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(Recycled) login-flow

This application demonstrates what a React-based register/login workflow might look like built with react-boilerplate v3.4.0, styled-components, redux, redux-saga and json-server.

It's based on a combination of login-flow by Max Stoiber (creator of the much loved styled-components and co-founder of and saga-login-flow by Juan Soto (also based on login-flow).

There are two default users (password in brackets) are Jona (whale) and Daniel (lion)` or you could just "signup".

Authentication Flow

The App/sagas.js file watches for the login / signup action to be dispatched by the login / signup form. The auth method (in js/utils/auth.js) is then called for authentication. Auth.js uses fakeRequest.js and fakeServer.js. fakeRequest is a fake XMLHttpRequest wrapper with a similar syntax to request.js. (FYI in login-flow it simulates network latency.) fakeServer responds to the fake HTTP requests and pretends to be a real server, posting the current users to http://localhost:3000/api/users with the passwords encrypted using bcrypt.

The json-server does not refresh automatically after posting, so in dev we just reroute to the login page with a success message.

Modifications to react-boilerplate

You'll find most of the ins-and-outs in the react-boilerplate docs, but here's a brief overview of some modifications that were made.


User data and hashes are stored in /api/db.json and json-server is setup to start up with the app. After running yarn start successfully, you should see your data when you go to http://localhost:3000/api/users.

The json-server setup can be found in server/index.js (require json-server and specify /api, line #14).


  • App-level sagas (see #1518 and #1545
  • Images / static files served from the /assets/ folder (line #15 in /app.js)
  • Removed intl / react-intl


  • Global variables in /components/Variables/index.js, import as needed
  • CSS Grid System (needs some TLC)

Getting started

  1. Clone / download this repo

  2. Run yarn install to install the dependencies.

  3. Run yarn start to start the local web server.

  4. Go to http://localhost:3000 and you should see the app running! (The api data is at http://localhost:3000/api/users)

(If you are running into strange undefined error, just make sure the requestURL in fakeServer.js is set to localhost.)


Check the instructions in the react-boilerplate docs.


  • Write tests
  • Add some documentation for the inputs