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Demo: Eris with CloudFlare and

How to deploy your own binary cache, using CloudFlare,, and Eris.

Table of Contents

The basic idea

The basic idea is pretty simple: we want to host a Nix binary cache – maybe for ourselves, our own private project, maybe for $WORK – and we want it to take little fuss, without being too expensive to run. Bandwidth is typically expensive at most providers, and serving tons of files over the network can actually be fairly CPU intensive for a cache that’s intended to be hit frequently. Also – it’d be nice to use NixOS, both for server administration, and since it comes with easy support for running Eris.

Getting started

Create a new instance

export PACKET_IP="abc.wx.y.z"
ssh "root@${PACKET_IP}" -- nixos-version

Configure your CloudFlare DNS settings

Now that your instance has been started, you should configure A and AAAA records for your public IPv4/IPv6 addresses that you were assigned by Packet.

Be sure to enable CloudFlare’s security and routing features by clicking on the “CloudFlare” icon! If you don’t do this, your requests will not route through CloudFlare, and you will be charged for egress cache bandwidth.

Once you have DNS records set up, you’re ready to deploy things. But you need to make one slight modification…

Important side note: disable all CloudFlare caching via Page Rules

At this point, there’s another important consideration we should take note of: turn off caching in CloudFlare for your cache site, via a Page Rule.

You might be wondering: /”Why would I want to do that? Don’t I want CloudFlare to cache my Nix objects?”/ and the answer is simple: you might want that, but more importantly, you want to act like a good neighbor for other CloudFlare customers.

Here’s the deal: CloudFlare and Packet have entered into an agreement called the Bandwidth Alliance, meaning traffic between the two systems is actually not billed in the same way as normal egress traffic. Effectively, any egress/ingress bandwidth between Packet and CloudFlare is totally free. Considering egress bandwidth prices are very expensive on most Cloud Providers, that’s an excellent thing to hear. This means that, for our binary cache, the only rates we pay are flat-fee rates, based on the hardware prices.

But at the same time, CloudFlare is not a cache for arbitrary content, and not an unlimited cache for freeloading. At least at one point, I believe CloudFlare’s EULA specifically ruled out “abusive” uses of their service such as loading large amounts of non-WWW content (images, css, html, etc) into the cache. It’s obviously geared for “web” content, and Nix binary objects for a package manager are pretty clear non-web uses. And while generally they aren’t stingy about free-tier users, constant abuse will (probably) be noticed, since you’re eating up disproportionate resources. After all, if you’re getting free bandwidth – it would be nice to be a good neighbor.

In particular, all of the cache space you use on big binary objects is cache space that could better go to other customers for their web content, especially customers in their free or lower-paid tiers. Of course, CloudFlare’s bandwidth is free, but we’re talking about their caches. Do you really want to abuse their cache, too, after you’re already leveraging their network for free egress?

I view this as a pretty reasonable tradeoff: free egress bandwidth, and we get CloudFlare’s features like DDOS protection and endpoint security, but we turn the cache off, and let the requests directly hit our servers. The least you can do is pay off your free egress by using some CPU cycles – especially since those cycles have flat-rate costs.

A good page rule might look like this, assuming your cache is intended to be available at http[s]://


Then, for the settings on this particular route, just be sure to enable Caching Level: Bypass. This applies to HTTP and HTTPS endpoints on all objects served by Eris, and completely disables caching for all of them.

Now your server is protected (origin IP obscured, DDOS protected, automatic SSL) – but you’re also acting like a good neighbor who won’t hurt other, more legitimate web-caching uses. Win-win!

Create a set of keys for signatures

By default, Nix requires packages that it downloads from trusted caches to be signed by a trusted, cryptographic key. We’ll quickly generate these keys for the demo.

First, ssh root@${PACKET_IP}, and then:

mkdir /etc/eris
nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key "${DOMAIN_NAME}-1" /etc/eris/ /etc/eris/
chown -R root:adm /etc/eris/
chmod 0640 /etc/eris/

The eris systemd service is dynamically made part of the adm group, so we modify the key files to be owned by that group, and chmod 0640 to allow owning user and group to read the private key.

Sync your NixOS hardware configuration

When you create a NixOS instance using, a large amount of prepopulated information about the instance is already provided. In true NixOS form, these settings are provided as a set of modules, by default available under the /etc/nixos/packet/ directory, on your instance. Your module simply needs to include /etc/nixos/packet.nix in order to use them.

For the purposes of this document, I’ll be building the NixOS closure image for my Packet machine locally, then copying it to the remote machine and deploying it.

Sync your configuration like so:

cd ./demo/
rsync -e ssh -rv root@"${PACKET_IP}":/etc/nixos/ packet

This will create a new ./demo/packet/ directory, containing the instance configuration data. We won’t be modifying this, we’ll just-reuse it.

Our configuration.nix has a line similar to the following:

  imports = [ ./packet/packet.nix ];
  # ... more configuration ...

With these files in the proper place, we can build our image locally, and push it to the remote server. All of the prepopulated hardware information (disks, hostname, etc) will be filled out automatically.

Build and copy the NixOS closure

This will build and copy the entire NixOS closure into the remote machine, using the correct hardware settings for the instance in question:

export Q=$(nix-build -QA system)
time nix copy --to "ssh://root@${PACKET_IP}" $Q

Deploy/switch the configuration

Now, simply switch the configuration. You can do this remotely.

ssh "root@${PACKET_IP}" -- "$Q"/bin/switch-to-configuration switch

Optional step: reboot

At this point, you can also reboot to ensure you have a clean startup (since doing upgrades across major NixOS versions can cause some glitches).

ssh "root@${PACKET_IP}" -- reboot

Ensure the Eris service is running

ssh "root@${PACKET_IP}" -- systemctl status eris-git

You should see the systemctl status output show you that eris.git is active and running. The journalctl logs will print out the startup information (in my example, for a cache server named

Oct 16 21:48:01 eris[12197]: [i] Eris: version X.YpreN_abcdef, mode = production (mojo 8.02)
Oct 16 21:48:01 eris[12197]: [i] libev: mode 4 (epoll), nix: ver 2.1.3, store: /nix/store
Oct 16 21:48:01 eris[12197]: [i] config: using file '/nix/store/ri9imndpl9bq4rf65wgsg9132gm1z1fj-eris.conf'
Oct 16 21:48:01 eris[12197]: [i] signing: user-specified, hostname =
Oct 16 21:48:01 eris[12197]: [i] public key:
Oct 16 21:48:01 eris[12197]: [i] Listening at "http://[::]:80"
Oct 16 21:48:01 eris[12197]: [i] Listening at "https://[::]:443"
Oct 16 21:48:01 eris[12197]: Server available at http://[::]:80
Oct 16 21:48:01 eris[12197]: Server available at https://[::]:443
Oct 16 21:48:01 systemd[1]: Started eris binary cache server.

Test by copying files to a local store

Now, you can test it by just copying an entire closure from the store somewhere locally. This will ensure you download the correct packages and all their dependencies into a new location, so you can test the throughput/bandwidth of the system.

As an example, we can just re-download the system closure we installed in the last step:

rm -rf test-store;
nix copy --from "https://${DOMAIN_NAME}" --to file://$(pwd)/test-store $Q

This should succeed in copying all the .nar files for your system closure directly into the ./test-store directory. Feel free to delete this – it’ll take up quite a bit of space – since it’s just a demonstration of everything working.

Done. What’s next?

You now have your own Nix binary cache! And it has fast, sustainable bandwidth, DDoS protection, and more. There are some other things you can do now:

Add the cache’s public key to your trusted-public-keys

Grab the public key:

curl https://${DOMAIN_NAME}/v1/public-key

Add this key to your nix.conf file under trusted-public-keys, or use the --option trusted-public-keys flag to set it on demand for individual commands. Set this up properly, and you’ll permanently have a cache you can call your own!

Push objects into the store from remote locations

Now that your server is up and running, you can just start tossin’ stuff in there! Use SSH access to copy whatever paths in you want out of your store:

nix copy --to "ssh://root@${PACKET_IP}" /nix/store/...

Afterwords, you’ll be able to download it later. Or, maybe you’ll leave it there forever and never even think about it again. Who knows!?

Look at your CloudFlare analytics

When you checkout your CloudFlare dashboard, you’ll be able to see how much bandwidth you’re pushing through the system. Even though your requests aren’t cached, they do pass through CloudFlare’s network, and thus are shown in analytic reports. Watch the numbers get higher and higher as time goes on, while you kick back in your comically-sized gigantic chair.

Start enabling private users

At this point, you probably have a boatload of treasure you’d like to keep safe. Turn on the users setting in the Eris configuration file (specified in configuration.nix), and keep sea-fairing pirates at bay.

Hack the config file further

The configuration file in this example is kept in the Nix store. But it might be better to keep it somewhere like /etc/eris/eris.conf, so you can update it yourself more easily.

You can also spice it up – maybe use $ENV{...} in your configuration file to read settings out of the system environment variables. Combine it with EnvironmentFile in systemd and who knows what could happen!

Do you have what it takes to refactor the code? (Of course you do.)

Check out the NixOS configuration and Eris module

Be sure to read the NixOS configuration in configuration.nix, as well as the Eris module (in ../module.nix), since they have some extra boondoggles. For example, it makes the build configuration more minimal, enables some newer features like TCP BBR, sets up custom NTP servers, and it also uses IP whitelist/blacklists to only allow CloudFlare to talk to the Eris HTTP server (so your egress bandwidth is only used by CloudFlare). Try adding a million more unnecessary features!

Try some more exotic deployments

As an alternative, hack the NixOS module to try and add some new features. For example, instead of making the server publicly available on the internet and using IP whitelisting to only allow CloudFlare IPs to talk to the HTTP endpoint, you could also try configuring CloudFlare’s Authenticated Origin Pulls to keep things safe. Or combine them. You could alternatively deploy the whole system using Argo Tunnel, which will completely remove the need for Eris to listen on the internet at all, as well as any end-to-end certificate management.

Hack the codebase itself

Want to implement something more daring? Everything is broken? Try writing a patch or submitting an issue and we’ll figure it out. Eris is written in Perl by an amateur, so there are probably trillions of bugs you can fix.