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CM11.0 Build Instructions for CeloxHD

Setting Up The Source Tree

You will first need to follow the instructions at to setup and initialize your build environment.

Next, you will need to setup your working directory, download repo and init the CM10.2 repo in your new working directory:

1) mkdir ~/cm-11.0
2) cd ~/cm-11.0
3) curl > ~/bin/repo
4) chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
5) repo init -u git:// -b cm-11.0

The rest of the commands must be executed while in ~/cm-11.0

Syncing Additionl Repositories

To allow these additional repositories to be synced, you must create a file called local_manifest.xml at .repo/local_manifests:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_celox-common" path="device/samsung/celox-common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
  <project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_qcom-common" path="device/samsung/qcom-common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
  <project name="titanic-fanatic/android_device_samsung_celoxhd" path="device/samsung/celoxhd" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
  <project name="titanic-fanatic/android_vendor_samsung_celoxhd" path="vendor/samsung/celoxhd" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
  <project name="titanic-fanatic/android_kernel_samsung_msm8660-common" path="kernel/samsung/msm8660-common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
  <project name="titanic-fanatic/android_build_scripts" path="./" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
  <!--<project name="titanic-fanatic/android_device_samsung_msm8660-common" path="device/samsung/msm8660-common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
  <project name="titanic-fanatic/android_packages_apps_Settings" path="packages/apps/Settings" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />-->

NOTE: If you want to build in the Advanced Device Settings, un-comment the last two repositories to sync from my github instead of CyanogenMod.

Optimize your Linux installation for future rebuilds:

echo "export USE_CCACHE=1" >> ~/.bashrc
prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 20G
source ~/.bashrc

NOTE: 20GB cache here, but can be changed later

Build Script

There should be a build script located at the root of your working directory named This script should be used to start the build process:

./ [OPTION(s)]
    -c    Clobber out directory before build
    -s    Sync repositories before build
    -p    Sync pre-builts before build

The first time you run this script, assuming you have not already run a repo sync and/or syncing the CM pre-builts, should be run with the -sp options to allow all repositories and pre-builts to be synced before build.

NOTE: Only one command line argument will be accepted and all options can be combined into one command -csp (order of options is unimportant).

OPTIONAL: If you want to build ClockworkMod:

. build/
. build/tools/device/ cm_celoxhd-eng