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GO Feature Flag Kotlin OpenFeature Provider for Android

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This OpenFeature provider is a Kotlin implementation for Android to communicate with the GO Feature Flag Server.

The OpenFeature Kotlin is experimental, and the provider is also experimental.
We don't recommend using this in production yet.

About this provider

GO Feature Flag provider allows you to connect to your GO Feature Flag instance with the OpenFeature Kotlin SDK.

This is a client provider made for Android, we do not recommend using it in a server environment.
If you want to use it in a server environment, you should use the Java provider.

What is GO Feature Flag?

GO Feature Flag is a simple, complete and lightweight self-hosted feature flag solution 100% Open Source.
Our focus is to avoid any complex infrastructure work to use GO Feature Flag.

This is a complete feature flagging solution with the possibility to target only a group of users, use any types of flags, store your configuration in various location and advanced rollout functionality. You can also collect usage data of your flags and be notified of configuration changes.

Install the provider





How to use the provider?

val evaluationContext = ImmutableContext(
    targetingKey = "0a23d9a5-0a8f-42c9-9f5f-4de3afd6cf99",
    attributes = mutableMapOf(
        "region" to Value.String("us-east-1"),
        "email" to Value.String("")

        options = GoFeatureFlagOptions(
            endpoint = "http://localhost:1031"
    ), evaluationContext

val client = OpenFeatureAPI.getClient("my-client")
if (client.getBooleanValue("my-flag", false)) {
    println("my-flag is enabled")

Available options

Option name Type Default Description
endpoint String endpoint is the URL where your GO Feature Flag server is located.
timeout Long 10000 (optional) timeout is the time in millisecond we wait for an answer from the server.
maxIdleConnections Int 1000 (optional) maxIdleConnections is the maximum number of connexions in the connexion pool.
keepAliveDuration Long 7200000 (optional) keepAliveDuration is the time in millisecond we keep the connexion open.
apiKey String (optional) If GO Feature Flag is configured to authenticate the requests, you should provide an API Key to the provider. Please ask the administrator of the relay proxy to provide an API Key.
retryDelay Long 300 (optional) delay in millisecond to wait before retrying to connect the websocket


If the connection to the GO Feature Flag instance fails, the provider will attempt to reconnect.

Event streaming

Event streaming is not implemented yet in the GO Feature Flag provider.

Features status

Status Feature Description
Flag evaluation It is possible to evaluate all the type of flags
Cache invalidation Websocket mechanism is in place to refresh the cache in case of configuration change
Logging Not supported by the SDK
Flag Metadata Not supported by the SDK
Event Streaming Not implemented
Unit test Not implemented

Implemented: ✅ | In-progress: ⚠️ | Not implemented yet: ❌