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Releases: twitter/twitter-server

Twitter-server 21.8.0

14 Aug 17:58
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Admin Endpoint Versions

  • Bump metric_metadata.json to version 3.2: CounterishGauge now exports with
    "kind": "counterish_gauge", instead of "counterish_gauge": "true"
  • Bump expressions.json to version 1.1: the labels field in the Metric
    Metadata Expressions output to return a dictionary instead of a well-defined
    JSON object. However, the existing fields in labels will be preserved for
    now. 4cda5ed0

Runtime Behavior Changes

  • Update ScalaCheck to version 1.15.4 2bd4d8b5

Twitter-server 21.6.0

22 Jun 20:21
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Runtime Behavior Changes

  • Sort sublinks from Admin UI alphabetically. d8e915d9
  • Added more information on how to enable/disable tracing in admin/tracing UI.
  • Resize stack module description table based on the width of the window in
    Downstream Clients and Listening Servers pages in Admin UI. e7b47f37

Twitter-server 21.5.0

29 May 01:48
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Twitter-server 21.4.0

28 Apr 18:12
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  • Change Metrics Metadata Endpoint to return a histogram's metadata when queried using the /admin/metrics.json
    full (suffixed) histogram name as the value for the name argument. 7ffed11c

Twitter-server 21.3.0

30 Mar 17:30
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Breaking API Changes

  • com.twitter.server.util.JsonConverter is divided into two Json mappers, JsonConverter
    and AdminJsonConverter. JsonConverter keeps the minimum configuration, for json mapping
    to/from twitter-server admin endpoints, AdminJsonConverter is configured to do so.
  • Json.scala and JsonConverter are merged, removed the Json.deserialize() methods.

Runtime Behavior Changes

Twitter-server 21.2.0

11 Feb 01:17
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Twitter-server 21.1.0

19 Jan 20:03
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  • Add separator_char field to the top level of the Metrics Metadata endpoint and bump the
    endpoints version number to 2.1. 38a437b8

Twitter-server 20.12.0

11 Dec 17:36
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  • Escape user-provided string from the returned text. This removes a potential vector for an XSS
    attack. e0aeb87e

Twitter-server 20.10.0

27 Oct 18:11
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Twitter-server 20.9.0

25 Sep 02:59
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  • Bump version of Jackson to 2.11.2. 86992eab
  • Encode the request URL names in /admin/clients/<client_name> and /admin/servers/<server_name>.
  • If a client connecting to an instance of TwitterServer is sending a client certificate,
    its expiry date (i.e. Not After) is now included as part of the information listed.

Breaking API Changes

  • Add relative_name field to metrics in the Metrics Metadata endpoint and bump the
    endpoints version number to 2.0. 8b49adea