now PlateId
    • renamed:
      • getEventEditorId to getEventPlateId
      • getPlateActions().resetEditor to useResetPlateEditor()
    • removed:
      • plateIdAtom
      • usePlateId for usePlateSelectors().id()
      • EditablePlugins for PlateEditable
      • SlateChildren
      • PlateEventProvider for PlateProvider
      • withPlateEventProvider for withPlateProvider
      • usePlate
      • usePlatesStoreEffect
      • useEventEditorId for useEventPlateId
      • platesStore, platesActions, platesSelectors, usePlatesSelectors
      • getPlateActions for usePlateActions
      • getPlateSelectors for usePlateSelectors
      • getPlateEditorRef for usePlateEditorRef
      • getPlateStore, usePlateStore
      • EditorId for PlateId


Major Changes

  • #1871 by @zbeyens
    • Removed these imports because of build errors:
      • prismjs/components/prism-django
      • prismjs/components/prism-ejs
      • prismjs/components/prism-php


Major Changes

  • #1871 by @zbeyens
    • Removed [ELEMENT_CODE_BLOCK]: CodeBlockElement from Plate UI. You can define it in your app.




Major Changes

  • #1721 by @zbeyens
    • deprecate @udecode/plate-image and @udecode/plate-media-embed, those got merged into @udecode/plate-media


Major Changes

  • #1721 by @zbeyens
    • removed:
      • useImageElement for useElement
      • MediaEmbedUrlInput for FloatingMediaUrlInput
      • parseEmbedUrl for parseMediaUrl
      • EmbedProviders
    • renamed:
      • ImageImg to Image
      • ImageCaptionTextarea to CaptionTextarea
      • useImageCaptionString to useCaptionString
      • ImageResizable to Resizable


Major Changes

  • #1721 by @zbeyens
  • TableElementBase props:
    • replace onRenderContainer by floatingOptions or by replacing ELEMENT_TABLE in the createPlateUI function.
  • TablePopover is now a floating instead of tippy
  • deps:
    • replaced plate-ui-popover by plate-floating


Major Changes

  • #1721 by @zbeyens
  • deprecate @udecode/plate-ui-popover for @udecode/plate-floating



Major Changes

  • #1677 by @zbeyens
    • deps:
      • replaced @udecode/plate-ui-popper by @udecode/plate-floating
    • comboboxStore:
      • removed popperContainer, use floatingOptions instead
      • removed popperOptions, use floatingOptions instead


Major Changes

  • #1677 by @zbeyens
    • createLinkPlugin
      • removed onKeyDownLink for floating link
      • removed hotkey for triggerFloatingLinkHotkeys
    • removed:
      • getAndUpsertLink for upsertLink
      • upsertLinkAtSelection for upsertLink
    • LinkToolbarButton:
      • onClick now calls triggerFloatingLink


Major Changes

  • #1677 by @zbeyens
  • remove addRow for insertTableRow
  • remove addColumn for insertTableColumn


Major Changes

  • #1677 by @zbeyens
    • remove @udecode/plate-ui-popper dep for @udecode/plate-floating


Major Changes

  • #1677 by @zbeyens
    • moved Button to @udecode/plate-button
    • Button is now unstyled


Major Changes

  • #1677 by @zbeyens
  • deprecated, use instead @udecode/plate-floating


Major Changes

  • #1677 by @zbeyens
  • remove @udecode/plate-ui-popper and react-popper deps for @udecode/plate-floating
  • BalloonToolbarProps:
    • removed popperOptions for floatingOptions
  • remove useBalloonToolbarPopper for useFloatingToolbar



Major Changes

  • #1633 by @tjramage – Moved serializeHtml and its utils to @udecode/plate-serializer-html as it has a new dependency: html-entities.
    • If you're using @udecode/plate, no migration is needed
    • Otherwise, import it from @udecode/plate-serializer-html



Major Changes

  • Plate children are now rendered as last children of Slate (previously first children). To reproduce the previous behavior, move children to firstChildren



Major Changes

  • #1585 by @zbeyens – Removed @udecode/plate-juice from @udecode/plate. Install it if using @udecode/plate-serializer-docx:
    yarn install @udecode/plate-juice




Major Changes

  • #1585 by @zbeyens – Moved react-dnd react-dnd-html5-backend deps to peer-dependencies. Install these if using @udecode/plate-ui-dnd:
    yarn install react-dnd react-dnd-html5-backend



Major Changes

  • #1579 by @zbeyens – renamed:
  • useDndBlock options:
    • blockRef -> nodeRef
    • removePreview -> preview.disable
  • useDropBlockOnEditor -> useDropBlock
  • useDropBlock options:
    • blockRef -> nodeRef
    • setDropLine -> onChangeDropLine signature change:
  • getHoverDirection:
// before
  dragItem: DragItemBlock,
  monitor: DropTargetMonitor,
  ref: any,
  hoverId: string
// after
}: GetHoverDirectionOptions



Major Changes

  • #1500 by @zbeyens – Thanks @ianstormtaylor for the initial work on ianstormtaylor/slate#4177.

    This release includes major changes to plate and slate types:

    • Changing the TEditor type to be TEditor<V> where V represents the "value" being edited by Slate. In the most generic editor, V would be equivalent to TElement[] (since that is what is accepted as children of the editor). But in a custom editor, you might have TEditor<Array<Paragraph | Quote>>.
    • Other TEditor-and-TNode-related methods have been also made generic, so for example if you use getLeafNode(editor, path) it knows that the return value is a TText node. But more specifically, it knows that it is the text node of the type you've defined in your custom elements (with any marks you've defined).
    • This replaces the declaration merging approach, and provides some benefits. One of the drawbacks to declaration merging was that it was impossible to know whether you were dealing with an "unknown" or "known" element, since the underlying type was changed. Similarly, having two editors on the page with different schemas wasn't possible to represent. Hopefully this approach with generics will be able to smoothly replace the declaration merging approach. (While being easy to migrate to, since you can pass those same custom element definitions into TEditor still.)

Define your custom types

Slate types

Those Slate types should be replaced by the new types:

  • Editor -> TEditor<V extends Value = Value>
    • Note that TEditor methods are not typed based on Value as it would introduce a circular dependency. You can use getTEditor(editor) to get the editor with typed methods.
  • ReactEditor -> TReactEditor<V extends Value = Value>
  • HistoryEditor -> THistoryEditor<V extends Value = Value>
  • EditableProps -> TEditableProps<V extends Value = Value>
  • Node -> TNode
  • Element -> TElement
  • Text -> TText
  • NodeEntry -> TNodeEntry
  • NodeProps -> TNodeProps

Slate functions

Those Slate functions should be replaced by the new typed ones:

  • As the new editor type is not matching the slate ones, all Transforms, Editor, Node, Element, Text, HistoryEditor, ReactEditor functions should be replaced: The whole API has been typed into Plate core. See
  • createEditor -> createTEditor
  • withReact -> withTReact
  • withHistory -> withTHistory

Generic types

  • <T = {}> could be used to extend the editor type. It is now replaced by <E extends PlateEditor<V> = PlateEditor<V>> to customize the whole editor type.

  • When the plugin type is customizable, these generics are used: <P = PluginOptions, V extends Value = Value, E extends PlateEditor<V> = PlateEditor<V>>, where P is the plugin options type.

  • Editor functions are using <V extends Value> generic, where V can be a custom editor value type used in PlateEditor<V>.

  • Editor functions returning a node are using <N extends ENode<V>, V extends Value = Value> generics, where N can be a custom returned node type.

  • Editor callbacks (e.g. a plugin option) are using <V extends Value = Value, E extends PlateEditor<V> = PlateEditor<V>> generics, where E can be a custom editor type.

  • Node functions returning a node are using <N extends Node, R extends TNode = TNode> generics.

  • These generics are used by <V extends Value, K extends keyof EMarks<V>>: getMarks, isMarkActive, removeMark, setMarks, ToggleMarkPlugin, addMark, removeEditorMark

  • WithOverride is a special type case as it can return a new editor type:

    // before
    export type WithOverride<T = {}, P = {}> = (
      editor: PlateEditor<T>,
      plugin: WithPlatePlugin<T, P>
    ) => PlateEditor<T>;
    // after - where E is the Editor type (input), and EE is the Extended Editor type (output)
    export type WithOverride<
      P = PluginOptions,
      V extends Value = Value,
      E extends PlateEditor<V> = PlateEditor<V>,
      EE extends E = E,
    > = (editor: E, plugin: WithPlatePlugin<P, V, E>) => EE;
  • type TEditor<V extends Value>

  • type PlateEditor<V extends Value>

Renamed functions

  • getAbove -> getAboveNode
  • getParent -> getParentNode
  • getText -> getEditorString
  • getLastNode -> getLastNodeByLevel
  • getPointBefore -> getPointBeforeLocation
  • getNodes -> getNodeEntries
  • isStart -> isStartPoint
  • isEnd -> isEndPoint

Replaced types

Removing node props types in favor of element types (same props + extends TElement). You can use TNodeProps to get the node data (props).

  • LinkNodeData -> TLinkElement
  • ImageNodeData -> TImageElement
  • TableNodeData -> TTableElement
  • MentionNodeData -> TMentionElement
  • MentionNode -> TMentionElement
  • MentionInputNodeData -> TMentionInputElement
  • MentionInputNode -> TMentionInputElement
  • CodeBlockNodeData -> TCodeBlockElement
  • MediaEmbedNodeData -> TMediaEmbedElement
  • TodoListItemNodeData -> TTodoListItemElement
  • ExcalidrawNodeData -> TExcalidrawElement


  • match signature change:
<T extends TNode>(
  obj: T,
  path: TPath,
  predicate?: Predicate<T>
  • deleteFragment is now using Editor.deleteFragment


  • getEmptyTableNode default options changed. Migration:
// From (0 row count and col count, previously it was 2)
// To
getEmptyTableNode(editor, { rowCount: 2, colCount: 2 });


Generic types

  • type StyledElementProps<V extends Value, N extends TElement = EElement<V>, TStyles = {}>



Major Changes

  • #1377 by @zbeyens – Before, BalloonToolbar could be outside Plate. Now, BallonToolbar should be a child of Plate to support multiple editors.



  • #1303 by @zbeyens
    • Plate
      • editor prop can now be fully controlled: Plate is not applying withPlate on it anymore
    • PlatePlugin.deserializeHtml
      • can't be an array anymore
      • moved validAttribute, validClassName, validNodeName, validStyle to deserializeHtml.rules property
    • renamed plateStore to platesStore
    • platesStore is now a zustood store
    • eventEditorStore is now a zustood store
    • getPlateId now gets the last editor id if not focused or blurred
      • used by usePlateEditorRef and usePlateEditorState
    • removed:
      • usePlateEnabled for usePlateSelectors(id).enabled()
      • usePlateValue for usePlateSelectors(id).value()
      • usePlateActions:
        • resetEditor for getPlateActions(id).resetEditor()
        • clearState for platesActions.unset()
        • setInitialState for platesActions.set(id)
        • setEditor for getPlateActions(id).editor(value)
        • setEnabled for getPlateActions(id).enabled(value)
        • setValue for getPlateActions(id).value(value)
      • getPlateState
      • usePlateState
      • usePlateKey


  • #1303 by @zbeyens
  • renamed plate-x-ui to plate-ui-x: all packages depending on styled-components has plate-ui prefix
  • renamed plate-x-serializer to plate-serializer-x
  • is now exporting only these (new) packages:
    • @udecode/plate-headless: all unstyled packages
    • @udecode/plate-ui: all styled packages
  • renamed PlateState to PlateStoreState



  • #1234 by @zbeyens – Removed:

    • IndentListPluginOptions for PlatePlugin


    • getIndentListInjectComponent to injectIndentListComponent


  • #1234 by @zbeyens – Breaking changes:


    • removed components prop:
    // Before
    <Plate plugins={plugins} components={components} />;
    // After
    // option 1: use the plugin factory
    let plugins = [
        component: ParagraphElement,
    // option 2: use createPlugins
    plugins = createPlugins(plugins, {
      components: {
        [ELEMENT_PARAGRAPH]: ParagraphElement,
    <Plate plugins={plugins} />;
    • removed options prop:
    // Before
    <Plate plugins={plugins} options={options} />;
    // After
    // option 1: use the plugin factory
    let plugins = [
        type: 'paragraph',
    // option 2: use createPlugins
    plugins = createPlugins(plugins, {
      overrideByKey: {
          type: 'paragraph',
    <Plate plugins={plugins} />;


    • key
      • replacing pluginKey
      • is now required: each plugin needs a key to be retrieved by key.
    • all handlers have plugin as a second parameter:
    // Before
    export type X<T = {}> = (editor: PlateEditor<T>) => Y;
    // After
    export type X<T = {}, P = {}> = (
      editor: PlateEditor<T>,
      plugin: WithPlatePlugin<T, P>
    ) => Y;
    • serialize no longer has element and leaf properties:
    type SerializeHtml = RenderFunction<
      PlateRenderElementProps | PlateRenderLeafProps


    • injectParentComponent to inject.aboveComponent
    • injectChildComponent to inject.belowComponent
    • overrideProps to inject.props
      • transformClassName, transformNodeValue, transformStyle first parameter is no longer editor as it's provided by then if needed.
      • the previously getOverrideProps is now the core behavior if inject.props is defined.
    • serialize to serializeHtml
    • deserialize to deserializeHtml
      • can be an array
      • the old deserializer options are merged to deserializeHtml
    type DeserializeHtml = {
      /** List of HTML attribute names to store their values in `node.attributes`. */
      attributeNames?: string[];
       * Deserialize an element. Use this instead of plugin.isElement if you don't
       * want the plugin to renderElement.
       * @default plugin.isElement
      isElement?: boolean;
       * Deserialize a leaf. Use this instead of plugin.isLeaf if you don't want the
       * plugin to renderLeaf.
       * @default plugin.isLeaf
      isLeaf?: boolean;
      /** Deserialize html element to slate node. */
      getNode?: (element: HTMLElement) => AnyObject | undefined;
      query?: (element: HTMLElement) => boolean;
       * Deserialize an element:
       * - If this option (string) is in the element attribute names.
       * - If this option (object) values match the element attributes.
      validAttribute?: string | { [key: string]: string | string[] };
      /** Valid element `className`. */
      validClassName?: string;
      /** Valid element `nodeName`. Set '*' to allow any node name. */
      validNodeName?: string | string[];
       * Valid element style values. Can be a list of string (only one match is
       * needed).
      validStyle?: Partial<
        Record<keyof CSSStyleDeclaration, string | string[] | undefined>
      /** Whether or not to include deserialized children on this node */
      withoutChildren?: boolean;
    • handlers starting by on... are moved to handlers property.
    // Before
    onDrop: handler;
    // After
    handlers: {
      onDrop: handler;


    • renderElement is favor of:
      • isElement is a boolean that enables element rendering.
      • the previously getRenderElement is now the core behavior.
    • renderLeaf is favor of:
      • isLeaf is a boolean that enables leaf rendering.
      • the previously getRenderLeaf is now the core behavior.
    • inlineTypes and voidTypes for:
      • isInline is a boolean that enables inline rendering.
      • isVoid is a boolean that enables void rendering.


    • the following plugins are now part of the core plugins, so you need to remove these from your plugins prop:
    const corePlugins = [
    • plugins is not a parameter anymore as it can be retrieved in editor.plugins
    • withInlineVoid is now using plugins isInline and isVoid plugin properties.


    • getPlatePluginType to getPluginType
    • getEditorOptions to getPlugins
    • getPlatePluginOptions to getPlugin
    • pipeOverrideProps to pipeInjectProps
    • getOverrideProps to pluginInjectProps
    • serializeHTMLFromNodes to serializeHtml
      • getLeaf to leafToHtml
      • getNode to elementToHtml
    • xDeserializerId to KEY_DESERIALIZE_X
    • deserializeHTMLToText to htmlTextNodeToString
    • deserializeHTMLToMarks to htmlElementToLeaf and pipeDeserializeHtmlLeaf
    • deserializeHTMLToElement to htmlElementToElement and pipeDeserializeHtmlElement
    • deserializeHTMLToFragment to htmlBodyToFragment
    • deserializeHTMLToDocumentFragment to deserializeHtml
    • deserializeHTMLToBreak to htmlBrToNewLine
    • deserializeHTMLNode to deserializeHtmlNode
    • deserializeHTMLElement to deserializeHtmlElement


    • usePlateKeys, getPlateKeys
    • usePlateOptions for getPlugin
    • getPlateSelection for getPlateEditorRef().selection
    • flatMapByKey
    • getEditableRenderElement and getRenderElement for pipeRenderElement and pluginRenderElement
    • getEditableRenderLeaf and getRenderLeaf for pipeRenderLeaf and pluginRenderLeaf
    • getInlineTypes
    • getVoidTypes
    • getPlatePluginTypes
    • getPlatePluginWithOverrides
    • mapPlatePluginKeysToOptions
    • withDeserializeX for PlatePlugin.editor.insertData

    Changed types:

    • PlateEditor:
      • removed options for pluginsByKey
    • WithOverride is not returning an extended editor anymore (input and output editors are assumed to be the same types for simplicity).
    • PlateState
      • renamed keyChange to keyEditor
      • removed plugins for editor.plugins
      • removed pluginKeys
      • removed selection for editor.selection
      • actions:
        • removed setSelection, setPlugins, setPluginKeys
        • removed incrementKeyChange for

    Renamed types:

    • XHTMLY to XHtmlY
    • Deserialize to DeseralizeHtml

    Removed types:

    • PlatePluginOptions:
      • type to PlatePlugin.type
      • component to PlatePlugin.component
      • deserialize to PlatePlugin.deserializeHtml
      • getNodeProps to PlatePlugin.props.nodeProps
      • hotkey to HotkeyPlugin
      • clear to ToggleMarkPlugin
      • defaultType is hardcoded to p.type
    • OverrideProps for PlatePlugin.inject.props
    • Serialize for PlatePlugin.serializeHtml
    • NodeProps for AnyObject
    • OnKeyDownElementOptions for HotkeyPlugin
    • OnKeyDownMarkOptions for ToggleMarkPlugin
    • WithInlineVoidOptions
    • GetNodeProps for PlatePluginProps
    • DeserializeOptions, GetLeafDeserializerOptions, GetElementDeserializerOptions, GetNodeDeserializerOptions, GetNodeDeserializerRule, DeserializeNode for PlatePlugin.deserializeHtml
    • PlateOptions
    • RenderNodeOptions
    • DeserializedHTMLElement


  • #1234 by @zbeyens – Removed:
    • useFindReplacePlugin for createFindReplacePlugin


  • #1234 by @zbeyens
    • setAlign
      • moved param 3 to param 2 as setNodesOptions


  • #1234 by @zbeyens
    • renamed createBasicElementPlugins to createBasicElementsPlugin


  • #1234 by @zbeyens – Removed:
    • getCodeBlockPluginOptions for getPlugin
    • getCodeLinePluginOptions for getPlugin


  • #1234 by @zbeyens – Renamed:
    • HeadingPluginOptions to HeadingsPlugin


  • #1234 by @zbeyens – Removed:
    • getMentionInputPluginOptions for getPlugin
    • getMentionInputType for getPluginType


  • #1234 by @zbeyens
    • renamed createBasicMarkPlugins to createBasicMarksPlugin


  • #1234 by @zbeyens – Breaking changes:

    • all plugins options are now defined in the plugin itself
    • plugins which now have nested plugins instead of array:
      • createBasicElementsPlugin
      • createCodeBlockPlugin
      • createHeadingPlugin
      • createListPlugin
      • createTablePlugin
      • createBasicMarksPlugin


    • createEditorPlugins for createPlateEditor (without components) and createPlateEditorUI (with Plate components)
    • createPlateOptions for createPlugins
    • all DEFAULTS_X: these are defined in the plugins
    • all getXDeserialize: these are defined in the plugins
    • all WithXOptions for extended plugins
    • all getXRenderElement
    • some plugin option types are removed for PlatePlugin


    • createPlateComponents to createPlateUI
    • all getXY handlers to yX (e.g. getXOnKeyDown to onKeyDownX)
    • all XPluginOptions to XPlugin
    • all pluginKey parameter to key except in components

    Renamed types:

    • DecorateSearchHighlightOptions to FindReplacePlugin

    Updated deps:

    • "slate": "0.70.0"
    • "slate-react": "0.70.1"

    Removed deps (merged to core):

    • plate-common
    • plate-ast-serializer
    • plate-html-serializer
    • plate-serializer


  • #1234 by @zbeyens – Renamed:
    • createDeserializeCSVPlugin to createDeserializeCsvPlugin
    • deserializeCSV to deserializeCsv


  • #1234 by @zbeyens

    • createDeserializeMdPlugin:
      • is now disabled if there is html data in the data transfer.


    • createDeserializeMDPlugin to createDeserializeMdPlugin
    • deserializeMD to deserializeMd



  • renamed:
    • SPEditor to PEditor (note that PlateEditor is the new default)
    • SPRenderNodeProps to PlateRenderNodeProps
    • SPRenderElementProps to PlateRenderElementProps
    • SPRenderLeafProps to PlateRenderLeafProps
    • useEventEditorId to usePlateEventId
    • useStoreEditorOptions to usePlateOptions
    • useStoreEditorRef to usePlateEditorRef
    • useStoreEditorSelection to usePlateSelection
    • useStoreEditorState to usePlateEditorState
    • useStoreEditorValue to usePlateValue
    • useStoreEnabled to usePlateEnabled
    • useStorePlate to usePlatePlugins
    • useStorePlatePluginKeys to usePlateKeys
    • useStoreState to usePlateState
  • getPlateId: Get the last focused editor id, else get the last blurred editor id, else get the first editor id, else null
  • getPlateState:
    • removed first parameter state
    • previously when giving no parameter, it was returning the first editor. Now it's returning the editor with id = getPlateId(). It means useEventEditorId('focus') is no longer needed for
      • usePlateEditorRef
      • usePlateEditorState
      • usePlateX...


  • setAlign: option align renamed to value
  • removed getAlignOverrideProps() in favor of getOverrideProps(KEY_ALIGN)


  • removed getIndentOverrideProps() in favor of getOverrideProps(KEY_INDENT)
  • rename onKeyDownHandler to getIndentOnKeyDown()
  • IndentPluginOptions
    • rename types to validTypes
    • rename cssPropName to styleKey
    • rename transformCssValue to transformNodeValue


  • setLineHeight: option lineHeight renamed to value
  • removed getLineHeightOverrideProps in favor of getOverrideProps(KEY_LINE_HEIGHT)


  • getMentionOnSelectItem:
    • removed createMentionNode in favor of plugin options
    • removed insertSpaceAfterMention in favor of plugin options


  • MentionCombobox props:
    • removed trigger in favor of plugin options
    • removed insertSpaceAfterMention in favor of plugin options
    • removed createMentionNode in favor of plugin options


  • renamed ToolbarAlign to AlignToolbarButton
  • renamed ToolbarCodeBlock to CodeBlockToolbarButton
  • renamed ToolbarElement to BlockToolbarButton
  • renamed ToolbarImage to ImageToolbarButton
  • renamed ToolbarLink to LinkToolbarButton
  • renamed ToolbarList to ListToolbarButton
  • renamed ToolbarLineHeight to LineHeightToolbarDropdown
  • renamed ToolbarMark to MarkToolbarButton
  • renamed ToolbarMediaEmbed to MediaEmbedToolbarButton
  • renamed ToolbarSearchHighlight to SearchHighlightToolbar
  • renamed ToolbarTable to TableToolbarButton



The align plugin is no longer wrapping a block, but instead setting an align property to an existing block.

  • createAlignPlugin:
    • removed pluginKeys, renderElement and deserialize
  • removed:
    • KEYS_ALIGN in favor of KEY_ALIGN
    • getAlignDeserialize
    • upsertAlign in favor of setAlign

Migration (normalizer):

  • for each node:
    • run parent = getParent(editor, path), if parent[0].type is one of the alignment values:
      • run setAlign(editor, { align }, { at: path })
      • run unwrapNodes(editor, { at: path })


  • ToolbarAlignProps:
    • removed type in favor of align
    • removed unwrapTypes
    • added align



The mention plugin is now using the combobox.

  • removed useMentionPlugin in favor of createMentionPlugin
    • migration: replace useMentionPlugin().plugin by createMentionPlugin()
  • removed options:
    • mentionableSearchPattern
    • insertSpaceAfterMention
    • maxSuggestions: moved to comboboxStore
    • trigger: moved to comboboxStore
    • mentionables: moved to items in comboboxStore
    • mentionableFilter: moved to filter in comboboxStore
  • removed matchesTriggerAndPattern in favor of getTextFromTrigger
  • removed MentionNodeData in favor of ComboboxItemData
export interface ComboboxItemData {
  /** Unique key. */
  key: string;
  /** Item text. */
  text: any;
   * Whether the item is disabled.
   * @default false
  disabled?: boolean;
  /** Data available to `onRenderItem`. */
  data?: unknown;


  • removed MentionSelect in favor of MentionCombobox


  • removed setPositionAtSelection in favor of useBalloonToolbarPopper
  • removed useBalloonMove in favor of useBalloonToolbarPopper
  • removed usePopupPosition in favor of useBalloonToolbarPopper
  • removed useBalloonShow in favor of useBalloonToolbarPopper BalloonToolbar props:
  • removed direction in favor of popperOptions.placement
  • renamed scrollContainer to popperContainer



  • BalloonToolbar: removed hiddenDelay prop.


All UI packages

There was multiple instances of styled-components across all the packages. So we moved styled-components from dependencies to peer dependencies.


styled-components was not listed in your dependencies


Add styled-components to your dependencies



  • autoformatBlock:
    • signatude changed
// Before
  editor: TEditor,
  type: string,
  at: Location,
  options: Pick<AutoformatRule, 'preFormat' | 'format'>
// After
(editor: TEditor, options: AutoformatBlockOptions)
  • moved the checks from withAutoformat
  • autoformatInline:
    • renamed to autoformatMark
    • signatured changed
// Before
  editor: TEditor,
  options: Pick<AutoformatRule, 'type' | 'between' | 'markup' | 'ignoreTrim'>
// After
  editor: TEditor,
  options: AutoformatMarkOptions
  • AutoformatRule is now AutoformatBlockRule | AutoformatMarkRule | AutoformatTextRule;
    • mode: 'inline' renamed to mode: 'mark'
    • markup and between have been replaced by match: string | string[] | MatchRange | MatchRange[]: The rule applies when the trigger and the text just before the cursor matches. For mode: 'block': lookup for the end match(es) before the cursor. For mode: 'text': lookup for the end match(es) before the cursor. If format is an array, also lookup for the start match(es). For mode: 'mark': lookup for the start and end matches. Note: '_*', ['_*'] and { start: '_*', end: '*_' } are equivalent.
    • trigger now defaults to the last character of match or match.end (previously ' ')
  • the plugin now checks that there is no character before the start match to apply autoformatting. For example, nothing will happen by typing a*text*.